
This Early 80s Wide-Angle Zoom is a True Gem… and Dirt Cheap, Too

The winter sun was low to the horizon as I steadied myself upon a rather uncomfortable wooden perch. My back to the sun and downwind, target in clear sight, I drew in a deep breath then slowly exhaled as I prepared to take the shot.

Extreme DIY: Make an Old Lens ‘Glow’ by Scratching the Glass Elements

A few months ago I was blown away by some photos taken by one Victor Danell with a modified Helios 44 lens. His process was to “polish” the glass elements with a strong abrasive and sand the inside of the barrel in order to increase how light bounces around.

How NOT to Sell Photo Paper Online

Oh dear. Photographer Justin Borucki spotted this facepalm-worthy eBay posting this weekend and shared it with the folks over at PopPhoto. So let's play a game together. Take a look and tell us: what's wrong with this picture?

Swirly Bokeh for Cheap: Shooting with a $40 Vintage Soviet Lens

Photographer Manuel Ortiz went out and did something many of us have been considering a lot lately: he bought himself a cheap, vintage Soviet lens. And now, we get to join him to see how this awesome old portrait lens performs when it's attached to the very modern Sony A7R II.

Jackie Kennedy’s Old Camera Gear Up for Sale on eBay

Before marrying President John F. Kennedy and becoming the First Lady of the United States, Jacqueline "Jackie" Kennedy once earned $42.50 per week as the "inquiring camera girl" for the Washington Times-Herald. Some of her personally used camera gear is now for sale on eBay.

4 Cheap Soviet Lenses Worth Hunting Down on eBay

It may not be the first place that comes to mind, but the Soviet Union is a great place to start if you're looking for a good quality piece of glass on the cheap.... well, what's left of the Soviet Union anyway.

Mary Ellen Mark’s Nikon FM2 is For Sale on eBay

Want to own a camera that once belonged to a photography great? Now's your chance. The estate of the Mary Ellen Mark is currently holding an eBay auction for a Nikon FM2 that was part of the late and great American photographer's collection. Mark passed away back in May at the age of 75.

This is What a 200mm f/1.0 Lens Looks Like

"200mm" and "f/1.0" aren't two specs you generally see together in the world of camera lenses. After all, the Canon 200mm f/2.0 is already a giant 5.6 pound piece of glass, so an f/1.0 version would be ginormous.

If you want to see what a 200mm f/1.0 lens looks like, Abex UK is currently selling one on eBay. The lens seen here is designed for thermal imaging cameras, and it has a Buy It Now price of $389,000.

A Beginner’s Guide to Buying Camera Gear on eBay

Camera gear can be expensive, but one way to work around this issue is to purchase equipment used from online auction websites such as eBay. But it can be tough trying to determine the exact condition of an item without getting your hands on it. We will be going over tips to help you purchase both digital and analog film cameras without throwing your money down the drain. Here are some practical pointers to staying smart and safe on eBay when buying your next bit of kit.

A Sony A7 Flattened by a Truck Can Still Sell for $20

Here's a random tip: if your $1,000 camera ever gets run over by a truck, don't just throw the crushed parts in the trash. sonyalpharumors reports that one unlucky owner of a flattened Sony a7 mirrorless camera still managed to sell the parts and the original box on eBay for $20 with an extra $18.65 for shipping.

Massive 2540mm f/8 NASA Lens Shows Up on eBay

If you want a lens that looks more like a spaceship's laser weapon, today is your lucky day. A ginormous NASA 2540mm f/8 mirror tele lens has appeared on eBay in the "film cameras" category. Called the Jonel 100, it's being touted as "one of the biggest lenses ever," by the seller.

Old Film Roll from eBay Reveals Photos of Korea from Half a Century Ago

Photographer Ben Larsen purchased a lot on eBay that included several old rolls of film, one of which was a roll of Kodak Plus-X Pan black and white 35mm film. Not knowing anything about the roll, Larsen tossed it into a tank while processing his own roll of Kodak Tri-X at home. To his surprise, the film emerged from the developer with a large number of old photos of Seoul, South Korea, from five decades ago.

21 Rolleiflex Prototypes Appear on eBay with a Price Tag of $178,000

The factory that manufactures Rolleiflex cameras is being liquidated in a bankruptcy auction, so there's a chance we may never see new Rolleiflex twin-lens reflex cameras produced ever again. As the fate of the brand is in limbo, 21 original Rolleiflex camera prototypes have appeared in an auction on eBay. For a cool $178,000, collectors can own a unique piece of photographic history.

Sotheby’s First High-End Auction on eBay to Feature Famous Photo Prints

After doing offline auctions for 270 years, Sotheby's is partnering up with eBay to deliver its high-end auctions more widely in the Internet world. Starting next month, prospective buyers of the auctioned items will be able to submit bids in real time through the new website, found at eBay.com/Sothebys. The very first auctions to be held on the service is a collection of famous photographs.