
Photo Sharing is Hurting Our Enjoyment of Life, Study Finds

Smartphones and social networks have made snapping and sharing photos extremely easy to do, allowing us to preserve our memories and broadcast our experiences. It's not all positive, though: there are downsides to our snap- and selfie-happy culture.

A new study has found that 58% of people believe that "posting the perfect picture has prevented them from enjoying life's experiences."

dubble is a Social Photo App That Lets You Create Double Exposure Photos with Others

In the world of analog photography, "film swapping" is an activity in which two photographers each shoot through the same roll of film, creating random -- and often beautiful -- double exposure photographs in each frame.

dubble is an app that wants to bring that same experience to the world of digital photography. It allows people from around the world to create random double exposure photos with each other.

The Great Instagram Purge Vaporizes Millions of Spammy ‘User’ Accounts

After announcing that it had passed 300 million active users earlier this month, Instagram warned that it would be cracking down on spam accounts and that users may see their follower counts drop as a result. It has come to pass.

If your follower counts just dropped noticeably, you're seeing the effects of the Great Instagram Purge, which has wiped out millions upon millions of accounts.

Facebook Now Auto-Enhancing Your Smartphone Photos

Ready to see an improvement in all of your Facebook friends' snaps? Facebook is rolling out a new auto-enhance feature for its mobile app that will automatically correct things like light, shadows, and clarity in your smartphone shots.

Yovo Photo Sharing App Uses Slatted Fence Optical Trick to Prevent Screenshots

In the ongoing app battle to keep private photos safe and sound from unintended recipients (and the general public), a new app called Yovo – You Only View Once – brings an interesting technology to the table.

It's called D-fence, and is based around the idea that your eyes can see what's behind a slatted fence as you're driving by at a high speed.

Ubersnap Photo Sharing Platform Lets You Combine Music and Photography in Melodic Matrimony

Whether or not you’re conscious of it when watching a movie, the sounds and soundtrack play as significant of a role as the actual imagery. Sadly, none of the standard photo sharing options allow us still photographers the luxury of framing our visual message with melody... until now.

A fairly new and interesting platform called Ubersnap is looking to change this music-less status quo.

The New Dropbox Pro Offers 1TB for Only $10/mo, Adds a Ton of New Functionality

Dropbox is a Go-To for many photographers. Whether they're storing their photography, sharing albums with clients or, ahem, sending files to the press, more often than not it's Dropbox they use. And starting today, anybody not using Dropbox's Pro offering has a whole lot more reason to do so thanks to a steep drop in price, a big jump in storage space, and a bunch of new features and functionality.

August: A Fulfilling Photo Sharing Platform that Makes Discovering Talent as Fun as Being Discovered

Photo sharing and portfolio building sites, if you'll allow us a cliché, are a dime a dozen. Once you strip away the marketing speak they act in much the same way, with the differences are few and great work is often buried under an avalanche of work that's just 'okay.'

It takes a lot, in other words, to really break the mold -- which is what makes the August platform/app such a breath of fresh photo sharing air. Part respectable art gallery, part photo sharing and discovery platform, it offers a unique and incredibly fulfilling experience for both creators and consumers.

10 Things Google Should Consider in Launching a Standalone Photo Sharing Service

Google used to have a standalone photo sharing service. It was called Picasa. I never really liked it. It wasn’t a very social site. I thought Flickr was a lot better.

Today’s news is that Google is looking to spin off Google Photos from Google+. Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not. You never know. The timing of Friday afternoon stories and leaks always makes you wonder. Usually when companies want to push something they release it more like Tuesday mornings or make a big deal about it at I/O or something.

Instagram Briefly Teases Its Snapchat Competitor ‘Bolt’… Maybe

Last night, a number of Android-touting Instagram users noticed a peculiar banner within Instagram that previewed Bolt, a "one tap photo messaging [app].” Just as quickly as it had appeared for many, it disappeared. But not before a number of users captured and shared a screenshot, stirring up plenty of talk in the tech community.

Did You Know: Instagram Started Life as a Check In App Named After Booze

Here's a neat piece of photo trivia you can throw out the next time there's a lull in conversation at a party: Instagram wasn't originally called 'Instagram.' In fact, it wasn't even a photo sharing app. Instagram was initially called 'Burbn' (after the Whiskey) and it was a check in app ala Foursquare.

Twitter Takes Aim at Snapchat’s Market by Letting You Send Pics via Direct Message

The tech world is full of 'wars,' all of them over the attention of that flighty creature known as 'the consumer.' And one of the wars being raged most furiously is between the major social networks: the established behemoths Facebook, Instagram and Twitter; that stubborn network loved by photogs, Google+; and the new kid on the block that has everybody's undergarments in a bunch: Snapchat.

Well, Facebook has had its go at stealing some of Snapchat's market (both literally and through acquisition) and has been ultimately unsuccessful on all counts. Now it's Twitter's turn.

Exposure: A New Web Service for Creating Beautiful Photo Narratives

The key to creating a good photo-based service is to fill a need that isn't being filled by any other app or website -- a task increasingly difficult as more and more players enter the market. Still, once in a while someone stumbles on an idea that is just the right mix of concepts to create a service really worth your while, and Exposure seems to be just that.