
This One Teen Was Behind Two Major Drone Stories

Austin Haughwout has a knack for getting drones featured in news stories... and usually not in a positive light. The 18-year-old's name first appeared here back in 2014 when he captured viral video of himself getting attacked by a woman on a beach. She claimed that he was being a "pervert" and was using his camera drone to photograph girls in bikinis.

GoPro Captures Mom Giving Birth in Passenger Seat on Way to Hospital

A viral GoPro video is taking the Web by storm, and this one has nothing to do with extreme sports. Instead, it shows the miracle of life. The 4-minute video above captures an entire childbirth in the passenger seat of a car while the mother is being rushed to the hospital. (Note: there's no nudity, but this is a video of childbirth).

Viral: Zookeepers Are Recreating Chris Pratt’s Pose in Jurassic World

There's a new viral photo fad that's sweeping the world in the wake of Jurassic World's blockbuster opening. One of the heavily publicized scenes from the film shows actor Chris Pratt with a few dinosaurs inside an enclosure. Now real-life zookeepers (and ordinary folk) at major zoos around the world are doing their best to recreate that shot in humorous parody photos.

The Praying Monks, or: How Quickly False Facts Can Spread for Viral Photos

It's pretty common for great images to go viral on social media sites, but what happens when a photo goes viral with an incorrect caption... twice? Bangkok-based photographer Luke Duggleby recently experienced that firsthand when his 2010 image of 40,000 Thai monks in prayer at the Dhammakaya Temple made the rounds on social media following the Nepal earthquake, captioned as "100,000 monks in prayer after the Nepal earthquake as a necessary gesture of power." Years ago, the image had gone viral in a similar fashion, only that time it was captioned "praying monks in Myanmar."

Guy Given Second Trip with Family After Sad Vacation Photos Go Viral

Some months ago, 34-year-old telecom worker Kevin Blandford of Louisville, Kentucky, won a free vacation to Puerto Rico from his job. His daughter was too young to make the trip at the time, so she and his wife stayed home. Blandford decided to document the entire trip with a series of sad-faced portraits showing that he wasn't having a single second of fun without his family. Those photos went viral after he shared them online, racking up millions of views.

They were so popular, in fact, that the hotel in Puerto Rico and an ad agency noticed and decided to pay for a second identical trip for Blandford's entire family. Blandford took the opportunity to recreate each one of his original sad photos as a happy family portrait.

This Restaurant Made Special Plates for Smartphone Food Photos

If you can't help but snap a smartphone photo before eating a meal, there's a restaurant in Israel that has a new concept designed just for you. The Tel Aviv restaurant Catit and Carmel Winery have teamed up for a new project called Foodography. It's a new meal experience that features newly designed plates that help you shoot quality food photos with your smartphone.

Family Portrait with ‘Ghost Dad’ Goes Viral

Photographer Kayli Rene has captured quite a few family portraits for clients, but a somewhat unusual one has captured the world's attention. It's a photo she made recently for Sierra Sharry, the mother of a 6 month old boy who lost her husband in an accident last year. At Sharry's request, Rene included the husband as a ghostly figure in the shot.

The resulting photo (shown above) has seen been "liked" by hundreds of thousands of people and has been featured on news shows and websites across the country.

How I Created Those Viral Photos Showing a Beautiful Flipped Iceberg, From Start to Finish

Last month, a number of my photos showing a flipped iceberg went viral online and in the media. The video above is a 15-minute overview of what it was like shooting in Antarctica, the gear used to capture the images, and a little bit on the release process and how I manage outreach. I’ll elaborate below, but do watch the video as it includes some video of the iceberg which I haven’t shared previously.

How I Created This Viral Puddle Reflection Picture in Photoshop

My name is Michael Pistono, and I'm a 28-year-old photo enthusiast living in Honolulu, Hawaii. I was recently playing around with a reflection photo when I had the idea of creating another one out of a puddle -- one that featured both tall buildings and an airplane.

The photo I ended up creating in Photoshop (shown above) went viral online. Here's a look at how it was made.

This is What Little Puppies Look Like When They’re Shaking Off Water

There's a rule of thumb when it comes to viral dog photography: what's cute with dogs is going to be twice as cute when you shrink your subjects down to puppies.

Photographer Seth Casteel did it with Underwater Dogs and the sequel Underwater Puppies, and we are very happy to inform you that animal photographer Carli Davidson recently decided to take her viral SHAKE photos of dogs and create the photo series and book SHAKE Puppies.

Creative Couple Pose as Indy and Professor Jones for Viral 21st Anniversary Pic

If you're gonna do an anniversary picture, THIS is the way to do it. After hundreds of Redditors last year pointed out his resemblance to Sean Connery -- thanks in large part to his penchant for fedoras and his grizzled look -- 'Hillbilly at Large' and photographer Ken Thomas and his wife decided to capitalize on the look with a fun 21st anniversary photo.

Dressed up as Indy and Professor Jones, the two hopped in Thomas's Ural motorcycle and sidecar and snapped what has to be one of the most creative anniversary pics we've ever seen -- a photo that has since taken off like crazy on both Facebook and Reddit.

Would You Pay $35,000 to Buy the Only Print of This Gorgeous Cape Town Photograph?

The general consensus is that photography as a business is competing in a 'race to the bottom.' Photographs are regularly devalued by people who steal them, agencies that sell them for a pittance, and photographers who are willing to work for free.

Given this rapidly worsening status-quo, wedding and commercial photographer Greg Lumley's latest venture is either incredibly ballsy, or incredibly naïve: he's trying to sell a single print of his viral aerial photograph of Cape Town for $35,000... no we didn't add a zero by mistake.

Bali Underwater Shipwreck Fantasy Shoot Part 2: How It All Came Together

Montreal-based photographer Benjamin Von Wong's underwater fantasy fashion shoot in a Bali shipwreck has quickly become the most popular project he has ever released. And even though he shared some behind the scenes details when the series first debuted, he's back today with a much more detailed look at how exactly these now-viral photos came to be.

Convict Becomes Famous Meme After His ‘Beautiful’ Mugshot Goes Viral

Mugshots aren't exactly known as the height of beautiful portrait photography, but 30-year-old felon Jeremy Meeks' mugshot is something else entirely. Within 24 hours of the photo being posted on the Stockton Police Department's Facebook, Meeks' glamour shot had received over 23,000 likes and nearly 6,000 comments... as of this writing those numbers are up to over 87,000 likes and over 11,300 comments.

It's safe to say this image has gone well and truly viral, turning Meeks into a meme and sparking everything from Photoshop spoofs to a 'Free Jeremy' Twitter campaign.

Photographer Captures Spectacular Floral Display in the Middle of Parched Wasteland

When the term decisive moment gets thrown around, it's usually used to describe a photographic moment that is fleeting -- the kind of street photograph that's there one instant and gone the next.

But the moments captured in these stunning landscape images by photographer Guy Tal are also decisive, not for their fleeting nature, but their rarity.

Girl from Viral #BringBackOurGirls Photo is Not a Kidnapped Nigerian Schoolgirl

Photographer and filmmaker Ami Vitale has been to Guinea-Bissau three times -- in 1993, 2000 and 2011 -- for the Alexia Foundation, bringing back powerful photographs that show a different, more hopeful side of Africa.

And yet, somehow, three of those images have this week become the viral face of a Twitter campaign meant to raise awareness about a group of Nigerian girls who were kidnapped from their school by a terrorist organization called Boko Haram in mid-April.

Touching Portraits of 3 Young Girls Battling Cancer Help Inspire and Raise Awareness

After having a close friend lose a one-year-old to cancer years ago, and watching her stepfather battle this all-too-prevalent beast today, Oklahoma–based photographer Lora Scantling was inspired.

Inspired to create an image, or a series of images, that show the strength of and give encouragement to those who are battling the disease, as well as those who are watching someone go through it.

Saving Eliza: Working a Photographic Miracle (Part I)

Can you imagine photography saving a life? Or forget life, lives? Hundreds, thousands of lives saved... and the catalyst for it all a photo community dedicated to proving they can make a difference.

Over the next couple of weeks, the photographic community has the chance to work a bonafide miracle. A little girl in South Carolina is dying of a degenerative disease, and it’s in all of our power to help cure her. Together with Benjamin Von Wong, we’re going to embark on a journey to tell this little girl’s story to the world, and write in the happy ending ourselves...

Twitter Accounts Dedicated to Crediting & Debunking Viral Photos Picking Up Steam

In a world where viral photo sharing accounts (such as HistoryInPics) are popping up at an insane pace, it's a necessity that there be counterparts that do their best to verify, fact-check, and credit the images these accounts share.

This increasingly necessary job has recently been taken over by a small group of accounts dedicated to doing exactly that: verifying the legitimacy of the images being shared, and making sure the original creator of the images is being properly credited.

Invisible: Laura Williams Talks About Her Surreal Self-Portrait that Went Viral

Surreal self-portraits from young photographers are nothing new. In fact, one could say there are almost too many of them out there. But that makes it that much more impressive when a young photog breaks out of the pack and catches the attention of the masses.

That's exactly what 18-year-old photographer and college student Laura Williams did with her viral self-portrait series 'Invisible.'

LEGOgrapher Tours the World in Viral 365 Project Shot on an iPhone 4S

Human photographers aren't the only ones dragging their cameras to every corner of the globe in search of the decisive moment. As it turns out, a little LEGO man spent a year doing the same thing as part of life-sized human photographer Andrew Whyte's fun 'The Legographer' series.