
This is an Infrared Photo of Jupiter

Scientists have created the highest-resolution photos of Jupiter ever captured from the ground, including this gorgeous infrared photo created by stacking a large number of exposures.

This is Cassini’s Last Photo of Saturn After 13 Years in Orbit

On September 15, 2017, NASA's Cassini space probe plunged into Saturn's atmosphere and burned up, concluding its mission after 13 years in orbit. Two days earlier, Cassini used its wide-angle cameras and captured this beautiful final photo of the planet it had studied for over a decade.

These Photos Show Jupiter From ‘Above’ and ‘Below’

When you think of the planet Jupiter, you probably think of that giant striped planet with the Great Red Spot anticyclonic storm swirling across the face. But that's just one way of looking at Jupiter.

The photo above, created with images from NASA's Cassini space probe, shows what Jupiter looks like from directly above the north pole.

A Photo of a Sunset Over the Mountains of Pluto

NASA has released a spectacular new photo of Pluto that was captured by its New Horizons spacecraft during the flyby on July 14th, 2015. This latest one shows a near-sunset view of the icy mountains on Pluto surface, poking up on a curved horizon.

This is How Our Photos of Pluto Have Improved Over the Years

Pluto was first discovered on February 18, 1930, by a 23-year-old man named Clyde Tombaugh, who compared photos captured 6 days apart and discovered the dwarf planet moving between the two shots. Since then, scientists have created numerous photos of Pluto over the years, but none clearer than the ones NASA made over the past week with the New Horizons space probe.

Here's a look at how mankind's view of Pluto has gotten sharper over the years as we've pointed better (and closer) cameras at it.

This Time-Lapse Shows the Passing of a Day on Earth From 22,000 Miles Away

Since late 2014, Japan's Himawari 8 weather satellite has been in stationary orbit above New Guinea, 22,000 miles out (Earth's average diameter is 7,918 miles). It shoots one photo of Earth every 10 minutes, capturing 144 pictures of our planet over the course of a day.

When combined, the photos form a gorgeous time-lapse video showing the passing of a day on Earth. In the 20-second video above, the Sun's reflection can be seen in the daylight that moves across the surface of the globe.