
You Can Finally Schedule Posts on Instagram Now (Kinda)

Instagram has announced that you can now schedule posts on the social network, provided you are signed up as a business account and using an approved third-party scheduling service. This new automation will streamline the Instagram workflow for those who are using the image-sharing app.

Instagram is Finally Testing a Regram Feature

Reposting an Instagram photo you like currently involves uploading a new version to Instagram, an act that can put you on the wrong side of copyright law. Instagram may finally be getting ready to unveil a "regram" button that lets you safely share other people's photos in your feed without making a copy of them.

Vine is Stayin’ Alive as an App Called Vine Camera

Twitter announced back in October 2016 that it would be shuttering Vine, its 6-second video sharing service. If you're a faithful Vine user who wants Vine to live on, there's good news for you now: some parts of Vine will live on as an app called Vine Camera.

Instagram Likes and Comments Drop 33% in a Year

Instagram boasts over 400 million users now and has never been more popular. But even though user growth charges forward, the interaction rate by users appears to be trending downward. A new study reports a 33% drop in Likes and Comments over a one year period.

Twitter Unveils Uncropped Photos for a ‘Richer Photo Experience’

Back in August, Instagram made a lot of photographers very happy by announcing that it will no longer force all photos into a square aspect ratio -- by allowing rectangular images, photographers can now share their photos in their original form.

Now Twitter is following suit: the company is announcing that photos in Twitter timelines will no longer be cropped.

What if Guys Were Social Networks? Fashion Photos of Models as Facebook, Twitter and More

As a followup to her popular What If Girls Were Internet Browsers series that blew across the World Wide Web at the end of last year, fashion photographer Viktorija Pashuta decided to tackle another similarly pressing question: what if guys were social networks?

As with the first series, she enlisted the help of some high quality stylists/designers and, together, they tried to capture the character of each of the major social networks in a conceptual fashion portrait.

OKDOTHIS Leaps Into 2.0 With Updated UI, Better Discovery Features and More

Last November, photographer Jeremy Cowart revealed OKDOTHIS, a two-and-a-half year collaboration between himself and the development team at Aloompa to create an app that inspired creatives to be... well... more creative.

And now, in the name of continuing to keep the creative community on their toes, OKDOTHIS has announced a 2.0 revamp of what is essentially its entire platform. The app, website and overall structure of the platform is much more streamlined now, featuring a more unified and easy-to-use design across the board. The Social Photo-Sharing Network for Drone Photographers

Although drone photography might lead you onto some sticky legal ground in some states, it is nonetheless often quite beautiful. It makes sense that those who have spent good money on drones are eager to put that money to use, and now they have an Instagram-like social network on which to share their results.

Vine Adds Android Front Camera Support as Use Dips Due to Instagram Video

One of the hashtags that made its way around the Internet after Instagram video was announced last week was #RIPVine. That, of course, was referencing Twitter's 6-second looping video app that many believed would now be brought low by Instagram's new 15-second capabilities.

Unfortunately for Twitter, recent statistics seem to confirm this belief, even as Vine fights back by adding more features.

Meet VSCO Grid: A Publishing Network Focused on ‘Craft, Curation and Content’

Visual Supply Co is trying very hard to get people excited about the new and innovative products it has up its sleeve.

We've already shared the company's recent teaser for the new, completely free VSCO Cam -- a revamped version of the $1 iOS app that promises many improvements -- and now, VSCO is giving fans a closer look at one of those improvements with a new announcement, this one for an app called VSCO Grid that will integrate seamlessly with VSCO Cam.

Hipstamatic Takes on Instagram with Its New Oggl iPhone App

Hipstamatic has seen better days. Ever since Instagram came along and stole its thunder by offering filters for free, the app hasn't had the same following it once did. But the company isn't going to take this lying down. After having to fire several core employees last August, Hipstamatic is bouncing back by debuting a new social networking app called Oggl.

Google+ Quietly Rolls Out a Photos-Only Filter for Search Results

Facebook announced its photos-only news feed filter earlier this month (alongside a major News Feed revamp) at a major press event surrounded by much fanfare. Now, Google has followed suit with its Google+ social network -- albeit much, much more quietly.

The service unveiled a new photos-only feed today, but instead of holding a major press event about it, it was outed by Google engineer Dave Cohen through his Google+ page.

Facebook Unveils Revamped News Feed, Focusing Heavily on Photo Sharing

Facebook announced major changes to its News Feed today, revamping the look and feel of the feature that first shook up the web back in 2006. Its stated goal with the changes is to reduce clutter and draw more attention to the stories that users care about. From the changes, it's clear that the company is focusing on improving the experience of sharing photos with family and friends.

Attorney General Asks Social Networks in the UK to Delete Illegal Photos of Killers

In February of 1993, 10-year-olds Jon Venables and Robert Thompson kidnapped and murdered two-year-old James Bulger. The two were eventually caught, and became the youngest convicted murderers in modern English history.

Their life sentences were cut short, however, when they were released in 2001 under the protection of new identities and a court order that prohibited the publication of any info that could reveal who they were. Now a full 12 years after their release, UK Attorney General Dominic Grieve is finally getting a chance to enforce that court order.

Google+ Integrates Pan and Scan for High Resolution Photos

Google tends to play nice with photographers, and yesterday the search giant announced that photos were going to start getting some love on its social network -- love of the pan and zoom variety. With cell phones, point and shoots and SLRs alike all churning out 12MP+ photos (at the very least), Google thought it was time you were able to see all of that glorious detail.