
Pregnant Teen Model Killed During Railway Photoshoot in Texas

Fredzania 'Zadie' Thompson was just 19 years old, a student, athlete, and mother-to-be from Navasota, Texas who decided to finally pursue her dream of becoming a model last Friday. Unfortunately, her first photo shoot would also be her last. She was struck and killed by a train.

I Flew to Europe to Create ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Photos for My Daughter

It was late, dark and eerie as I drove through the Swiss alps in my tiny rental car. I could barely see the road and was stuck in between two semi trucks. I should have been fearing for my life, but all I could think about was how excited my 3-year-old daughter, Nellee, would be after seeing what I was creating for her.

How I Photographed Golfer Lexi Thompson Underwater

When Red Bull came to me with the idea for golfer Lexi Thompson to do an underwater boxing/golf shoot, I had to really think about how we were going to do this -- I knew it was going to be challenging.

I Photographed My 3-Year-Old Girl as Rey from Star Wars

I feel like there's a real shortage of quality female heroes these days throughout our entertainment media. They always seem to be flawed in one way or another by the system that produces them. They're either a distressed, incapable damsel, or an obnoxious, loud-and-proud feminist who deems it necessary to remind the audience that she's a woman every five seconds (just in case we didn't notice).

You Don’t Need a Great Studio Space to Shoot Great Portraits

My name is Philippe Echaroux, and I'm a French celebrity photographer and an ambassador for Hasselblad and Elinchrom. I recently had to do a portrait shoot at a large studio in Paris, but for this shoot I decided to have a bit of fun.

How Doctor Who Recreated the Abbey Road Photo

Here's a short video showing how the British sci-fi TV show Doctor Who recreated the Beatles' famous Abbey Road album cover photo. Since Abbey Road is an active two-way road in London, the team had to stop traffic at a crosswalk for about 90 seconds to nail the shot.

Capturing the Beauty of Motorcycle Stunt Riding

Motorcycle stunt riding is seen as a reckless sport in so many circles. This kind of riding is usually left to YouTube channels filled with guys with helmet mohawks and seriously questionable decision-making skills. Because of this, I often find myself presented with the question: how can this kind of riding be fun? The typical response is: “you’d have to ride to understand.”

How I Photographed a Model with Fire and Water

I firmly believe creative work is the most important element to maintaining a strong work ethic and absolute focus. I make an effort to book at least one personal project a month, sometimes it involves a mood that is completely outside of my comfort zone, which often leads to finding new lighting, composition and techniques.

Shooting Human Body Vehicles for a Transport Company

An advertising agency recently approached me about shooting photos for a transportation industry company. They had the idea of forming different modes of transportation (e.g. car, boat, motorcycle and truck) out of the bodies of the workers.

The Fame-Seeking Models Who Pose for IKEA Photo Shoots

The majority of "photos" you see these days when you flip through an IKEA catalog are actually purely computer generated images, but some of the shots are still done in a photo studio. To promote its 2017 catalog, IKEA released this humorous 2-minute tongue-in-cheek video that offers a glimpse into the minds of a few of the models involved in the photo shoots.

Photo Challenge: Using a 15-Year-Old DSLR for a Modern-Day Portrait Shoot

It's easy to forgot how easy we have it shooting digital in 2016, because when digital cameras first started picking up steam they were not easy to use. How difficult were they? Watch as Jared Polin of Fro Knows Photo takes the 15-year-old Nikon D1X out for a modern day on-location portrait shoot.

Newborn Photos of Ultra Rare Identical Quadruplets

Here's a set of newborn photos you don't see every day: baby photographer Cassandra Jones of Northern Alberta was recently asked to shoot portraits of ultra rare identical quadruplets. It's estimated that there are only about 70 sets of identical quadruplets among the 7.4 billion people on Earth.

Improving Your Photography Skills, There is No Magic Tutorial

I know we all wish there was that one magic tutorial which would take our photography to the next level. And we also get frustrated when we try a technique for the first time and it doesn’t go as planned. It would be great if things were simple, wouldn’t it?

Furs and Fake Blood: How I Planned and Shot an Epic Viking Shoot

One of the most luring aspects of photography, for me, is storytelling. Whether it's weddings, photojournalism, or creative portraiture, the opportunity to engage the viewer and pull them into another world is an incredible thing.

This Photographer Got Attacked… by a Cute Baby Panda

Getting a baby panda to stay still for your camera can be hard work. Here's an adorable 1-minute video showing how one tiny giant panda cub that just wouldn't work with a photographer/videographer during a shoot -- it just kept chasing the photographer and grabbing onto his legs.

A Look at Serena Williams’ Photo Shoot for the Cover of Sports Illustrated

Here's a short behind-the-scenes video showing how fashion photographer Yu Tsai recently photographed tennis superstar Serena Williams for Sports Illustrated magazine. Williams was featured in the cover story after being selected as the publication's Sportsperson of the Year, the first time an individual woman has taken the award in over 3 decades.