
Nikon Unveils a New Boxed Set of… Candies

While Nikon may be a camera company, its museum in Tokyo is known for selling some unusual and limited non-photography Nikon-themed products. Announced today, a set of 10 different flavored yokan candies packaged in a collectible box are available for 1,200 yen (about $11).

Jared Polin is Crowdfunding a 256-Page Bernie Sanders Photo Book

In 2019, photographer and YouTuber Jared Polin -- also known as FroKnowsPhoto -- received an all-access pass for 48 hours in order to document the presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders. He is seeking backing on Kickstarter for what will feature around 100 photos in a 256-page book.

The Summer Photography Gift Guide

Summer is here! For many, this is a time to go road tripping, sunbaking, hiking, holidaying, watching fireworks, and eating ice cream. For some, it’s a time to watch others do the above – from behind a camera. We call those people photographers.

Xencelabs Pen Tablet Review: Already Better than Wacom

What do you get when you take a bunch of former Wacom employees, start a new company, and give them carte blanche to develop a brand new pen tablet? What you get is Xencelabs, a new player in graphics that is bringing some much-needed innovation to a stale market. This is no cheap knock-off we're talking about, Xencelabs' new Pen Tablet Medium just put Wacom on notice.

MSI PS321QR Review: A Gaming Monitor for Photographers

As display technology has improved in leaps and bounds over the past few years, the market has forked into two distinct camps: gamers who prioritize speed, and creators who prioritize color. The 32-inch 2K MSI Creator PS321QR tries to strike the perfect balance between these two needs, offering a compelling combination of refresh rate, response time, and color accuracy for just $700.

Snap is Working on AR Glasses, Selfie Drone: Report

Snap is working on its next-generation glasses that will be able to layer Snapchat lenses (which are augmented reality effects) onto the environment without needing to use a smartphone camera, according to a new report. It has also reportedly revived its plans to introduce a selfie-drone.