
How an Unplanned Portrait Became the Face of a WHO Campaign

About a month ago, photographer Eldar Nurkovic took a spur-of-the-moment portrait of his girlfriend—a pharmacist-in-training—in the middle of the street. That photo, showing the imprints of her mask and fear in her eyes at the impending outbreak, is now the face of an international awareness campaign by the World Health Organization.

These Photos Ended Child Labor in the US

Photographs have the power to bring issues to the forefront of public consciousness and spark change in society. Here's a 6.5-minute video by Vox that tells the story of how photographer Lewis Wickes Hine helped end child labor in the United States.

Jackson Hole: Stop Tagging Locations

There has been much discussion in recent days of how location tagging in social media is harming natural landmarks around the world. And now even authorities are taking a stand: the Jackson Hole Travel & Tourism Board in Wyoming has launched a new campaign against location tags.

These Photos Show How Much Plastic Enters the Ocean Every 60 Seconds

Photographer Benjamin Von Wong recently came across a statistic that shocked him: "Every 60 seconds, the equivalent of a truckload of plastic enters the ocean." Wanting to make a difference, Von Wong decided to toss an actual truckload of plastic into the ocean to create photos showing the magnitude of the problem.

Photographer Turns 4,100 Pounds of E-Waste into Surreal Portraits

Electronic waste, or e-waste, is the endless low of discarded electronic devices that are thrown out on a daily basis around the world. To raise awareness of this ever-growing problem, photographer Benjamin Von Wong got his hands on 4,100 pounds of e-waste and used it to create a set of amazing surreal portraits.

Photo Shoot Raises Awareness of Toxic Laundry Water

Benjamin Von Wong, a viral photographer turned environmentalist, has released a new project to raise awareness about "toxic laundry" that is full of plastic. An estimated 94% of American tap water contains invisible plastic fibers, and Von Wong felt compelled to do something about it.

Photographer Puts Mermaid on 10,000 Plastic Bottles to Raise Awareness

Over the past year or so, photographer Benjamin Von Wong has taken his talent for epic photo shoots and turned it towards trying to raise awareness for "boring" topics like climate change or wildlife conservation. His latest project continues this trend; this time, he's taking on plastic pollution.

A Story Half Told: Photo Essays Share the Lives of Five Women Living with Breast Cancer

In March 2013, we featured photographer Angelo Merendino's heartbreaking photo project that documented his late wife's battle with breast cancer. Merendino recently became involved in another project that aims to draw awareness to the subject of metastatic breast cancer.

For Breast Cancer: A Story Half Told, Merendino and four other photographers were commissioned by Pfizer to capture the daily lives of 5 women who are living with the disease.

Cramped Apartments in Hong Kong Shot From Directly Above

In the middle of last year, The Economist released rankings for the world's most livable cities, and Hong Kong was found at the top. What many people don't know, however, is that there is a percentage of Hong Kong residents living in rather horrid conditions.

In an attempt to draw attention to the issue, human rights organization Society for Community Organization recently commissioned a series of photographs showing what a number of unacceptable living spaces look like when viewed from directly overhead. (Here's a larger version of the photo above.)

The 7 Levels of Awareness in Becoming a Professional Photographer

I have been taking pictures for almost twenty years now and so much has changed over those years. Back in the beginning gas used to cost $1.00, Bill Clinton was president, and I was picking up a camera for the first time. I started out in high school playing with my father’s Nikon FM2 and taking pictures for the school newspaper. Today, I work with a medium format digital back shooting national ad campaigns, magazine articles, and catalogs. Some aspects of how I photograph have stayed unchanged, but a great deal has changed considerably.