
DIY: Build a V-Flat with Swappable Catchlight Shapes

Photographer Nick Fancher is the author of Studio Anywhere, a photographer's guide to shooting high-quality portraits in unconventional locations and with low-budget tools and materials.

As one of his latest projects, Fancher built a v-flat catchlight with interchangeable white shapes as a flexible tool for portraiture.

Relook: High-End Portrait Retouching Tools for iOS

The Finnish app development studio Sumoing has just launched Relook, a new photo-editing app for iOS that it calls the first professional-level facial retouching app.

Unlike other image editing apps out there, Relook is designed specifically for touching up faces, bringing many of the powerful tools used by pros on desktop software into the world of mobile.

How to Turn a Photo Into a Painting with Photoshop

I recently had the absolute pleasure of meeting and shooting with Mackenzie Johnson! Today I'm going to share how I turned my portrait of her into a painting. Not everyone is a painter, but with a little time and patience -- and Photoshop -- I believe anyone can achieve this effect.

Shooting a Skyline Portrait of NBA Star James ‘The Beard’ Harden

I’ve dreamed about shooting Houston Rockets guard James Harden for a long time. How can you go wrong with that beard? He’s just awesome looking. I wanted to pose him with ZZ Top for the last couple of years -- or at least with Billy Gibbons -- but alas, no one has bitten on that idea yet. (You hear that Texas Monthly? It would be a great cover. Trust me.)

Anyway, the call finally came some weeks ago from Sports Illustrated. Harden had a super tight schedule with the All-Star Break coming up, and the editor asked if we could put together something with the iconic Houston skyline with only 24 hours notice.

Photographer Builds a Set on a Brooklyn Sidewalk For a Stranger’s Proposal

Back in December 2014, we shared about photographer Justin Bettman's Set in the Street project that involved building elaborate "indoor" sets on outdoor sidewalks in New York City, shooting portraits on them, and then leaving them for the public to pose with.

This past Valentine's Day, Bettman's ongoing project took a different (and romantic) turn: he built a set for a stranger to propose to his girlfriend in.

Family Portrait with ‘Ghost Dad’ Goes Viral

Photographer Kayli Rene has captured quite a few family portraits for clients, but a somewhat unusual one has captured the world's attention. It's a photo she made recently for Sierra Sharry, the mother of a 6 month old boy who lost her husband in an accident last year. At Sharry's request, Rene included the husband as a ghostly figure in the shot.

The resulting photo (shown above) has seen been "liked" by hundreds of thousands of people and has been featured on news shows and websites across the country.

Turning a Small Hotel Suite Into a Photo Studio for a Portrait of Pharrell Williams

I had a fun, cool portrait shoot with Pharrell Williams recently in a small suite at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Most of my celebrity portrait assignments are in hotel rooms and the first thing you have to consider when you arrive is: How do I turn a room I've seen a thousand times into a photo studio?

Immortalizing Evander ‘The Real Deal’ Holyfield with a Wet Plate Portrait

I get a call on Saturday, February 28th, 2015, telling me “The Champ can give you an hour if you can pick him up at the hotel in 10 minutes”. “I'll be there in 8," I say to the person on the phone.

This "Champ" they are referring to is none other than Evander Holyfield, 4-time heavyweight champion of the world, and I am being offered an opportunity of a lifetime.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Photoshopping Wings Into a Surreal Portrait

Ok, let's just be honest for a second here: everyone and everything in the world looks drastically cooler with wings. Period. It's just the way it is.

In middle school when I was heavily into my "drawing magical fantasy creatures" phase (it never ended by the way... just ask my sketchbook), I used to check out this "how to draw animals" book from the library all the time. Really they should have just given it to me, I had it checked out so often.

Portraits of Hipsters Sporting Beards Made of Fuzzy Animals

As Movember, or No Shave November, or whatever you're calling this month of bearded and mustached madness and charity, comes to a close, we're sharing perhaps the most appropriate photo series we could find.

A set of three images captured for the razor brand Schick by photographer Troy Goodall in collaboration with animal photographer Stephen Stewart, Free Your Skin features quintessential hipsters showing off beards made of... fuzzy animals.

Can You Spot a Fake Smile in a Photograph?

"Smile" is a common command uttered before pressing the shutter and snapping a photo, but it's not always a real smile that gets captured in the resulting portrait. How well can you distinguish a "real" smile from a "fake" one in a picture?

In the two portraits above, which one is a genuine smile, and which one is more forced?

‘Flash Paint’ Your Way to More Striking Portraits with This One-Light Setup

Author’s note: The below video contains no explicit nudity, but may still be considered NSFW by some -- proceed with caution.

If you’re looking to spice up your portraiture a bit, Smoking Strobes has a neat little trick that you should try out if you don't already have it in your repertoire. It’s done using speedlights, although probably not in the way you normally use them.

Rather than the speedlight being on-camera or triggered through a set of wireless triggers, this method of lighting a subject is done by ‘flash painting’ one pop of the flash at a time.

CAMS Sling Strap and Plates Make Shooting Portraits Easier and More Comfortable than Ever

Most sling-style straps today have a problem: the mounting point. They all use a rather bulky connector or plate screwed into your camera’s tripod mount, so if you’re using a pro body or a battery grip on your camera, these straps make it uncomfortable, if not impossible, to take advantage of shooting portrait style.

To solve that problem, a designer and an engineer have teamed up to create CAMS, a pro sling strap, camera plate and lens plate that are built with the aforementioned problem in mind.