
With the technological advancements of mobile phone cameras and the downsizing of high-end camera systems, documenting adventures around the world has never been easier or looked better. PetaPixel aims to highlight visually stunning stories and information-packed trip ideas that will inspire a thirst for storytelling, no matter the equipment.

Taiwan: A Photographer’s Paradise?

The truth is that when you hear about Taiwan, you probably think of semiconductors, bubble tea, political struggles, and that "Made in Taiwan" sticker on one of your household electronics. Let's forget about all of that and allow me to redefine Taiwan for you and possibly make you add it to your bucket list of destinations.

How to Shoot Africa’s Big Five Safari Animals (with a Camera)

Not many other adventure holidays are as alluring as an African safari that comes with the promise of seeing Africa's Big Five animals up close and in the wild. The thrill of coming into contact with wild animals is hard to beat. The following article will provide essential considerations for your next Big Five safari adventure to the African continent.

Photos of One of the Last Remaining Pagan Rituals in Europe

In December of 2019, I decided to travel to Bulgaria. I went there to expand my ongoing photography project about the personal journeys of young individuals who will ultimately become the 'torch carriers' of ancient cultures and traditions.

Photographing the Diverse Wildlife of Kenya’s Masai Mara

I hear the soft familiar thud of footsteps, followed by the slosh of hot water filling a canvas water bucket. “Jambo!”, Swahili for “Hello,” comes the disembodied voice in the dark. “Jambo,” I replied. Every morning in the Masai Mara begins at 5:30 am with this friendly wake-up call. Wiping the sleep from my eyes, my desire to stay beneath the cozy warmth of my wool blanket surrenders to my excitement for the coming day. I unzip the flap of my tent and breathe in the cool, crisp air.

Ami Vitale Elephants

Photo Series Documents Unique Elephant Sanctuary in Kenya

National Geographic photographer Ami Vitale has been working in Kenya, documenting how a local elephant sanctuary sought alternative ways to feed orphaned or abandoned elephants after experiencing the global supply chain disruption due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Get the Cliché Out of the Way When Doing Photography

I drove 5,200 miles around the country after my junior year in college. And I brought 20 rolls of film — 720 images in all — which was a lot in 1984. I felt like a pro, traveling with a “brick” of Tri-X. When you shoot film you try hard not to waste frames; it’s a natural force function that filters out some of the more idiotic shots you might take.

Tires, David Zimmerman

‘Pure’ Landscape Photography Versus Including the Human Element

One of the reasons we pursue landscape photography is to connect with nature. Many photographers cite calmness, a sense of peace, and inspiration when they are surrounded by stunning scenery. I am one of them. Unfortunately, it is increasingly common that the encounter is modified by some human-made element.

Death Valley National Park Landscape Photography

How to Leverage a Clear, Cloudless Sky in Your Landscape Photos

If the weather forecast shows clear skies and bright sunlight, it doesn't mean photographers should abandon their plans for a landscape shoot. Photographer Michael Shainblum has shared tips on how he leverages these weather conditions to come home with a successful set of photos.

23 of the Best Storm Photos of 2022

Well-known storm photographer Mike Olbinski created the annual Storm Photos of the Year contest as a way to help the public recognize the dedication of both professional and amateur storm photographers.