
Portrait and Headshot Retouching with Luminar Neo

Portrait retouching can get overwhelming sometimes with the steps you need to take to make your shots look absolutely perfect. Maybe these steps aren't that hard, but they can definitely be very time-consuming, so finding any way to speed this process up to make better and more efficient use of your time is a high priority for every photographer. Using Luminar Neo to tackle these steps can make retouching a breeze using just a few tools and leveraging some of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) built into the application.

Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot a Story?

When browsing Instagram, it could be tempting to take a screenshot of a Story, particularly since the content is always changing, advancing to the next Story after only a few seconds. If you give in to that urge, you might wonder if the owner of the account gets notified about your interest and that you saved an image from their story or feed.

Pixelmator Pro

You Can Now Edit Video in Pixelmator Pro

Pixelmator Pro version 3.2, codenamed Lumiere, adds the ability to edit videos. This also opens the door for editors to create moving designs and export animated image formats which brings it even further in line with Adobe Photoshop.

Picflow: Professional Client Gallery And Proofing Workflow Simplified

The recently launched client gallery and photo proofing service, Picflow, was developed with the purpose of making it easier for photographers to communicate and deliver to their clients. While the service may look rather straightforward and simplistic, there are a lot of useful and powerful advanced tools hiding behind the scenes that are sure to improve the workflow for any working photographer.

All Topaz Labs Image Enhancement Apps on SALE: Save at 25%+ Until 12/2

Video processing workflow will never be the same. With Topaz Video AI you can easily upscale up to 4K or 8K, enhance, sharpen, eliminate noise, stabilize, and adjust frame rate. And that’s just one of the many image-enhancing apps from Topaz Labs that are on sale NOW.


How to Remove a Background Using Luminar Neo’s Background Removal AI Extension

Want to easily remove the background from a photo using the power of artificial intelligence? There's a powerful new tool that can help you do just that. It's a new extension of Skylum's Luminar Neo called Background Removal AI, and in this article we will show you both what it is and how you can use it.

How to Download Photos from iCloud

With Apple's iCloud, it's easy to download photos from your online photo library to any device. If you own an iPhone, iPad, or Mac this can be set up to happen automatically. From a Windows computer, there are a few more steps required and the same is true for an Android phone or tablet.