February 2014

Be Careful Whom You Admire… Unless It’s David Soul from Starsky & Hutch

When I was in middle school, I had a crush on a celebrity.

It was a time when young girls daydreamed with stars in their eyes, imagining every love song was written about them, doodling hearts on their Lisa Frank notebooks and knowing with full certainty that one day their prince charming would whisk them away, like on the cover of a Harlequin Romance novel, or like Fabio in an “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter” commercial.

Or in my case, I'd be driven away in the front seat of a bright red Ford Gran Torino, the kind only TV undercover cops would drive.

SanDisk Announces Huge Capacity 128GB microSD Card

Yesterday, SanDisk unveiled the newest addition to its Secure Digital memory card lineup: a 128GB microSDXC card that effectively doubles the storage capabilities of the current generation of cards.

And while the practicality of that much storage on a microSD card isn't overly exciting for most photographers, there are certainly some scenarios where this will be beneficial.

Law Firms Lining Up to File Class Action Lawsuits Over the D600 Dust/Oil Issue

Just over a week ago, we reported on the news that a US law firm was collecting information from disgruntled Nikon D600 users for a potential class action lawsuit. Well, it turns out they're actually late to the game. Three days after that story broke, a few other law firms actually filed a class action suit against the Japanese camera giant.

Hilarious Camera Issues During Live BBC News Broadcast

Alright, we'll be the first to admit that this isn't strictly photography related, but it's a funny camera issue and a great way to start Tuesday off on a light note. The viral BBC News clip above is quickly spreading to all corners of the globe as people giggle their way through what may be one of the funniest transitions in serious news history.

Your Perfect Day: An Inspirational Message on Work/Life Balance for Photographers

What is your perfect day? And when was the last time you had your perfect day? If you're like most photographers the answer to the first question may come out pretty easily (or not...), but the answer to the second...

That was the question that wedding photographer Jerry Ghionis once asked a fellow photographer, and when she heard the second part, it left her in tears. She couldn't remember her last perfect day, because she was so busy working and working and working at her career that she had forgotten to live the lifestyle she was hoping photography would offer.

Sony Brings 20.7MP Photos and 4K Video to the Waterproof Xperia Z2

Trying to keep itself in the high-end mobile phone race, Sony has announced a new flagship phone that manages to pack a great deal of camera technology into a very thin, waterproof package.

While Sony isn't exactly known for their smartphones, it's quite a different story when it comes to their camera technology. Thus, to make use of their consistently improving performance in the photography world, they've decided to bring to life the Sony Xperia Z2, capable of shooting 20.7MP photos and 4K video.

The Incredible Story Behind the First Ever Photos of a Snow Leopard Making a Kill

When it comes to wildlife photography, the Snow Leopard is almost unicorn-like. No, it's not mythical, but it's almost as hard to capture one of these infamous "gray ghosts of the Himalayas" on camera as it is to track down a creature that doesn't actually exist.

Imagine, then, how amazed the people on a recent INDRI Ultimate Wildlife Tour were when they got to watch AND photograph a Snow Leopard making a successful kill -- a world's first.

The Image Story: A Website that Dives Into the Story Behind Incredible Photographs

The saying goes: a picture is worth a thousand words. I certainly agree with this sentiment, but there's more to it. For every thousand words the photograph is worth, there's three thousand explaining how the image came to be.

We've all had that moment when we're browsing through some photographs online and the questions hit us. How did someone capture this photo? What gear did they use for this? What was their inspiration? How did they plan it?

Well, for moments like this, there's now a beautifully designed resource called The Image Story.

Invisible: Laura Williams Talks About Her Surreal Self-Portrait that Went Viral

Surreal self-portraits from young photographers are nothing new. In fact, one could say there are almost too many of them out there. But that makes it that much more impressive when a young photog breaks out of the pack and catches the attention of the masses.

That's exactly what 18-year-old photographer and college student Laura Williams did with her viral self-portrait series 'Invisible.'

Nat Geo Photo Editor On Listening to Your Inner Voice and Putting the Photo First

If you've ever dreamed of being published in National Geographic -- and let's be honest, a good number of us have fantasized about that career path -- then you're going to want to pay special attention to the short video above.

At the request of Nat Geo photographer and burn magazine editor David Alan Harvey, Nat Geo photo editor Susan Welchman gives you some concise advice on what she's looking for from her photographers.

White House Upsets Press Photogs Again, Locks Them Out of Dalai Lama Meeting

The Obama Administration is yet again making headlines thanks to its 'closed-door' policy when it comes to anyone other than official White House photographer Pete Souza getting time to photograph the President.

This time the controversy revolves around President Obama's meeting with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a meeting with far-reaching political implications that everyone but Mr. Souza was yet again shut out of.

Take a Ride in the Goodyear Blimp with Photographer Dan Marker-Moore

Riding in the Goodyear Blimp might not be a lifelong dream for everybody, but it was for photographer Dan Marker-Moore, and it's now one he can cross off his bucket list. Last week, he got to ride in (and even fly!) the blimp, capturing video and photos that he graciously sent our way to share with all of you.

Pro Tip: Stabilize Your GoPro Videos Using Your Face

Here's a video from back in 2012 that shows a basic GoPro video stabilization tip you might not have heard of yet. Put together by Mitch Bergsma of MicBergsma Productions, it shows you how holding your GoPro against your face will lead to more stable footage.

Beautiful Studio Portraits of Vintage Gear

There's a reason the retro movement has such staunch supporters, and it's not just because there are a lot of people with ironic facial hair intent on buying a camera that looks as old as possible. The old cameras were at once functional and beautiful, or at the very least beautiful, and an industry that prides itself on appreciating beauty can't help but appreciate the beauty of their tools.

Treasured Cameras is a short photo series by photographer Julian Calverley that celebrates this aesthetic beauty in an ironic way: by taking portraits of vintage cameras using an iPhone.

5D Mark III vs 6D: Which is Better For You?

If you're in the market to purchase a new full-frame camera from Canon, but aren't sure whether to go with the 6D or 5DMIII, the folks over at DSLR Video Shooter have created the above video to help you compare and contrast the two offerings from Canon and decide if the 5D is going to be worth the extra dinero for you.

Professional Skydive Photographer Puts the Nikon D5300 Through Its Paces

Apparently the newest, coolest way to show off your new camera is by sending it up with some professional skydivers and telling them to have at it. Okay, maybe it's too early to spot a trend, but Nikon did recently decide to follow in Sony's footsteps and send a couple of D5300s up with a pro skydive photographer to show them off.