How to Photograph Bioluminescent Oceans

There are certain natural phenomena that most photographers would love to capture. Aurora, eclipses, meteors, rainbows, eruptions, lightning and tornados all present challenges to the photographer, not least of which is (with the exception of eclipses) having a camera pointed the right way when they happen. Bioluminescent algae is no different in this regard. Like all the most incredible natural spectacles it is hard to predict and tricky to capture.

Facebook is Now Fact-Checking Photos

Facebook is making it a priority these days to fight misinformation being spread on its social network, and the company has just announced that it's now fact-checking photos and videos being shared by users.

Why Dedicated Cameras Will Always Be (Optically) Better than Smartphones

It’s September, which means another generation of Apple iPhones. This year, the iPhone XS (pronounced “ten ess”) adds a slightly larger sensor plus significantly more computing power via the A12 Bionic Chip to enhance the phone’s image signal processing.

Early Photos vs. Now: Seeing Progress as a Photographer

Whelp! The Internet reminded me a few days back that I’ve officially been shooting photography for over 10 years now. I’ll be honest, I thought my progress would have been further. I assume the end of my life will be something like what I am currently experiencing, which is “Wow, that went fast.” It seems I’m just barely starting to grasp the wise words of my elders when they told me “Time goes quicker than you think.”

The Essence of the Street Photographer

Since the availability of Phase One's new 150-megapixel system hardware, the prices on lesser equipment have fallen surprisingly. I was therefore able, recently, to purchase a lightly used Hasselblad H6D-100c, with a couple of lenses, at a relative steal.

PSA: It’s ‘Bokeh’ not ‘Bokuh’

There are many sounds that native American English speakers have trouble reproducing. The French “r” (aka the “voiceless uvular fricative”), the rolled double “rr” in Spanish, tonal sounds in various Chinese languages like Mandarin and Cantonese.

Nikon Z7 Pro Photos and Impressions

Photographer and Nikon Ambassador Jerry Ghionis is one of just 12 of Nikon's photographers in the US who received extensive early access to the Nikon Z system. We asked Ghionis to share his impressions of the Z7 as well as photos he has captured with the full-frame mirrorless camera.

3 Reasons You Don’t Need To Be A Pro To Make Great Photos

The label of being a “professional” at something, whether you’re a professional football player or a professional figure skater, typically means you’re the best of the best in your respective field. But when it comes to a professional photographer, the same assumption can’t be made.

I Am NOT a ‘Self-Taught’ Photographer

“Meet my friend Saurabh. He’s an amazing photographer from India and his work has been published in various reputed newspapers and journals worldwide like Nat Geo, The Guardian, Lonely Planet, etc. Astonishingly, he’s a self-taught photographer and very passionate about his work.”

$80 f/1.2 Lens vs $1,500 f/1.2 Lens

How does a vintage $80 f/1.2 prime lens stack up against a modern $1,500 f/1.2 lens? Photographer Mathieu Stern recently decided to do a shootout to find out, and he shares his results in this 2.5-minute video.

Nikon Z7 Field Report: Too Many Good Things to Not Like It

Earlier this year I got a phone call from Japan asking whether I would be interested in working on yet another important global introduction campaign for a new Nikon product. As I very much enjoyed creating the Hercules Rising night time-lapse for the introduction of the Nikon D850, I said yes.

An 8-Hour Photo Walk Around New York City

Early this September, I went up to New York City to photograph Teachers College, Columbia University's new student orientation. While I was there, I had the opportunity to take some time for myself and walk around New York City, reminiscing about old times.

Portraits of Thunderchiefs, the Rolling Thunder Pilots of the Vietnam War

There are people who understand you well enough to challenge you but in that if-you’re-not-pushing-boundaries-you’re-not-doing-it-right kind of way -- people you ultimately trust to have your back and your best interests at heart. Kate Chase, my friend, former rep and now producer, is one of those people.

Deal Alert: Get 30% Off These Neewer Photo Products

Here's a deal alert that's exclusive to PetaPixel readers: you can currently receive an extra 30% off a number of Neewer photography products on Amazon using special discount codes.

Sneak Peek: This is Content-Aware Fill on Steroids

Adobe Photoshop's Content-Aware Fill is a powerful way to remove portions of photos, but its results can fall short and it doesn't have tools for customizing the results. But that's about to change: it will soon receive a huge upgrade with its own workspace and tools, and the 2-minute video above is a Sneak Peek at what's coming soon.

A Key to Powerful Portraits: The Eyes

Want to shoot powerful portraits? One of the keys to doing so is focusing on your subject's eyes. This 2.5-minute video by Light Club is an inspiring look into this critical facet of portraiture.