
Crown + Flint photography app -- film camera shown next to a smartphone

Smartphone App Aims to be Analog Photographers’ Digital Companion

Passionate film photographer Don Goodman-Wilson has long been seeking a digital companion app to help him keep track of all the variables that, while making film photography such a fantastic way to make photos, can clutter a photographer's mind. So, Goodman-Wilson decided to build the app he needed.

Google Can Now Find Art That Looks Like Your Pet

Google's new "Pet Portraits" feature inside its Arts and Culture app allows users to find works of art that resemble their pets by simply submitting a photo and letting the artificial intelligence find a match from thousands of art pieces.

Halide App Brings Macro Photography to All iPhones

The new iPhone 13 Pro Macro mode allows for perspectives that are new to the iPhone, but limited to those who purchase Apple's newest devices. Halide wants to change that and has announced an update to its app that brings macro to all iPhones.

Adobe Launches New Video Series of 60-Second Lightroom Tutorials

If you're looking to hone your Lightroom CC and Lightroom Mobile skills, Adobe has launched a new series of bite-sized video tutorials that you might be interested in. The series is called "In a Lightroom Minute," and it's made up of 60-second (give or take) tutorials that cover a wide variety of topics.

Google Photos Will Now Automatically White Balance Your Snapshots

A growing number of users are turning to Google's ever-improving Photos app to backup their ever-growing camera roll. But while the main function of Google Photos is storage, the app's automatic photo editing features are getting more and more robust. Today, that means auto white balance.

The Pablo App Brings Light Painting Photography to the iPhone

If you're using a smartphone to capture light painting photos, the phone is usually IN the photo as a light source. But the new Pablo app lets you actually use your iPhone as the camera, capturing light trails that mimic traditional long exposure shots.

This Free App Uses Your Smartphone’s Camera to Do Your Math Homework for You

Your smartphone's camera might fall short of the typical DSLR in just about every respect, but there is one thing it now do that not even your ultra-portable mirrorless camera can handle: your math homework.

No, we're not talking about shutting down the camera and opening your calculator app, what we're talking about is PhotoMath, a new app from MicroBLINK that uses your smartphone camera to solve equations for you.

MultiCam App for iOS Lets You Shoot First, Pick Focus and Exposure Later

Ever since iOS 8 was released, most major camera apps have released updates allowing you to control things like exposure, focus, ISO and more thanks to the unprecedented access to iOS camera settings the new release allowed.

The MultiCam app also lets you adjust focus and exposure on iOS 8... but it handles things a bit differently. It lets you do it AFTER you've taken the shot, and it uses a creative approach to doing it.

The New ‘Flag’ App Will Print and Mail You Your Photos for FREE

A new app called 'Flag' is exploding on Kickstarter today, and it's based on a very simple premise. The app will print and mail you museum quality, 220 gsm prints of 20 photos per month absolutely free... just as long as you allow them to place advertisements on the usually-blank back side of the photo.

That's it: no catch, no shipping charges, nothing. For now, you have to live in the US, but they hope to expand out soon.

Horizon App Kills Vertical Video Once and for All, Shoots Lanscape No Matter What

Vertical Video Syndrome, or VVS, is a plague that photographers, videographers and just about everybody else have been trying to eradicate from the face of the Earth for some time now without much success. Thankfully, there's a ray of hope on the horizon. It's an app called, appropriately enough, Horizon, and it absolutely positively will not shoot vertical video, no matter how you hold your phone.

Create Custom ‘If This Then That’ Actions for Photos with the IFTTT iPhone App

The productivity service IFTTT (short for "if this then that") is a popular digital "glue" that ties different web services together. If you want to create a Facebook status every time you get an email, or automatically upload new photos to Flickr, the app allows you to do that.

And now, with the release of the company's brand new (not to mention free) iPhone app, IFTTT's influence is spreading to include a decent amount of functionality for smartphone photography lovers.

Groopic Combines Multiple Group Shots So the Photographer is Never Left Out

You might have run into this problem before: you're out with a group of friends and someone suggests a group shot. At this point, as the resident photographer of the group, several smartphones will probably be passed your way, leading to several good photos, all of them missing you.

You could always ask a stranger to take the group photo, but the picture might not turn out right and you might prefer avoiding that interaction altogether. Thankfully, with Groopic, now you can.

External Flash: An iOS App that Lets You Fire Up to 16 iPhone Flashes Together

The flash built into your iOS device isn't anything to write home about. If you want something more capable, the general approach is to attach something more powerful, like a Kick Light or Manfrotto's KLYP flash. But there is another way to do it.

What if you could slave other phone's flashes? Something like it turned up in an Apple patent a while back, but a developer beat Apple to the punch by designing a camera app that does just that.