Search Results for: fuji instax

Fujifilm INSTAX Mini Evo Instant Film Camera

Instax Mini Evo Review: Instant Film Fun Meets Bad Digital Camera

What makes instant film fun to use decades after its peak in popularity? I’d wager it’s the same things that made it fun back in the day: not overthinking things and staying in the moment while also creating unique-looking prints that convey those fleeting moments so perfectly. The Fujifilm Instax Mini Evo takes a different approach.

The NONS SL42 is an Interchangeable Lens Camera that Shoots Instax Film

A Hong Kong-based company called "NONS" has created a M42-mount ILC that can be used to shoot Fujifilm Instax Mini film. They're calling it the world's first M42 mount SLR instant camera, and it allows shooters to pair easy-to-find Fuji Instax film with much-beloved (and often very cheap) classic M42 lenses.

Can Hasselblad Compete Against Fujifilm in Medium Format?

Hasselblad. The company that went to the moon. A company known for producing some of the most iconic cameras in history. Since 1948, when Hasselblad produced its first consumer camera, it has built a strong reputation within the industry. As with many companies, it has had a few bumps in the road, but for the most part, it remains a highly respected organization.

I Built an Instax Drone for Aerial Instant Photos

Over the last 5 years, drones have consumed every part of my life. From using aerial systems to carry cameras as a service provider with Drone Dudes, to selling drones with Dronefly, or designing and making drones in China with Yuneec, I’ve been involved in all aspects of the drone industry.

An Instax Camera with a Leica M Lens

Good photos have become commonplace. Smartphones have demystified camera technicalities in the past decade, and its pervasive adoption has democratized photography for mass consumers. Since the first known photograph was made in 1820, camera functions evolved significantly to compensate for human error.

My Last Frames of Fuji FP-100C, or: The Creative Obligation Not to F*** it Up

For about a year and a half, every time I opened my fridge I saw my last remaining 10 exposure pack of Fuji FP 100C instant film, and every time I opened said fridge I was reluctant to take it out and shoot it. I did not want to waste my last remaining packfilm but I knew I shouldn’t wait too long, because eventually the chemistry inside the film would dry. And since the film expired in late 2007, I was running out of time.

I Shoot Instax Photos That Document Victims of Violence in Chicago

In 2016, there were 762 murders in Chicago, the most by far anywhere in the United States -- more than the total of New York and Los Angeles combined. This year there have already been over 600 homicides. I was born and raised in Canada, where there are fewer murders in the entire country than Chicago has in one year.

Fuji Reveals 2 New Medium Format Lenses and Updated Lens Roadmap

The last 24 hours were packed full of gear announcements, and we're even done. In addition to their new Instax camera and SQUARE film, Fujifilm also revealed two new lenses for the mirrorless medium format GFX 50s, updated their GFX roadmap, and teased a firmware update for the MF shooter.

InstantFlex TL70 2.0: The Future is Bright for Instax Photography

In March 2015, the Hong Kong-based company MiNT shook up the world of instant photography by announcing the InstantFlex TL70, an Instax instant camera that looks and feels like a vintage Rolleiflex twin-lens reflex camera. Today the company just announced the new InstantFlex TL 2.0, a followup camera with noticeable improvements.

Review: Lomo’Instant Wide Expands Instax Photography

The Lomo’Instant Wide is an Instax wide format camera that opens the flood gates to an unprecedented level of creative Instax photography. Packed with more features than I can count, I immediately got to work snapping imaginative, fun, and downright hilarious photographs.