
Fujifilm Adds Black X100s and 56mm f/1.2R Lens to X-Series Lineup

Despite many a rumor of a new X-Series camera coming at CES, Fuji didn't have a brand new shooter up its sleeve -- at least not that we know of. Instead, the company is debuting the much-requested all-black version of the X100s, and a super fast "portrait perfect" XF 56mm f/1.2R premium lens.

The Case of the Fake Fuji X-W1 Photo: Why You Shouldn’t Believe Everything You See

As a website, we're trying to move away from sharing rumors and the like, or at the very least be much more selective. This is happening for a few reasons, but one of them is that, unless you are very selective, you're bound to share something blatantly wrong. And worse yet, in your rush to be one of the first to report on it, you might do serious damage to your credibility.

Which brings us to a recent 'photo leak' that supposedly showed a full view of the rumored Fuji X-W1 sitting on a park bench.

Crab Tries to Steal GoPro, Reinforces Our Belief that Animals Love Action Cams

We're starting to suspect that wild animals the world over are collecting action cams for some nefarious plot... well, either that or wild animals like carrying away shiny objects, but we prefer our first theory. We've seen birds, cheetahs and hyenas all make away with GoPros, and now it seems the crustaceans are getting involved too.

Spend Two Hours Learning from Portrait Master Greg Heisler

Earlier this week, when stumbled across this two-hour presentation by iconic portrait photographer Greg Heisler, it took all the will power we had not to share it with you right away. In our world, being the "first" to report on a story is often very important, and it's an impulse we often have to resist because we're intent on getting the story right.

In this case, however, it had nothing to do with getting the story right and everything to do with sharing it at a time when we felt the majority of our readers would have enough time to watch the video from start to finish. Two hours is a long time to listen to one photographer speak, but in the case of Gregory Heisler, we think you'll find it's not nearly long enough.

Fashion Photography With the Sony RX1, A Little Beast of a Camera

A Little Background...

I am a 23-year-old photographer who moved to Chicago from Nigeria 6 years ago. I started photography about 3 years ago. After playing around with a DSLR in Target, I was hooked. I shoot mostly fashion photography, and female models. I have shot full frame since late 2011 with the 5D Mk2, then the D800 since November 2012.

Original Pin: A Customizable Wood Pinhole Camera You Build Like a 3D Jigsaw Puzzle

Build-it-yourself cameras can be both fun and educational. For photography types, a camera like the Konstructor or the Last camera makes for a fun weekend project that you can then take out on occasion when your inner hipster is calling, or give as a gift to a budding photo enthusiast.

Similarly, there's a large community of people who love pinhole cameras, which they've made using everything from LEGOs to dumpsters. So what happens when those two worlds collide? You get the Original Pin.

Satellite Image Shows What the East Coast Looks Like After the Recent Blizzard

The last couple of days have seen the east coast battered by a huge blizzard known as winter storm Hercules. Thousands of flights have been grounded and many schools were closed yesterday as entire cities began digging themselves out of snowfall that ranged from just a few inches to almost two feet in some areas.

Of course, being there is the only way to truly experience and understand the magnitude of the storm, but this satellite image gives us a small inkling by capturing the blanket of white Hercules left in its wake.

BTS: Spend a Day in the Studio with Pro Photographer Karl Taylor

In our State of the Blog Address, we asked you what you want to see more of on PetaPixel, and one of the suggestions that came up most often was Tutorials, Behind the Scenes videos and other helpful educational content like that.

Well, we were listening. And so, we invite you to spend 15 minutes this lovely Friday watching professional photographer Karl Taylor at work in his studio.

Are Metal Mounts Any Better than Plastic? LensRentals Investigates

Photography companies love catchword marketing. They like catchwords because photographers make assumptions about what those words mean, even though the words really don’t mean anything. So basically, they say nothing, but it makes you believe something.

Spectacular Horsehead Nebula Photograph Almost Good Enough to Rival Hubble

Photography is hardly a cheap hobby to pick up, but even within photography, some branches are more expensive than others. And ranking pretty close to the 'most expensive' side of that line is astrophotography... at least the kind that will yield incredible photos like the one you see here by photographer Mike Hankey.

GoPro Teams Up with Zoologist to Show You What It’s Like to Cuddle with Lions

This'll video will wake you up... or at least make you feel like your Friday isn't NEARLY as exciting as it could be. As part of their Hero3+ Adventure Series, GoPro teamed up with zoologist Kevin Richardson (better known as the Lion Whisperer) to show the special bond he shares with the big cats and shed light on the dilemma of habitat loss.

One Second of Video for Every Day in 2013, A Look Back

We try to stay away from sharing too much of the same thing (although, admittedly, we've occasionally slipped up and shared the EXACT same thing more than once) but with 2013 officially in the rearview, it seems only right that we share at least one "one second per day" video from this past year.

First Ever Five-Axis Stabilizer Promises to Deliver Rock-Steady Video

Certain indie filmmakers may be all in love with shaky-cam production values, but for the rest of us, nausea still isn't terribly valued as a special effect. So huzzah to the ShadowCam S-5, an upcoming stabilizer for DSLRs and pro series cinema cameras (Red Epic, Canon C models, etc.) that promises to dampen motion like no other stabilizer.

Samsung Debuts Lighter and Faster Galaxy Camera 2

The second and final major camera announcement out of Samsung today was the successor to the Android-powered Galaxy Camera, aptly named the Galaxy Camera 2. Although it boasts many of the same specs as the first Galaxy Camera, the new shooter is a more powerful and lighter version that's sure to score points with lovers of the first model.

Give It 100 Helps You Keep Your Resolution Makes You Donate $1 for Every Missed Day

You're probably already familiar with Karen Cheng (better known as "that one girl who learned to dance in a year and made an awesome video of it") and her motivational startup Give it 100 that is all about helping you achieve your goals by having you upload a video of your progress every day for 100 days and beyond.

It's already a phenomenal way to set a goal and stick to it -- if you miss a day it's obvious to everyone following you -- but Cheng and partner Finbarr Taylor have come up with something special for New Year's. They've set up a win-win challenge that lets you put your money where your mouth is when it comes to your New Year's resolutions.

Huge Snapchat Info Leak: 4.6M Usernames and Phone Numbers Released

Uh-oh... this isn't good. Just as Snapchat's star seemed like it would continue rising indefinitely, the company has suffered a massive setback in the form of an information leak of massive proportions. Taking advantage of a recently-revealed vulnerability, hackers were able to pull 4.6 million usernames and phone numbers from the service and publish them online for the whole world to see.