How to Shoot In Natural Light Without Modifiers Like a Pro

Shooting in natural light can be quite difficult. In fact, many photographers gravitate towards studio photography to avoid natural light completely. However, natural light can be manipulated in a way that will produce great work.

Photoshop’s ‘Save As’ Function Has Changed. Here’s Why

As part of its May 2021 release of Photoshop on Desktop -- version 22.4 -- Adobe made a significant change to how the "Save As" command works. Rather than continuing to act as it has across applications on all computers for decades, Adobe altered the basic functionality and has left users baffled.

I Found My Own Stolen Lens for Sale Online and There’s Nothing I Can Do

One night two years ago, someone stole $10,000 of my camera equipment. Just recently, I found one of my more iconic lenses -- a pink Handevision 40mm f/0.85 Mark II -- for sale online. The police are slow to respond, and eBay won't help until law enforcement is involved.