
The latest news, reviews, and information about Canon cameras, lenses, and products. Canon is a multinational corporation headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. The company manufactures a wide range of optical, imaging, and industrial products, but it's particularly known for its cameras and lenses. Founded in 1934, Canon initially launched the Kwanon, the first 35mm camera with a focal-plane shutter out of Japan.
Canon EOS R3 review, main photo of the front of the camera

Canon EOS R3 Review: Blazing Speed Meets Robust Body

Canon’s latest mirrorless camera takes on a new shape and reaches all new heights in performance. With its stacked 24-megapixel sensor, blackout-free silent shooting, eye-control autofocus, and improved subject detection, the EOS R3 might just be the new camera to beat.

This Official Canon Teddy Bear Comes with Its Own DSLR

Some parents try to get their kids to fall in love with photography from an early age. If you are a diehard Canon shooter who wants your child to share that same loyalty in their formative years, look no further than this official Canon teddy bear.

The Most Expensive Camera Lenses You Can Buy Right Now

Whether you are a working professional or a weekend hobbyist, the thrill of using truly exquisite gear is unmatched. We all work with what we have while salivating over what we cannot, and no matter how old we get, fancy toys never lose their luster. Do we need them? Probably not. Will we ever purchase them? Not likely. Will we spend hours staring at them? You bet. Nothing is as intoxicating to a photographer as good, outrageously expensive glass.

Camera Balance: An Often Overlooked But Important Feature

While the broad strokes of what is wanted on a camera usually revolve around the imaging fundamentals -- resolution, ISO performance, AF, et cetera -- there are some functions of camera design that have a significant impact on creating that often can be overlooked. The aspect that I want to discuss today is that of balance.

Shooting with the Canon EOS R3 for a Full Week

As a Canon Ambassador, I had the opportunity to work extensively with a pre-production version of the new Canon EOS R3. This article isn’t a test report, but rather, a report on my experiences with the camera, and an account of how it compares to my current EOS R5.