
Thieves May Be Selling Your Photos on Shutterstock

While looking at my own images on Shutterstock, I noticed the Shutterstock algorithm was suggesting my photos as “similar” images. I thought it was a bug on the Shutterstock website until I noticed that others had downloaded my photos from other sites then uploaded them to Shutterstock. Shutterstock’s similar photos algorithm then noticed this and suggested the stolen photos along with my photos.

Frustrations in Stock Photography

I should start off by saying that I am not a big contributor to stock photography agencies. I did take the plunge into agencies like Shutterstock and Getty Images when I was moving into digital 10 or so years ago, but I found my niche elsewhere.

Truths Learned After 3 Years in Stock Photography

Landscape photographer Rachel Lerch spent the past three years selling some of her photos through stock agencies. In this 20-minute video, Lerch shares all the truths she has learned about how the story photo industry works and whether it's worth getting into.

How to Make a Rifle Stock for Your Camera

Want a camera stabilizer that's sure to attract (perhaps unwanted) attention? Just add a rifle-style stock to it. Alex over at I did a thing made this humorous 5-minute video showing how he built such a stabilizer for his own DSLR.

This Web App Lets You Build Your Own Stock Photos

Here's an unusual way to obtain the simple stock photo you need: Photo Creator is a web app that lets you build your own realistic stock photos. The site features thousands of models, objects, and backgrounds that you can combine into your own creations.

Shutterstock Recreates Infamous Fyre Festival Promo Using Only Stock Clips

Fyre Festival was a "luxury music festival" that failed spectacularly back in 2017 after attracting a huge amount of interest with a viral photo and video marketing blitz. Shutterstock has released this 30-second video to show how the wildly expensive Fyre Festival promo video could have been created at a tiny fraction of the cost.

Don’t Mess With THIS Photographer

A photographer over in Asia is attracting a great deal of attention online after he was spotted shooting birds with his mirrorless camera mounted on a rifle-style stock.

Instagram Star Caught Using Other People’s Photos

Daryl Aiden Yow is a Singapore-based photographer and social media influencer who has over 100,000 followers on Instagram. He's at the center of controversy today after it was found that many of his Instagram photos were actually uncredited images shot by others.

Everyone is Sharing Hilariously Bad Stock Photos of Their Jobs

Stock photos generally aren't the best at showing realistic views of what different jobs are like, but sometimes they're hilariously inaccurate. People have recently taken to social media to point out the worst offenders, and the new viral hashtag #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob has been a solid source of laughs.

Why I Use Getty Images to Sell My Photos

By doing a quick calculation, my photos make up 0.002% of the still images available on Which means I have 1,600 photos for sale out of about 80,000,000.

Kodak Stock Shoots Up 300%+ Thanks to Cryptomania

Kodak made waves yesterday when it announced that it will be joining the cryptocurrency craze by launching a new cryptocurrency of its own, called KodakCoin. And because it's 2018, Kodak's once-hopeless stock price was up over 300% when the market opened today.

Adobe Scene Stitch is Like Content-Aware Fill with an Imagination

In addition to its Cloak and Scribbler projects, Adobe also used its MAX 2017 conference to offer a sneak peek of a technology called Scene Stitch. It's like Content-Aware Fill on steroids: instead of guessing the fill content with details from the photo, Scene Stitch uses AI and a database of images to find content to fill the hole.

Sony’s Sensor Domination Marches On as Record Profits Pour In

Five years ago, after seeing losses of $2.9 billion, Sony announced that it would be focusing its efforts on dominating three things: games, mobile, and image sensors. Well, the company just announced record quarterly profits and its ambitious plans for global sensor domination are still alive and well.

Want to Sell Stock Photos? Here’s a Comparison of Major Services

Up until just recently I always scoffed at selling my work as stock photography. Let's call it youthful arrogance. I always felt my work was worth more and should be used for more important purposes. The problem was I wasn't good at selling my work independently either.

Report Claims Japanese Government is Asking Fuji to Buy a Stake in Nikon

This is going to be the strangest (and most controversial) piece of photo industry news you'll read today. According to a report published by the reputable Japanese magazine Sentaku, the Japanese government is trying to convince Fuji to 'help' Nikon by buying a stake in the troubled camera company.

How I Made $1,254.93 in Four Months by Selling Stock Photos on EyeEm

My name is Michael Zwahlen, and I’m a photographer based in Germany. I want to share how I earn money through EyeEm. In the first four months of 2017 alone, the royalties I received through them added up to $1,254.93 and I’m hopeful this will continue to improve.

Stock Students: Iowa Senate Hopefuls Used the Same Kids in Ads

Republican state senate candidates in Iowa have been releasing advertisements in recent weeks, introducing their lives, views, and plans. With all the photos and videos emerging at around the same time, someone noticed something peculiar: the candidates are all seen talking to the exact same group of kids in the same school hallway.