
Oi! Don’t You Understand Copyright?

A long time friend and photographer, Gavin Evans, had the good fortune to be commissioned to photograph David Bowie in London back in 1995.

Lawsuit Wants to Make it Legal to Take a Ballot Selfie in November

If you're planning on taking a selfie with your ballot this November—whether it's to trumpet your political allegiance to the world, or just to celebrate the right to vote—hold on a second. Because if you live in one of several states, you might be committing a felony.

Watch a Trained Police Eagle Take Down a Drone

Shady drone pilots take note: the eagles are coming for you. Dutch police began training eagles to take down illegal drones at the beginning of 2016. Now, eight months later, it's time to demonstrate how well these trained eagles do their job.

Is This Real Estate Photo Illegal False Advertising?

An Australian real estate company is in hot water this week after it was discovered that one of its listing photographs isn't an accurate depiction of what the property is like. But even though the photo looks like it was manipulated with Photoshop, it may have been a clever composition that uses a wide angle lens and a tricky perspective.

Woman Arrested for Photo Shoot on Metro Tracks

A Virginia woman has been arrested for an extremely dangerous and illegal photo shoot she did late last year. She was caught by a surveillance camera climbing down onto the tracks at a metro station near Washington, D.C. and doing yoga poses while a photographer shot portraits.

Camera Drone Operator Arrested After Flying Within 50ft of LAPD Chopper

We've heard of quite a few close calls between drones and aircraft over the past few years, but this latest one was an extremely close call that actually resulted in an arrest.

A hobby camera drone operator was arrested in Hollywood late last month after flying his drone within 50 feet of an Los Angeles Police Department helicopter that was searching for a suspect.

Airliner Nearly Collides with a Drone During Landing in Dallas

Some drone operator gave a pilot a scare this past Tuesday after flying the quadcopter way too close to an airport. A Virgin America flight reportedly came within 200 feet of the drone while landing at Dallas Love Field airport. To put that distance in perspective, consider this: the Airbus A319 airplane involved has a wingspan of about 117 feet.

Photographers Arrested and Kicked Out of Indonesia for Illegal Photo Shoots

If you're planning on doing an elaborate photo shoot in a foreign country, make sure you obtain the necessary permits and visas. Otherwise, you may risk arrest and deportation.

That's what happened to a couple of American photographers earlier this month. They, along with 13 others involved in the work, were kicked out of Indonesia for doing illegal photo shoots.

Prolific Graffiti Artist Brags Over Instagram, Earns 23 Counts of Felony Vandalism

If we've said it once, we've said a thousand times: don't post illegal activity to Instagram. Because while the photo sharing service does sometimes seem to be the domain of teenaged girls with a duck face problem and hipsters who would like to share their latte with you, the police also spend time on there.

That's a lesson notorious NYC graffiti artist Peter Podsiadlo, better known as SEMP, learned the hard way this week when his Instagram photos earned him 23 felony counts of vandalism.

No Drone for You! National Park Service Bans Camera Drone Usage in Yosemite

Would you like to photograph the Upper Yosemite Falls by drone? Attach a GoPro to your newly-acquired DJI Phantom 2 and just have at it, capturing views that Ansel Adams would envy? Well, you can't, because it turns out "use of unmanned aircraft systems (drones)" is prohibited in Yosemite National Park.

Lewis Hine’s Photography and The End of Child Labor in the United States

It's hard to imagine it, but in the early 1900s, child labor was still extremely common in the United States. All across the nation children would spend their days slaving away in mines and cotton mills, far away from the school rooms that the National Child Labor Committee wanted them to be in.

The NCLC had been trying to put a stop to child labor since it was founded in 1904, but statistics weren't having the effect they had hoped. So, in 1908, they decided to enlist the help of Lewis Hine and his camera to get their message out.

NYPD Officer Faces Up To 7 Years in Jail for Lying About Photographer’s Arrest

One year ago, in August of 2012, New York Times photographer Robert Stolarik was arrested for allegedly using his camera flash to interfere with police during an arrest. However, after taking a look at the evidence, it's the police officer who is in hot water and may face up to 7 years in prison after being indicted on three felony counts and five misdemeanors.

Girl Rushes the Field at a Baseball Game, Captures a $1,500 Selfie

The fine for rushing the field at the College World Series final is $1,500, but who can put a price on becoming an overnight viral Vine sensation? Well, whatever price Kayleigh, Emily, and Torrie Hill assigned to viral fame, it was more than $1,500, because they rushed the field and captured some expensive selfie footage in the process.

Photog Documents the Illegal Hunting of Songbirds Along the Mediterranean

AP Photographer David Guttenfelder is a conflict photographer. He's spent much of his photographic career capturing war through the lens of his camera. One thing he certainly never considered himself was a bird photographer.

But when he was sent on an assignment to illustrate a National Geographic piece on the illegal hunting of songbirds, he became one. And it slowly dawned on him that he wasn't just doing a documentary, environmental, or conservation piece -- this was simply another form of conflict photography.