
Photographer Captures the Touching Bond Between a Dog and an Owl

Five years ago, animal photographer Tanja Brandt introduced us to an incredible friendship that has led to hundreds of heart-melting photos. Meet Ingo and Napoleon (AKA Poldi): the Malinois Belgian shepherd and Owlet whose friendship has captivated the Internet for over half a decade.

Are You Leaving Your Children Printed Photographs?

My son texted me the other day asking for my meatball recipe. It’s a rarity that he texts me for recipes, so I was thrilled to my toes. About a week later, my daughter texted me asking for my fresh pumpkin pie recipe. Again, joy spread through my body as I thought to myself, “Finally.”

Raising a Shutterbug: How Our 4-Year-Old Became a Photographer

This is our son River, he’s had a camera in his hands since he started to drool. When both your parents are photographers I guess it’s just in the genes and he loves it. He started out with a film Holga and Diana F+ and graduated to a Canon Rebel when he was 2. He is now 4 years old and shoots with our Canon 5D Mark IVs.

A Widowed Bride’s Wedding Photos with Her Groom

A bride who lost her fiancé to a tragic accident went ahead with celebrating her wedding day. The wedding photos that resulted are a powerful testament and tribute to the bond she shared with the love of her life that she lost.

A Fire, a Photojournalist, and an Unexpected Package

While studying aerospace engineering at the University of Buffalo, Malaysia-born Marcus Yam caught the photography bug, altering the trajectory of his career. He started his life in photojournalism interning for The Buffalo News, then went on to pursue a graduate degree at Ohio University’s School of Visual Communications.

This DIY Rig is Helping a Terminally Ill Photographer Keep Shooting

For many of us, photography is just a hobby; for 22-year-old James, it's an escape from the constant pain his terminal illness keeps him in day-in and day-out. When his illness threatened to take even this away from him, one of the UK's top engineers stepped in and created a DIY rig that lets James keep shooting.

Photographer Pays a Touching Tribute to Her Elderly Dog

When photographer Catherine Panebianco noticed her beloved dog Benny begin to show the signs of old age, she did what any photographer and dog lover might do: she picked up a camera. She began chronicling the last year of Benny's life, photo by intimate photo.

Portraits of Refugees with Their Most Precious Possession

Commercial portrait photographer Gabriel Hill's typical day involves photographing big players in the pharmaceutical industry, some of the wealthiest people in the world. But his powerful personal project ImPORTRAITS is all about people who have almost nothing: refugees who escaped their countries carrying only the bare essentials... and sometimes not even that.

A Tribute to the Candid Moments Between Shots

A compilation of 3 years of "awkward" GoPro clips with narration. That's all this video is, but it somehow still strikes a chord. It's a tribute to all of those candid moments between shots, the time spent setting up gear, getting ready, feeling inadequate or silly or determined... recorded.

Fun Portraits of a Man and His Dog Doing the Same Things

Photographer Mik Milman is an event and creative portrait photographer. Dog Brixton Milman is a dog. Together, they've captured the heartwarming connection between a man and his dog (or is it a dog and his man?) in the series Us: Mik and Brix Doing Things.