
This is What Happens When a Drone is Struck by Lightning

Ever wondered what would happen if your fancy DJI Phantom drone got struck by lightning while you were out flying it? Well, wonder no more. Thanks to YouTuber Tom Scott and the University of Manchester High Voltage Lab, we can watch it happen... twice.

Watch a Trained Police Eagle Take Down a Drone

Shady drone pilots take note: the eagles are coming for you. Dutch police began training eagles to take down illegal drones at the beginning of 2016. Now, eight months later, it's time to demonstrate how well these trained eagles do their job.

Researchers Create Software for Designing Pro Drone Shots in a Virtual World

As camera drones become increasingly popular as a relatively cheap and easy way to capture aerial photos and videos, there are more and more stories in the news of drone accidents being caused by poor piloting. For those who wish to capture pro-quality shots without having to worry about piloting drones themselves, a group of researchers at Stanford want to help: they've create a computer tool that lets you create a shot virtually and then have a camera drone automatically turn it into real footage.

Micro Drone 3.0 is a Cheap Camera Drone That Fits in the Palm of Your Hand

The prospect of cheaply and easily capturing photos and footage from the skies is one of the many aspects that makes camera drones so alluring. With Extreme Flier’s successful funding of the Micro Drone 3 on Indiegogo, it looks like technology that was once exclusive to those with deep pockets will soon be available for less than $200. Featuring computer assisted flying, still photos, live-streaming HD video, and a modular design, the Micro Drone 3 might truly be a drone for everyone to enjoy.

Camera Drones Are Getting in the Way of Firefighters Battling Wildfires

Flying an aerial drone over a raging fire can be quite problematic, so much so that it can endanger the rescue and recovery abilities of fire officials. Recently, two incidents created difficulties for fire officials trying to battle a 24,000-acre wildfire in Southern California. The drones were flown into airspace over the blaze that then prevented the department from using aircrafts in subduing the fire.

Man Wins Lawsuit Against Neighbor Who Shot Down Drone with Shotgun

There have been multiple stories of drones getting shot out of the sky with shotguns in the past couple of years. Last November, we reported that a New Jersey man was arrested after shooting down a camera drone that was taking pictures over his property.

Now another drone pilot, Eric Joe, has just won a lawsuit against a disgruntled neighbor who blasted Joe's hexacopter out of the sky with a shotgun.

The B-Unstoppable is the World’s First Camera Tank Quadcopter Drone

If quadcopters haven’t yet caught your interest then maybe the B-Unstoppable hybrid drone will be the first. A Kickstarter project created by a company named ‘B’ aims to introduce the first commercially available hybrid tank-quadcopter to market. With the flip of a switch, your drone can transform from a dirt-barreling tank into a sky-flying aircraft while capturing footage the entire time via an optional 720p HD camera.

GoPro Camera Drone Will Be Released in 2016

GoPro is officially getting into the camera drone industry. After rumors had been swirling since late last year, GoPro founder and CEO Nick Woodman announced yesterday that the company is building its own quadcopter, and that the drone is set to launch in the first half of 2016.

SmartChutes is a Safety Parachute That Can Save the Life of Your Camera Drone

Aerial photography drones are highly useful pieces of technology that help us to broaden our visual horizons. However, popular consumer drones, from companies such as DJI, can cost well over a thousand dollars - something you certainly want to be careful with while flying. A new product on Kickstarter, SmartChutes, believes that they can help you to protect your drone in the event of a catastrophic mechanical failure or pilot error.

AirMap Lets You Look Up Where You Can Legally Fly Your Camera Drone

If you're getting into drone photography, it's important to know where you can and can't fly -- otherwise you could find your activities in the news for all the wrong reasons. AirMap is a new free, comprehensive, and interactive digital map that's designed specifically to help drone users find safe and legal airspace around them.

Airliner Nearly Collides with a Drone During Landing in Dallas

Some drone operator gave a pilot a scare this past Tuesday after flying the quadcopter way too close to an airport. A Virgin America flight reportedly came within 200 feet of the drone while landing at Dallas Love Field airport. To put that distance in perspective, consider this: the Airbus A319 airplane involved has a wingspan of about 117 feet.

Report: GoPro Plans to Start Making Its Own Camera Drones Next Year

DJI better watch out, because the camera that is commonly attached to its most popular line of Drones might soon have a drone of its very own. That's right, we're talking about GoPro, and the Wall Street Journal claims the company is planning to release its own line of drones next year.

This Drone-on-a-Leash is Hoping to Become the Aerial Photographer’s Best Friend

Aerial photography drones are more ubiquitous than ever. But as wonderful as they are for documenting the world around us from a bird's-eye view, they inherently come with a number of safety and regulatory issues.

Solving these woes in a creative and somewhat strange way is Sergei Lupashin, who has created a clever little device called the Fotokite. Essentially, he put the camera drone on a leash.

This Camera-Equipped Quadcopter is Small Enough to Fit In Your Pocket

If you’ve been waiting to get your hands on a camera-capable drone but lack the funds and willpower to lug the device around are stopping you, an upcoming product from AeriCam might be a great fit.

It’s called the Anura and is a pocket-sized drone that folds up to the size of a couple of iPhone 6s stacked on top of each other.

Please Don’t Be the One to Get Drones Banned

Photography drones are facing a perilous atmosphere of distrust and legal chaos. In these circumstances, even small mistakes can have big consequences. A shift in public sentiment against private drone usage could easily result in the application of restrictive regulations, or perhaps even conditional bans.

NYPD Air Traffic Control Recording Tells a Different Side of Near-Crash Drone Story

Yesterday, the story of two DJI Phantom quadcopters endangering an NYPD helicopter made the rounds online. Initial reports claimed that the two 'drones' were flying right at the helicopter forcing the NYPD pilot to take evasive action before following the Phantoms back to their source and taking the RC pilots into custody.

The air traffic control recording and several statements from the pilots themselves, however, seem to run contrary to what the NYPD is claiming, making it look like the helicopter was never in danger and, in fact, chased down the pilots with no idea what to even charge them with.

Aerial Photo Company Gets Cops Called on Them After Drone Startles Naked Woman

Update on 12/16/21: This video has been removed by its creator.

Portland-based aerial photography company Skyris Imaging found themselves in an awkward situation earlier this week when a not-fully-clothed woman was startled by a camera drone hovering outside of her 26th-floor apartment in Seattle and, naturally, called the police.