
How to Turn the Sky Into Pyramids by Rotating Your Camera

My latest photo series, Pyramids In The Sky, was inspired when my wife and I visited the Mayan Ruins of Chacchoben while on a cruise in 2015. I have always been intrigued by ancient civilizations and how they were able to build these massive structures, seeing the pyramids in person was an inspiring experience.

This is What Horses Look Like from Below

Everyone knows what a horse looks like, but have you ever looked up at a horse from below? Photographer Andrius Burba wants to show you what this unusual perspective looks like through his latest project, titled Under-Horse.

Pixar Teaches You How Cameras Work in This Free Online Class

Khan Academy recently teamed up with the team at Pixar to create a free online course for people who are interested in seeing how Pixar artists "do their jobs." But lest you think there's nothing there for photographers, think again. One of the classes in this course will definitely appeal to still shooters.

Turn a Cheap Vintage Lens into a DIY Selective Focus Lens for $10

Lensbaby's creative selective focus lenses like the Composer Pro will run you around $400; even the relatively affordable Spark costs $90. If all of that sounds too expensive for your taste, you should definitely check out this hacked version Mathieu Stern created for just 30 bucks!

50,000 Film Canisters Were Crushed to Create These Cubes

On May 2nd, 2016, Melbourne, Australia-based independent photo lab Hillvale developed its 50,000th roll of film since opening its doors in 2013. To commemorate the milestone, the lab decided to crush its massive stockpile of empty canisters into cube pieces of art.

This Hyperlapse Was Made from 3,305 Google Maps Screenshots

Today is Google Maps' 12th birthday, and graphic design student Matteo Archondis is paying the platform homage in a really cool way. A fan of timelapse and hyperlapse techniques, Archondis created a visual hyperlapse tour of the world using only screenshots taken within Google Maps.

Photos of Volleyball Stars Spiking the Sun

Back in 2015, photographer Dustin Snipes shot a viral series of photos for Red Bull showing NBA star Anthony Davis dunking the Sun. He recently revisited the concept by shooting USA volleyball stars using the Sun as a ball on the beach.

I Used a Smartwatch to Turn a Vintage Camera Into a Digital Slideshow

Last fall, in preparation for a fair for my wedding photography business in Helsinki, I wanted to create something out-of-the-ordinary that would attract attention to my booth. A friend of mine suggested a type of vintage camera that visitors could look through.

Vintage camera with a mini slideshow inside? Sounds like a plan!

This Guy Printed a Flipbook of Himself Flipping a Flipbook

YouTube user StupotMcDoodlepip created this video turned an animated GIF into a flipbook, shot a video of himself flipping that flipbook, printed the still frames of that video into a new flipbook, and recorded the above video. It's an 11-second video of himself flipping a flipbook that shows himself flipping a flipbook.

How to Develop Black & White Film for Extreme Contrast and Detail

The world of analog photography surprises me a bit more every day! I recently read about a technique called Stand Development, so I have decided to try it myself. For those of who never heard of it before, let me explain you the differences between it and a normal development process.

Photographer Turns LEGO Bricks Into Foods and Things

Back in November 2015, Polish photographer Michał Kulesza decided to start a daily photo project in which he would shoot one creative photo involving LEGO bricks every day. He decided to capture the famous bricks as everyday foods and objects.

This Drone Footage of a Runner Looks Like a 2D Video Game

Check out this creative "2D" video of an urban parkour-style runner, shot top-down using a drone. It's like old video game views, recreated in real life. The 3.5-minute project was created over in Bulgaria by athlete and stunt artist Ilko Iliev and photographer Marin Kafedjiiski.