
B&H Photo Debuts One of the Most Comprehensive and Useful Canon Lens Guides You’ve Ever Seen

Earlier today, B&H officially launched a new online resource called the Canon Lens Experience. It’s a dedicated microsite that takes a comprehensive look at the various lenses Canon offers, presenting unique and interactive features that demonstrate the various capabilities.

Even more interesting is the series of interviews which features 15 well-respected photographers from different fields, each of whom talk about their experience as a photographer and how their respective Canon gear have helped them make the iconic shots they’ve captured.

Cheap Shot Challenge: Photos Taken with Expensive Gear Recreated On the Cheap

Want to make some great photos but don’t have or don’t want to spend a lot of money? A few days ago I posted photo of a Hummingbird on my Facebook page I took with a new Nikon D810 and a 85mm 1.8. I received a comment asking me “how much money do you spend on your equipment to get a shot like this?” Others comment from time to time that they’d love to get into photography but don’t have the money.

So, I thought, how close can I come to some of the shots I get with my Nikon D600 and the D810 with a really cheap used DSLR? The personal challenge began.

Crop or Crap: Zack Arias Takes a Real-World Look at the Crop vs Full-Frame Debate

Zack Arias is a man who knows his gear inside and out. Switching multiple times between various companies, he’s seen almost everything there is to see in terms of equipment. In the past, he’s continuously praised full-frame sensors, for their quality and the aesthetic they’re known for.

But lately, as many you may know, he’s fallen in love with the FujiFilm X-Series. It’s this switch that lead him to realize that while full-frame most certainly has its benefits, crop sensors com with a myriad of their own benefits. In the above video he takes a look at both full-frame and crop sensors, giving his honest outlook and opinions on both.

Making Up for Having a Small Sensor

The world of photography is filled with true artists, astounding technology, and experts who can help you become the photographer you want to be. There are photographers who just make you shake your head at the brilliance of their imagery, teachers who give back endlessly to the profession they love, and manufacturers who create tools that help us all produce the pictures we want to make.

Your Kit Lens is An Excellent Lens

As the saying goes, quality lenses are a lot more important than good bodies when it comes to investing in camera gear. They last longer, retain their value more, and have more utility overall than, say, buying the latest DSLR that will become obsolete in 3 to 5 years. But if you are into photography for the first time, you’ll likely buy an entry level camera that comes bundled with an inferior, even crappy, kit lens. Or is it?

Do you really need quality gear to take good pictures? Spend thousands of dollars on red/golden rings lenses?

Nikon Officially Unveils the D810: Touts the ‘Best Image Quality in Nikon History’

There are two ways to look at an incrementally improved DSLR: either the company missed an opportunity to improve something that has fallen behind the industry standard, or they are leaving well enough alone and not 'fixing it if it ain't broke,' so to speak.

Nikon's replacement for both the D800 and D800E, the D810, falls into that latter category: an incrementally improved DSLR that probably won't receive too much flack for it.

‘What’s In My Bag’ Video from Erik Almas is Full of Both Great Gear and Great Advice

“What’s in my bag” posts oftentimes come across as a bit pretentious. Between pulling out this body or that piece of glass, it’s easy for the post/video to become a game of “look what I have that you probably don't have because it costs $XX,XXX.”

But when done right, they can be both interesting and informative, as photographer Erik Almås demonstrates in this fantastic walkthrough of his camera equipment.

Vanscapes: The Gorgeous Landscapes of New Zealand Shot Through a Van Window

So, you're finally taking that dream vacation to Middle Earth New Zealand when, on your first day there, all of your baggage gets stolen. Two cameras and every piece of clothing you brought is now gone.

What do you do when all you have left are the clothes on your back, your passport, your wallet and your smartphone? Well, if you're photographer Alison Turner, you go about your trip as if nothing ever happened, and pull a fun photo series out of it in the process.

I Replaced My Dual Screen Editing Setup with a 34-Inch 3440×1440 LG Monitor

As a photographer, I’ve long been an advocate of a dual screen set-up for a more efficient workflow. After all, what is better than having the ability to spread out all your applications palettes across multiple screens? For a couple of years now, I’ve had a Dell U2412M 24” (1920x1200) and Dell U2713HM 27” (2560x1440). That is no longer the case...

Back to Basics: Useful Tutorial Shows You How to Properly Assess & Clean Your Gear

Most camera gear is built with longevity and strenuous activity in mind, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take the best possible care of your gear. To that end, Canon’s service and support team recently put out this video showing the best practices for making sure that you properly and thoroughly clean and check your gear so it can keep working for as long as possible.

Video: DigitalRev Shows You that DSLRs Under $100 Can Still Get the Job Done

Photography can be an expensive hobby to get into. With most DSLRs nowadays coming in at around $400 for even the lowest of consumer level cameras. By the time you add in accessories, the financial aspect can be a bit demanding for a newbie.

But just because it can be financially demanding doesn’t mean it has to be, as our friendly neighborhood DRTV stars explain in the useful video above.

15 Easy Ways to Improve Your Photo Skills Without Buying New Gear

New cameras, lenses and accessories open up the possibility of fresh adventures in photography. In reality though, most of us have to make do with what we’ve got, upgrading to new camera kit as and when we can afford it. With that in mind, here are 15 suggestions to help beginning and intermediate photographers improve your photography without splashing out on new gear.

Canon Report Finds 18% of People Bought Counterfeit Gear Unwittingly in 2013

It’s no surprise that a market as vast and broad as photography is going to have problems with counterfeit gear, but the problem might be more prevalent than you think. According to a recent study commission by Canon, it's estimated that some 18% of consumers have purchased counterfeit goods without knowing it, despite the fact that companies like Canon often try to educate customers about this sort of thing.

Chase Jarvis Puts Up New Essential Photo Gear Video

Years ago, well-known Seattle photographer Chase Jarvis went through a collection of the gear he takes on his photo and video shoots. But given the great deal of change in technology -- and capital on his side -- since then, he recently created a completely new and updated video showing, again, his must-have gear for photo and video shoots.

Classic 35mm Cameras Made to Look Even More Retro with Wood Paneling

It's no secret retro and vintage cameras have made a come back in the last few years. But, this is getting a bit meta, isn't it?

In an attempt to make retro cameras look even more retro, camera accessories manufacturer Anchors and Anvils is fitting some of the 35mm film shooters they refurbish with wood paneling.

Crunching the Numbers on the World Press Photo Photographers’ Gear

Each year, the breakdown of gear usage statistics by some of the largest news agencies and associations makes itself public; and this year is no exception, thanks to this infographic provided by hastalosmegapixeles.

Looking through the infographic, we get a great look at what gear the press photography pros prefer when they're out in the field shooting World Press Photo award-winners.