
Actress Pranks Lewd Insta-Perverts with Fake Cleavage Photo

Like many women these days, German actress and model Palina Rojinski has been on the receiving end of wildly inappropriate and lewd comments left on her Instagram photos. She recently got back at the abusive and sexist Internet commenters in quite a clever way: by sharing a fake cleavage photo featuring a guy's butt crack.

Shutterstock Recreates Infamous Fyre Festival Promo Using Only Stock Clips

Fyre Festival was a "luxury music festival" that failed spectacularly back in 2017 after attracting a huge amount of interest with a viral photo and video marketing blitz. Shutterstock has released this 30-second video to show how the wildly expensive Fyre Festival promo video could have been created at a tiny fraction of the cost.

This is Why You Pay the Creative Who Shot Your Content

If you're a photographer or videographer who has ever had a client who refused to pay up after a project was shot, here's a humorous story of revenge that may tickle your funny bone. Ridge Production claims that American rapper Sheck Wes didn't pay up for the music video they shot, so they turned the footage they own into this absolutely ridiculous 4-minute parody (warning: there's strong language).

The Terrible History of Photographs, Sesame Street-Style

It has never been easier to shoot and share photos than in our modern Instagram age. The YouTube puppet web series Glove and Boots made this tongue-in-cheek 5-minute video on the "terrible history of photographs" to explain how much time and effort it took to do photography in past eras.

Don’t Mess With THIS Photographer

A photographer over in Asia is attracting a great deal of attention online after he was spotted shooting birds with his mirrorless camera mounted on a rifle-style stock.

Ex-NASA Engineer Builds Glitter Fart Camera Trap for Package Thieves

Wildlife photographers sometimes set up camera traps to capture images of elusive animals. Former NASA engineer Mark Rober recently spent months creating a glitter-bomb fart-spray camera trap to capture images of elusive package thieves. As the 11-minute video above shows, the results were glorious.

9 Signs You Might be Turning into a Lifestyle Photographer

It started out innocently enough. You were a landscape photographer, a solitary scenery hunter, a planet-loving, tree-hugging, mountain-climbing, river-crossing, track-scrambling wanderer in the wilds. You loved documenting our planet and all of its hidden little nooks and crannies.

The Dark Truth Behind the Sensor Size War

Want to learn about the history of digital camera sensor sizes? Camera Conspiracies made this entirely serious and fantastically educational 11-minute video on the dark history behind the digital camera industry's sensor size war (warning: it contains profanity).

Photos of Babies with Grown-Up Teeth

If you need a chuckle today (or a nightmare tonight), there's a strange new photo project you can check out called Babies With Teeth. As its name suggests, each of the bizarre photos shows an infant with grown-up teeth 'Photoshopped' into their tiny mouths.

The Essence of the Street Photographer

Since the availability of Phase One's new 150-megapixel system hardware, the prices on lesser equipment have fallen surprisingly. I was therefore able, recently, to purchase a lightly used Hasselblad H6D-100c, with a couple of lenses, at a relative steal.

What a Real Photographer Boot Camp Would Be Like

Photography workshops are often marketed as "boot camps," but what would they be like if they were actually like military training boot camps? Photographer Matt Granger made this lightheartedly cringey 5.5-minute parody imagining just that.

This Stock Photo Fail Was Spotted at a Supermarket in Poland

This line of hand mixers was spotted in Poland in a Biedronka store (the largest discount supermarket chain). Instead of properly using licensed Shutterstock stock photos that come without watermarks, the graphic designers used watermark versions. And apparently, no one noticed (or cared).

When You Want Romantic Photos, But You Only Have Yourself…

There are a lot of standard and cliché poses used by photographers shooting romantic portraits of couples in love. One of the key ingredients is having two people in the frame. Photographer Malley Victoria of LaGrange, Georgia, recently shot a series of portraits of a guy in the style of a couples photo shoot.

How to Do HDR Photography… Using Microsoft Excel

There are a number of popular HDR photography programs out there. Microsoft Excel isn't one of them. Photography enthusiast and software engineer Kevin Chen came up with the strange and hilarious idea of using Excel to create an HDR photo, and he presented his results in this 12-minute presentation he gave at !!Con 2017 (pronounced "bang bang con").

This is What Camera Bag Marketing Hype is Like

It seems like every month there's an earth-shattering new camera bag that can hold ridiculous amounts of gear in an absurd number of compartments. Fstoppers decided to poke fun at this niche in the photo industry and created this humorous 3-minute sketch showing what camera bag marketing hype is like when you buy into it.