
The Diamond Ratio: The Ultimate Rule of Photo Composition

You have no doubt heard of the Golden Ratio, which is somehow or other connected to the Golden Mean and the Fibonacci Spiral, which is oft-touted as the basis of all great compositions. It is less likely that you have heard of the Diamond Ratio.

Guy Epically Photobombs Newspaper Photographer Shooting a Demolition

This is painful to watch. After spending all day setting up and preparing to capture a smokestack demolition for her newspaper, Reading Eagle staff photographer Susan L. Angstadt was horrendously, tragically, epically photobombed by a guy with an iPhone during the moment of truth.

Photoshopped Fisher-Price ‘Happy Hour Playset’ Fools Parents

"Fake news" is one of the biggest real news stories of 2016, and sometimes Photoshop plays a role in the deceit. One of the latest incidents is widespread outrage over a new Fisher-Price "Happy Hour Playset" that lets kids play with a pretend bar. It sparked plenty of anger from parents, but it was simply a faked box with Photoshopped photos.

#MannequinChallenge, Photographer Edition

The #MannequinChallenge is a new viral obsession that has been taking off over the past couple of weeks. It involves shooting a short video in which everyone in the shot stays perfectly motionless like mannequins, frozen in time as they go about their lives. Above is an example by Julian Restrepo.

Fossil’s Q Smartwatch Puts Instagram Husbands Out of a Job

Fossil's Q smartwatches contain a feature that lets you take pictures with your smartphone camera by simply pressing one of the watch's buttons. To promote this watch and feature, Fossil created the above followup to the Instagram Husbands video that went viral last year.

Parody Film Pokes Fun at Photo-Crazed Wedding Guests

Wedding photographers these days often find themselves competing with guests who spend the whole ceremony shooting photos with smartphones, DSLRs, and even tablets. The short film above, titled "Unplugged," is a parody that shows why couples are sometimes choosing to have an "unplugged" wedding free of these distractions.

Satire: I Shoot JPG

Photographer Taylor Jackson—whose more serious videos we’ve featured here and …

The ‘Scientific’ Way to Nail Your White Balance in Lightroom

Lifestyle photographer Scotty Turner shared his ‘super scientific’ white balance method on YouTube this morning, and it is spot on. Instead of getting technical about it, he does what we’ve all done at one point or another: he jostles the slider like a maniac to ‘reset’ his eyes.

The Nikon: Perfection in a Camera

The Nikon. Why do I use The Nikon? The only real answer is that if you don't already know, I can't explain it, you just have to do it yourself. But I'll try.

Squirrel Photobombs Engagement Shoot in the Best Way Possible

Hands up, cheeks bulging, food properly presented to the camera, if we didn't know better we'd say this squirrel had been perfecting her photobomb skills ahead of the big moment. When Dorota and Marcin Karpowicz of BDFK Photography clicked the shutter, months of training paid off... Olympics style.