Gannon Burgett

Articles by Gannon Burgett

Masai Warriors, Elephants and Giraffes All Made an Appearance at This Stunning Wedding in Kenya

Wedding photographer Jonas Peterson has captured dozens of beautiful weddings all over the world. But even with his impressive resume and archive of incredible images, he says a wedding he recently shot in Masai Mara, Kenya might just top them all.

“I’ve traveled the world and shot weddings pretty much everywhere, but no place blew my mind in the same way Masai Mara did,” Peterson tells us in an email. “I secretly almost dreaded shooting the wedding there, knowing how difficult it is to shoot images that represent a place, especially during the constraints of a wedding day.”

Photo Shoot with a 15-Year-Old Elk Hunter Challenges Photographer’s Views On Hunting

Recently, after a decade as a successful wedding photographer and another decade as a professional snowboarder, photographer Hillary Maybery decided to switch it up a bit and start shooting more commercial lifestyle and fashion work.

But her favorite type of work is personal work. And it’s her personal desire for continued growth and variety that led her to challenge her own pre-conceptions and create an interesting photo series that follows a 15-year-old girl who loves to elk hunt.

New Report Shows Solid State Drives Can Take Over 1,000 Years of Data-Writing Abuse

Media storage has come a long way since the days of the room-sized 3.75MB hard disk drives (HDDs) you had to carry around with a fork lift. Most recently, solid state drives (SSDs) have taken over, providing a much more durable means of storing your media, since there are no moving parts inside.

But just how durable are we talking here? It turns out, very. The Tech Report recently put six different drives through the wringer, and it’s been concluded that today’s SSDs will last a thousand years of use -- long enough to last until we find the technology to start literally storing data in the clouds.

Photographer Has Identity Stolen, Gets Her Revenge with a Covert Photo Project

In 2011, photographer Jessamyn Lovell was at San Francisco gallery SF Camerawork when her wallet was stolen. Not long after, the unauthorized charges started pouring in.

Infuriated at what was taking place, Lovell decided to track down her thief rather than simply replace her cards and move on with her life. In doing so, she turned this art gallery mishap into an art project all its own.

Blackout Time-Lapse: This is What the London Skyline Would Look Like if You Could See the Milky Way

UK-based photographer Nicholas Buer wanted to see what the view over London would look like if the city skies were void of the light pollution that illuminates the streets long after the sun has set.

Camera gear ready and with a plan of attack, he got to it, cleverly piecing together Blackout City, an awe-inspiring time-lapse that shows what the skyline of London would look like if there were ever a complete blackout and you could see the milky way.

Researchers Develop 2D Camera Capable of Shooting 100 Billion Frames Per Second

Biomedical researchers at the University of Washington have created what they claim to be the world’s fastest 2D ‘receive-only’ camera. Just how fast exactly? Up to 100 billion frames per second with the help of a technological process called Compressed Ultrafast Photography.

This allows the scientists to SEE laser light moving... actually watch it move... think about that for a second (or 100 billion frames).

The Photographer’s Sandbag Has Evolved… and Become the Donut-Like WaterWeight

When you're shooting on-location, you often want to pack as light as possible to minimize the physical effort needed to set things up. Just one problem: you're probably going to need to carry around big, cumbersome sandbags in order to hold down all that ultra-light gear you packed.

Here to change the game is WaterWeight, a creative reinvention of the sandbag by the folks at Inspired Photo Gear. Small, portable and versatile, these little beasts ensure that your lights will be staying right where you need them without weighing you down on the way to the shoot.

Taxi Driver Captures Black-and-White Portraits of His Most Eclectic Passengers

The life of a taxi driver can be a strange one... to put it mildly. South Wales native Mike Harvey found this out first hand when he decided to take up the job to help fund his desire to travel the world. From drunk pregnant women running away without paying, to illicit drug offers instead of payment, Harvey has seen the full array of eclectic personalities South Wales has to offer.

At some point, Harvey decided to pick up a DSLR and capture his short-term travel companions. And now that he’s since given up the life of a taxi driver, he's decided to share a handful of the portraits he took during his time in the front seat.

Photographer Captures ‘Manhattan in Motion’ in Engaging Time-Lapse

New York-based photographer Josh Owens spent over a month a few years back bringing New York City to life in the time-lapse above called Manhattan in Motion. Using three cameras, a motion dolly, a special intervalometer and a lot of planning, he was able to capture the always-changing cityscape in an engaging and fresh light that few time-lapses have been able to match, much less beat.

F-Stop Gear Is Creating a Camera Backpack Designed Specifically for Women

With the exception of color choices, more often than not, photography gear is designed to be unisex. This isn’t inherently an issue, but when it comes down to it, there’s no denying that male and female bodies differ from one another in certain respects.

It would make sense, then, that wearable gear be designed to reflect these differences, right? F-Stop Gear thinks so, which is why they've decided to design a camera backpack built specifically for women.

Simeon Quarrie Calls Out the Trolls, Speaks to the Hazardous Reality of Negative Comments Online

Simeon Quarrie is a talented, well-respected wedding photographer based out of the UK. But despite his impressive portfolio, humble attitude, and dedication to his work, when he shares it online, people inevitably come out of the woodwork to tear into the most minute details, oftentimes without even bothering to put his work in proper context.

It’s these individuals that inspired Quarrie to sit down with a camera before a recent shoot and spill his thoughts on trolls: the overly and unnecessarily critical individuals who slam and bring down the work we all share online.

Meet The Man Who Documented the Entire History of ZEISS Cameras in a 1,300-Page 7.7-Pound Book

You would be hard-pressed to find anyone who knows as much about ZEISS as Bernd K. Otto. From the company's entry into the photography world in 1890, to its long-lived history and reputation throughout the 20th century, Otto’s knowledge and passion for the company led him to create Carl Zeiss Kamera-Register 1902–2012, the most comprehensive anthology of ZEISS cameras in existence.

Camera App and Attachment Turns Any Smartphone Into an Eye Exam Lab On-The-Go

Smartphones have revolutionized the way we go about our everyday lives. And while more often than not they’re used for more trivial tasks, there are times where their ubiquity and decreasing costs play a vital role in far more meaningful endeavors.

One such case is Peek Retina, a smartphone camera adapter and accompanying app that enables anyone with the know-how to perform an extensive eye exam on anyone... anywhere. The humanitarian potential is obvious.

Unique Time-Lapse Turns Vienna Into a Living Snow Globe

Few countries celebrate Christmas as beautifully as Austria. Vienna in particular is known for its buildings adorned in decorations, streets illuminated by lights, and seasonal markets called ‘Christkindlmarkt.’

It’s these festive elements that inspired time-lapse production team FilmSpektakel to create a unique time-lapse of Vienna’s winter wonderland -- unique because the whole thing is captured refracted through a snow globe.

Star Wars Episode VII Trailer Recreated in Awesome LEGO Stop Motion Animation

This is going to be a VERY long year, and we have J.J. Abrams to blame. Since its release on Friday, the trailer for Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens has swept across the Internet like a wildfire.

But as with almost anything viral, it hasn’t completely taken its course until it’s been parodied and recreated a handful of times. This viral sensation is no exception, and we have our first viral attempt thanks to LEGO fanatic Snooperking, who recreated the entire trailer from start to finish using stop motion animation.

Video: How to Capture Astrophotography Images Without a Star Tracker

In astrophotography, a star tracker is a piece of gear that compensates for the Earth’s rotation so you can take sharp long exposure photographs of the night sky.

Unfortunately, not everyone can get their hands on one of these, and so we've dug up this awesome tutorial by astrophotographer Forrest Tanaka on how to capture impressive astrophotography images without a star tracker.

Tutorial: How to Batch Process Your RAW Time-Lapse Photography

Time-lapse photography seems pretty straightforward, right? You just capture a stream of images over a designated time frame and put them together in post-production to create your video. But as simple as that may sound, there are a few basic elements to the post-processing of your images that can greatly alter what the final product will look like.

Here to go over just a few of those basics, including batch-editing for color correction, de-flickering images and more, is J.P. Morgan of The Slanted Lens.