10 Ways To Gain Confidence To Make Money In Photography

You know we’ve all got a confident side and a not-so-confident side of our personalities. Let’s develop and strengthen the confident side. Here are 10 points on how you can gain confidence to know you’re ready to make money in photography. Follow these 10 points. You’ll gain a lot of confidence. Don’t listen to that other side of your personality.

Preying Eyes: Wildlife Photography as a Form of Paparazzi Intrusion

Do non-human beings have a need for privacy? And if so, is it comparable to that of human beings? Does wildlife photography invade privacy? This essay seeks to explore these questions by comparing paparazzi photography with wildlife photography regarding the concept of privacy invasion. To do so, two images will be studied in detail and compared to each other.

Use ‘The Two-Minute Rule’ To Create More Interesting Photos

Click. Press the playback button. Look at photo. "Mehhhh." We’ve all had it happen -- the photo on the back of our camera does not match the vision or intent we had when we clicked the shutter button. To help myself in these situations, I follow "the two-minute rule" to create more interesting photos.

Dell U4021QW Review: The Premiere Ultra-Wide Monitor for Photo Editing

The Dell U4021QW is, quite literally, one of a kind. It's the world's first 40-inch curved ultra-wide WUHD 5K2K monitor -- a 21:9 aspect ratio monster that boasts a color-accurate 10-bit panel. In our testing, it has performed beautifully. But while it's definitely the premiere ultra-wide monitor for photo editing, it's not the best photo editing monitor overall.

Whatever Story You Have, Tell It Slowly as a Photographer

There's an expression in relation to investment banking I've heard which I think translates quite well into advice for documentary photographers: "it's not timing the market, its time in the market."

Why Are Hasselblad Cameras So Expensive?

For most, Hasselblad is a name that has been associated with iconic photographs and technical quality -- and a huge price that reflects that. However, has Hasselblad always been a premium photography brand, and why are they so expensive?

Ep. 347: Lots of Lenses and Nonsense – and more

Episode 347 of the PetaPixel Photography Podcast.
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Featured: Photographer, Ron Hautau

Is Apple Actually Going to Snoop on Your Photos?

Is Apple actually snooping on your photos? Jefferson Graham wrote an article last week warning this based on the company's child safety announcement. An attention-grabbing headline? Certainly. Accurate? It’s complicated.

Great Reads in Photography: August 8, 2021

Every Sunday, we bring together a collection of easy-reading articles from analytical to how-to to photo features in no particular order that did not make our regular daily coverage. Enjoy!

The Photographer’s Guide to Beauty Dishes

The beauty dish is one of the most commonly used light modifiers for beauty and portrait work, but being popular doesn’t mean that it’s an easy-to-use modifier without any quirks and intricacies. In fact, you can only harness the true magic of the beauty dish if you know the principles behind it inside-out. In this article, I will explain everything you need to know when using a beauty dish.