
GoPro to Trim Lineup to Just 3 Cameras As Business Continues to Nosedive

GoPro just announced the financial results of its latest quarter, and things aren't looking very good for the flagging camera company. Investors were already bracing for the worst after GoPro slashed 7% of its workforce in January and announced a huge drop in camera sales.

Quarterly revenue has dropped ~31% from a year ago to $436.6 million, and the company lost $34.4 million in the quarter, GoPro says. In response, GoPro says it will be cutting down its camera lineup to offer just 3 main models starting in April 2016.

Corbis Images Sold by Bill Gates to Visual China Group

One of the largest photo collections in the world was just sold. Corbis, which is owned by Bill Gates, has sold off its images business to Visual China Group, China's equivalent of Getty Images. VCG is the same company that led a $13 million investment in 500px in 2015, and which is partnering with 500px to expand into China.

The 10 Bestselling Photos on 500px and Why They’re So Popular

Its been 2 years since 500px expanded beyond being a simple photo-sharing service by launching a commercial licensing system for photographers. We were curious about what the bestselling photos on the service are, so we asked 500px to reveal the top 10 and tell us why each one is selling so well.

Stock in Trade, or: Why It’s Important to Read Photo Modeling Contracts

As photographers in the United States, we hold the majority of power when it comes to our images. We automatically own the copyright to all photos we take, we are the ones who register our photos with the U.S. Copyright office, and we are the ones who license our images to clients, publications, and even the models in the photos.

That copyright, in addition to the model releases we obtain from our photographic subjects, allows us to have a substantial amount of control over what we can do with those photos. This can sometimes create a moral ambiguity as to how we decide to publish those photos, blurring the lines between what is right and what is ethical.

Adobe Doubles Profits Thanks to Growth in Creative Cloud Subscribers

Adobe announced its quarterly results last Thursday, and investors are happy: the company beat market expectations by doubling profits from a year ago thanks to a huge growth in Creative Cloud subscribers. It seems that the shift from boxed software to digital subscription plans is paying off big time for the San Jose, California-based company.

Sony Filed a Copyright Claim Against the Stock Video I Licensed to Them

For the past few years, people have been contending with more and more false copyright claims and ID matches on services such as YouTube. While these copyright claims often involve an audio match of copyrighted music, sometimes it is the visual content that is in question.

Whether it’s still photography or motion imagery, your visual content can be flagged, blocked, or removed due to a copyright dispute. If you have original content on YouTube, this could happen to you.

Over 1,500 Free 4K Stock Video Clips, All Courtesy of a Single Cinematographer

Mitch Martinez is a Philadelphia-based director of photography and cinematographer. Over the past 2.5 years, he has been working on building a free library of 4K stock footage. Since its inception in January 2013, the collection of clips has become an impressive resource: the 1,500+ clips have been downloaded over 300,000 times, and they been used by some of the largest companies in the world.

EyeEm Raises $18M More to Turn Photo Sharers Into Photo Sellers

Photo sharing service EyeEm has raised an additional $18 million in funding after taking $6 million from investors back in 2013. The new war chest will be used to further the company's mission of becoming the top network for photographers looking to make some money with their photos.

A Getty Images Photo and an HP Laptop Wallpaper

If you sell your photography as stock shots with royalty free licenses through services such as Getty Images, you need to be okay with buyers using the images in ways that seem disproportionate to the meager price they paid. That's a lesson Turkish photographer Murat Koc learned this past week after discovering his photo used as a wallpaper on a newly launched laptop.

Getty Images is Burning Through Cash as Its Earnings Shrink

Photographers often grumble about Getty Images taking too big a slice from each stock photo sale, but it turns out the company hasn't been lining its pockets with mountains of cash generated by its contributors -- in fact, it hasn't been doing so hot financially as of late.

Hair Stocks Are My New Favorite Photoshop Hack

I have this project I’ve been working on for a few weeks now. It is a conceptual portrait commission for one of my clients. The goal of the image is to create something with the feeling of “The Dutch Masters” -- something with a painterly feel, but not necessarily with visible paint strokes.

I finally got the image to a point where I was ready for some feedback, so I uploaded the image to get some critiques from my artistic tribe.

Want to See Your Photos Used on Book Covers? Here’s How I Did It

So you want to be on a book cover. Perhaps you’ve seen other photographers accomplish this but you’ve never quite known how. Maybe you walk through the stores scrutinizing and studying every book. I know I did.

It has always been a dream of mine to be on a book cover. Growing up, I was very shy and never had a lot of friends, so instead I read. Getting lost in each character was a comfort. I lived for the smell of the old paper pages.

Help: I Am Being Sued for Nearly $500,000 by a Model I Photographed

Hello fellow photographers. My name is Joshua Resnick. I am a stock photographer, but what I am going to tell you potentially affects all photographers. I wanted to bring to your attention a lawsuit I am involved in that I think could put the whole industry at risk if things don’t go well.

I am being sued in federal court for hundreds of thousands of dollars by a model I worked with in January 2013. This is a model that I paid, and who signed a release allowing me to sell her images through stock photo agencies. Why I am I being sued? It revolves around images that got misused or were just outright stolen and the model is blaming me for it.

Surfing Camera Turned Action Cam Empire GoPro Files for $100 Million IPO

The story of GoPro's humble beginnings is an interesting one, and if you've not heard it we definitely suggest you click on this link and watch the video there before going on. But today's news isn't about those humble beginnings. It's about the meteoric heights to which the company has climbed.

Announced at market close yesterday, the former one-man surf camera operation and current action cam king has officially filed for a $100 million IPO.