
US Army Putting AR Camera Goggles on War Dogs

Augmented reality camera glasses haven't broken into the mainstream yet, they're already making their way to dogs. The US Army is showing off new AR camera goggles that are designed to be worn by military dogs in the field.

Photographer Captures the Touching Bond Between a Dog and an Owl

Five years ago, animal photographer Tanja Brandt introduced us to an incredible friendship that has led to hundreds of heart-melting photos. Meet Ingo and Napoleon (AKA Poldi): the Malinois Belgian shepherd and Owlet whose friendship has captivated the Internet for over half a decade.

This Dog is a Talented Skateboarding Cameraman

Illustrator Rob Mathieson has a dog named Fatman the Dog with some impressive camera skills. With a camera mounted to his back, the Staffordshire Bull Terrier captures great footage of skateboarders doing their thing.

These Are the Best Dog Photos of 2018

The Kennel Club has announced the winning photos of the 2018 Dog Photographer of the Year photo contest. This is the 13th year of the contest and entries are submitted by thousands of photographers from countries all over the world.

11 Tips for Photographing Your Dog or Cat Like a Pro

In order to make your snapshots stand out above the rest by making them look professional, incorporating several creative elements can do just that. I am often asked by pet owners how to get the best shots of their furry companions with a basic camera.

I Held a Dog Headshot Photo Booth, and the Results Were Hilarious

After the fantastic experience I had hosting my first Dog Photo Booth at Glens Falls Pet Fest in City Park, Glens Falls last year, I knew I had to return for the 2nd annual event. As simple as the concept may sound, hosting a photo booth (let alone one for dogs) involves a number of technicalities. Having never hosted a photo booth before, last year was a tremendous learning experience for me as a photographer.

Fun Portraits of a Man and His Dog Doing the Same Things

Photographer Mik Milman is an event and creative portrait photographer. Dog Brixton Milman is a dog. Together, they've captured the heartwarming connection between a man and his dog (or is it a dog and his man?) in the series Us: Mik and Brix Doing Things.

Photos of Vivian the Giant Wiener Dog

Move over Clifford, there's another big (but not so red) dog in town. Vivian the dog is a 6-foot-tall dachshund that's featured in a new photo book titled "Vivian the Dog Moves to Brooklyn."

The Dog Days of Chasing Storms with My Best Friend

They say that a dog is man’s best friend and I wholeheartedly agree. Not only are they loyal, forgiving, compassionate, and much more, but in my case, my dog shares my passion with me.

Heart-Melting Dog Portraits by Alicja Zmyslowska

Since picking up a camera as a teenager several years ago and shooting her first snapshots of her dog, Polish photographer Alicja Zmysłowska has become a well-known dog photographer whose work has been published internationally.

Dogs and Peanut Butter: A Match Made in Photo Book Heaven

If you have a dog, you know the magic of the substance known as peanut butter—a small smudge on their nose and they'll be busy for the next 30 minutes. And now, animal photographer Greg Murray is capturing this magic in his photo book For the Love of Peanut Butter.