
How I Lit a Photo Using Only Candles and iPhone Flashlights

This article is about how you don't always need fancy lights for photo shoots: I recently shot the outdoor nighttime fantasy photo above, titled "The SpellBinder" and featuring Kara Markley, using only the light from candles and iPhone flashlights.

Photographer Caleb Charland on His Science-Inspired Photos

Artist Caleb Charland has made a name for himself in the world of photography with his creative photos inspired by scientific curiosity. In the 6.5-minute video above, Charland discusses how he illuminates the natural world through photos and how he's inspired by the world of early experimental photographers.

How to Create a Window Reflection Effect in Photoshop

Window reflection portraits are a popular style, but you don't need to live near an empty cafe on a busy New York City street (do those even exist?) to create a photo like this. The effect is pretty easy to replicate in Photoshop in just a few steps.

Watch Two Artists Literally Grow a Photograph on a Living Wall of Grass

We first told you about the living work of artists Heather Ackroyd and Dan Harvey back in 2012. Their unique brand of portrait 'printing' involves literally growing a photo onto a wall of grass and displaying the result. Now we get to hear from the artists themselves in this revealing video.

Generic Instagram Shots… Done Badly

For his bachelor thesis project, titled "notwinstagram," German artist Daniel Reuber decided to flip Instagram fads on their head. Instead of creating picture-perfect Instagram shots that show (or fake) a wonderful life, Reuber decided to show what those same shots would look like for someone with a very sad life.

How to Use a Prism to Capture Creative Wedding Photos

I was delighted this week to see that one of my photographs from a recent wedding was selected as an ‘award winner’ in the ‘All About the Light’ category ISPWP’s quarterly competition. Even more so that the founder, Joe Milton, had selected it as his ‘photo of the day’ yesterday! Here is how I made this image.

Astrophotographer Proposes with a 360-Degree Photo

When astrophotography enthusiast Stephen King of Yakima, Washington, asked his then-girlfriend Andrea to marry him recently, he did so in a creative and unusual way: with a 360-degree night sky photo inside a Google Cardboard VR viewer.

Sheep View 360: An Island Country’s Makeshift Street View

Faroe Islands is an island country halfway between Norway and Iceland. It features some of the world's most beautiful roads, but those routes haven't been traversed by Google's Street View camera cars. So, the country decided to take matters into its own hands by mapping the island with sheep-mounted 360-degree cameras. It's called Sheep View 360.

I Strummed My Tripod During a Photo of Fireworks and Got a Cool Effect

My name is Adam van Alderwerelt, and I'm an amateur photographer living in Maui, Hawaii. Out here, there's only one location on the whole island that gets a permit from the local government to use aerial fireworks. Otherwise, it's completely illegal.

This Photographer Points His Camera the ‘Wrong Way’ at Famous Places

Do a search for the world's most famous landmarks, and you'll find an endless stream of photos captured by tourists from all kinds of angles. But the photos you'll find probably don't look like photographer Oliver Curtis' images. For his project Volte-face, Curtis visited iconic landmarks and pointed his camera in the opposite direction.

Spot the Golden Ratio Anywhere with This Nifty Pocket-Sized Card

The golden ratio (or golden mean, or golden section, or divine proportion, or whatever you want to call it) is the subject of heated debate among photographers. But if you love using the golden ratio when you shoot, you should definitely check out this creative little pocket-sized card.

You Can Make a ‘Centriphone’ Using a Wooden Coat Hanger

Back in February 2016, skier Nicolas Vuignier captured the worlds imagination with a video shot using his "Centriphone," a plastic glider that lets you swing a camera around your head and have the lens constantly pointed toward you. For their latest music video, Indie pop duo Matt & Kim created their own centriphone... using a wooden coat hanger and some fishing wire.

The Cleverly Composed Photos of Denis Cherim

Photographer Denis Cherim of Madrid, Spain, says that writing is not one of his strengths. Instead, he chooses to tell stories with pictures instead of words. He has a knack for spotting moments in which the subjects and shadows of his scenes line up in special ways.