Brenda Bergreen

Guides Writer

Brenda Bergreen is a professional writer, photographer, and storyteller specializing in capturing people in nature and the outdoor lifestyle. She creates alongside her husband Marc Bergreen and their mission and mantra is to “love. adventurously." When not behind a camera or a keyboard you can find her outside adventuring with her family.

Articles by Brenda Bergreen

A bride and groom stand facing each other in a picturesque meadow filled with wildflowers, with a backdrop of mountains and a partly cloudy blue sky. The bride holds a bouquet and wears a long veil, while the groom is dressed in a suit.

How to Get Started in Wedding Photography: A Checklist

When thinking about how to get started with wedding photography, you’ll want to make a checklist of things you need to do, have, or create. Today I’ll give you a starting point as well as prompts to help you customize your list. The first thing you might notice is that it’s not all about photography.

A couple dressed in wedding attire poses for a photograph with a young flower girl. The photographer captures the moment as the flower girl, holding a basket, points excitedly. The background features greenery and a decorative floral arch.

What Will It Be Like to be a Wedding Photographer in the Future?

It’s fascinating to look back over my 10+ years as a wedding photographer and see the evolution the industry has gone through. That’s not to mention all the drastic changes that happened before my time. It makes one wonder what it will be like to be a wedding photographer in the future.

A wedding ceremony is taking place outdoors under a canopy of trees. Guests are seated on white chairs arranged in rows, facing the couple and officiant. The background features a scenic vineyard with rolling hills and clear skies. String lights are hung between the trees.

How to Create a Wedding Photography Timeline

One of the crucial elements of a wedding day is the timeline. As photographers, the timeline dictates what types of photos you’ll be shooting and when you’ll be shooting them. Today we’re going to talk about how to create a wedding photography timeline to make your shooting experience better for you and your clients.

A bride in a white dress and veil walks down a wooden boardwalk next to a man in a suit towards an outdoor gathering. The setting features a picturesque lake and mountains in the background, with seated guests on both sides of the aisle.

How to Market Your Wedding Photography Business

Marketing is probably the least favorite but most important part of being a photographer. You just want to make art but the reality is you have to sell it first. Let’s talk about the wonderful world of wedding photography business marketing.

A person holding a sony camera with a zeiss lens, adjusting settings on the dial with their right hand. focus is on the camera, showing details of the buttons and lens.

The Benefits of Shooting Mirrorless as a Wedding Photographer

We switched to shooting mirrorless as wedding photographers as soon as we were able to accomplish everything we wanted to accomplish without compromising our photos. For us, this meant waiting until we had a lighting set-up that worked for us, and as soon as we solved that we pulled the trigger. Now, having shot mirrorless for a handful of wedding seasons I can’t imagine going back.

Wedding Photography Survival Guide: Difficult Situations and How to Handle Them

Wedding photography is a fast-paced high-stakes environment, kind of like football or poker, except without all the hitting or sunglasses and hats. It’s actually really hard to shoot with sunglasses on and tackling would damage our gear so try to avoid that too. Luckily, after over a decade of photographing weddings, I’ve picked up a few survival tips that might just help you get through your first wedding season unscathed.

What Will It Be Like to be a Wedding Photographer in the Future?

It’s fascinating to look back over my 10+ years as a wedding photographer and see the evolution the industry has gone through. That’s not to mention all the drastic changes that happened before my time. It makes one wonder what it will be like to be a wedding photographer in the future.

Tips for Creating Your First Contract as a Wedding Photographer

Creating your first contract as a wedding photographer? My first tip is to hire a law professional to review your contract. While over a decade of experience in the wedding industry allows me to give you some tips based on my experience, a wedding photography contract is a legal document between you and your clients that outlines expectations, responsibilities, and deliverables.

How to Shoot Outdoor Engagement Photography

Outdoor engagement photography is one of my favorite aspects of being a wedding photographer. I get to shoot environmental portraits in beautiful places without the constraints of a wedding day. Additionally, I get to spend time with my couple getting to know them and their interests in a low-pressure environment.

7 Invaluable Accessories for Wedding Photography

Let’s talk about gear, I know some of you are obsessed with it and the act of photography is just an excuse for acquiring more gear. I can kind of relate because chips are just delivery devices for salsas. But for me, it’s actually the other way around, photography gear is all about making my job easier so that I can do it better, anything else is just in the way.

How to Reduce Stress and Increase Creativity Before a Photo Shoot

Being a professional creative means that you don’t always (ever) have the luxury of waiting for inspiration to strike. It means you have to create your work, on demand, regardless of the circumstances. Building practices to help reduce your stress and increase your creativity before a photoshoot will make creativity less illusive.

What I Actually Love About Personal Photography Projects

I remember when I first became a professional photographer and I was devouring advice from those further along in the path than me. People talked about personal photography projects and how important they were. They were important for developing your skills and getting noticed and setting yourself apart, but in my experience, there’s something more important.

Tips for Location Scouting for Photo Shoots

Just like most things in life, success can depend on location, location, location. I know that I’m coming from a state where there are a lot of beautiful backdrops so I’ll do my best to give tips that will apply to you wherever you happen to be. I’ve shot sessions in a variety of locations and while I have my locations and preferences, of course, I think it’s possible to make the best of whatever you have to work with.

How to Make a Wedding Photo Album Your Clients Will Love

Wedding photography is arguably one of the most important parts of a wedding, of course (though I’m biased being a wedding photographer and all). But at the end of the day when the music stops, the cake is eaten, and the honeymoon begins, the photos are what helps our couples relive the magic of their wedding day. This is why it’s important that you know how to make a wedding photo album your clients will love.

The First Look Debate from a Wedding Photographer’s Perspective

Normally when I write articles about photography, I’m not very polemic -- I try to stay neutral and give advice that photographers can apply to their own personal wedding photography style even if it differs from my own. I care more about giving people solid advice than worrying about clickbait.

How to Deal with Family and Bridal Party Pictures at a Wedding

Family and bridal party pictures at a wedding are important, every couple wants them but none of their families want to be patient and present to take them. Meanwhile, there’s a lot of pressure from mothers and grandmothers to get all the important combinations while at the same time, there’s always a cousin that disappeared to the bar.

Interested in Photography? Where to Start and How to Grow

If you’re interested in photography and are trying to figure out where to start or how to grow, you’ve come to the right place. There’s a lot of information out there, how do you even determine what to focus on? Sometimes in trying to do too much we find ourselves accomplishing nothing.

How to Make Up for Lost Time on the Big Day as a Wedding Photographer

Your bride still hasn’t put her dress on and you’ve reminded her three times. You see all the breathing room you created into your wedding day schedule slowly disappearing. And, the worst part, you know that you’ll be the one that has to make up for lost time or else get blamed for screwing up the wedding day schedule.

The Best and Worst Parts of Being a Wedding Photographer

It looks like a glamorous job, taking photos in beautiful places and a dance party every night. Or maybe it looks like the worst job ever, dealing with high expectations and family drama. Wherever you stand on the subject, listen up because I’m going to share the best and worst parts of the job to help you decide if you should be a wedding photographer.

Why Customer Service Might Be Your Most Important Photography Skill

Customers form an impression of how you did before you even deliver a single photo. While we all hope our photography is one of a kind, it is either enhanced by a positive client experience or harmed by a bad one. And that’s just one of the many reasons customer service might be your most important photography skill.

A Roadmap to Growing as a Beginner Photographer

Are you interested in photography and ready to learn skills to up your game? Do you want to evolve from iPhone snapshots to crafting something intentional? Today my plan is to drop some photography-for-beginners tips onto your shutter finger.