
Google Maps Now Has 3D Immersive Views of Famous Landmarks

Google has been developing a 3D Immersive View feature for Google Maps that will provide a bird's-eye view of notable landmarks. The new feature is being rolled out to mobile users, on both Android and iOS platforms, and includes 3D images of nearly 100 famous landmarks around the world.

Taking ‘Travel Photos’ Through Google Maps During Lockdown

Creative Director Yousuke Ozawa—whose 'Satellite Fonts' project went viral back in 2014—is at it again. In order to keep his sanity during lockdown, he started taking "digital vacations" through Google Maps, and capturing Street View travel photography.

This Hyperlapse Was Made from 3,305 Google Maps Screenshots

Today is Google Maps' 12th birthday, and graphic design student Matteo Archondis is paying the platform homage in a really cool way. A fan of timelapse and hyperlapse techniques, Archondis created a visual hyperlapse tour of the world using only screenshots taken within Google Maps.

Google Maps and Google Earth Just Got a High Res Update

Google Maps and Google Earth just got a whole lot sharper thanks to NASA and its Landsat 8 satellite. Using beautiful high-res imagery captured by the new satellite, Google has built a better high-res cloud-free mosaic of the world based on some 700 trillion pixels of data.

Google Uses Tiny Camera Cars to Shoot Tiny Street View of Tiny World

Google's Street View cameras have gone to the ends of the Earth, from under the sea to desolate deserts, in order to document the world in photos. The project is grand, but its latest effort is on a much smaller scale -- literally.

The company just announced Street View for the famous Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg, Germany, the world's largest model railway. To shoot the images, Google mounted tiny cameras to tiny vehicles (they also had a tiny Street View car look-alike drive around).

Google Satellite Images of Buildings that Look Like the Letters A through Z

While browsing around on Google Maps satellite view (as many of us have done at some point or another) art director Yousuke Ozawa came across a number of buildings that resembled various letters of the alphabet.

Realizing the potential of this find, he spent the next week digitally flying across the globe and curating what ended up being Satellite Fonts, a collection of all 26 letters of the alphabet as formed by buildings across the world.

Holding Pattern: Satellite Images Reveal the Intricately Patterned World of Airports

Airports are a common source of creative and interesting imagery. From time-lapses of the comings and goings to composites that pack hours worth of departures into a single image, the sheer scope and complexity of airports fascinates many creatives.

One such creative is Art Director Lauren O'Neill, whose photo series/Tumblog Holding Pattern reveals the intricacies of airports from above using Google Earth satellite imagery.

Google Maps Out the Most Photographed Places in the World

Two weeks ago, Instagram released its annual top 10 lists of the cities and locations that were photographed most often using the photo sharing service. But this year, Google has seen fit to one-up them by releasing a heat map that gives us a more visual representation of the most photographed places in the world.

Google’s New ‘Views’ Site Gives Android Users a Place to Share Photo Spheres

The launch of Android 4.2 in October of last year brought with it the ability to create special 360° panoramas called "Photo Spheres." But as cool as these panoramas were, there was no real way to share them with the exception of a widget Google released a few months back.

Yesterday, all of that changed when Google announced a brand new Google Maps website called Views, built from the ground up for the Android community and their many un-shared Photo Spheres.

Google is Loaning Out Its Trekker Street View Camera Backpacks

Google has had no issues expanding street view to some pretty amazing places. Thanks in large part to the company's trekker backpacks, we can now visit the Grand Canyon, explore Central Park and check out the view from the world's tallest peaks.

But the company isn't above asking others to help expand the "off-road" street view repertoire, and so Google is announcing plans to loan out those expensive Trekkers to worthy third party organizations.