
8 Ideas for Funny Portrait Photos

If you're looking for a wacky idea for portrait photos, check out this 4.5-minute video by COOPH. It's a collection of 8 wacky things you can do with things that you can mostly find around a home.

The Camera Store Customer from Hell

If you've ever worked in retail at a camera store, perhaps this sketch will tickle your funny bone... or bring back bad memories. At 5:30 in this episode of the comedy show Rostered On is an interaction between a store employee and a customer asking to return a "broken" camera.

This Guy Ruins His Friends’ Instagram Food Photos

In the age of Instagram, snapping a photo of a picture-perfect meal before eating it has become something of a ritual (science also suggests it helps food taste better). But one guy has made it a ritual of his own to ruin his friends' Instagram food photos and capture their horrified expressions.

Photos of Cats Doing Martial Arts

Hisakata Hiroyuki is a Japanese photographer who has focused his career on a rather unusual subject matter: action photos of cats that make them look like they're doing martial arts.

When a Panorama Selfie Goes Wrong

The intelligent panorama features on smartphones these days can help capture some pretty neat shots, but they can also produce some very strange results if things go wrong. Mitchell Flann and Erika Gomos were using the Wide Selfie mode on a Samsung Galaxy S7 recently when Gomos sneezed midway through the exposure. The gem above is what resulted.

This Bride Doesn’t Have Girlfriends, So She Did a Photo Shoot with Bros

24-year-old Rebeca Brantes of Brazil is a computer engineering student who's one of just 4 women in her class of 60 students. Leaving up to her recent wedding, Brantes realized that she didn't have any girlfriends from school for a bridal photo shoot, so she decided to invite her best guy friends for an unusual photo series.

A Visual Effects Artist Made This Epic Video to Sell His Old Car

Israeli visual effects artist Eugene Romanovsky wanted to sell his old 1996 Suzuki Vitara SUV, so he created this out-of-this-world 2-minute video to advertise its qualities. The ad shows the car zipping around in ordinary landscapes before appearing in famous movies and on the moon.

Dad Poses for Hilarious Maternity Shoot Parody, Nails It

This photo shoot is a year old, but we are so happy we stumbled across it today. After shooting too many maternity shoots in a row, photographer Martyn Wilkes decided to break the monotony with a bit of fun. He asked his friend Francisco Pérez to pose for his own "maternity" shoot.

How NOT to Photograph the Moon

There are plenty of tutorials and examples on the Web for capturing amazing photographs of the moon. Photojournalist Van Applegate recently experienced a humorous personal fail that shows how not to do it.

‘Eric Cartman’ Lens Flare Photo Becomes an All-Time Top Reddit Post

From the "weird but also kind of fun" department comes one of the strangest and now most popular photos ever shared on Reddit. No, it's not some epic landscape or a mind-blowing wildlife photo... it's a shot of the London skyline with a lens flare that looks exactly like the South Park character Eric Cartman.