
Fujifilm Considering Bringing Back Its B&W Film: Report

Fujifilm killed off the last of its black-and-white film and photo paper back in April 2018. For many film photographers that news was like a dagger to the heart, but there is hope yet: Fujifilm is reportedly considering bringing its B&W film back.

Kodak is Bringing Back T-MAX P3200 Film

The film renaissance marches on. Kodak Alaris just announced today that it will be bringing back Kodak Professional T-MAX P3200 TMZ, the multi-speed panchromatic black-and-white negative film.

Silberra Wants to Mass Produce New B&W Film Lines

Silberra is a young analog photo company based in Russia that has big goals in the camera film industry: it just launched a $115,000 crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to mass produce over 6 new black-and-white film stocks.

The Yashica Camera Brand is Teasing a Big Comeback

Yashica may be the latest iconic photography brand to be plotting a big comeback. The Japanese camera brand has been teasing a "coming chapter" through a series of enigmatic teaser videos titled "The Silence of Story." The 1-minute video above is a compilation of three of these teasers.

The Return of Kodak Ektachrome Film is Nigh

Want to shoot Kodak's extinct Ektachrome film again? You'll be able to very, very soon. Kodak is saying that a limited supply of the resurrected film is coming by the end of the year, and a full relaunch is scheduled for 2018.

The Holga 120N is Coming Back from the Dead

After its launch in the early 1980s, Holga cameras became popular options for people looking to shoot medium format 120 film on the cheap. Production was shut down in late 2015, but now the camera is making a comeback: the classic Holga 120N is coming back this year.

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ Was Shot on Film, and Kodak May Be Profitable in 2016

Back in July 2013, we shared how major filmmakers had banded together to rescue Kodak by committing to purchasing film from the company. One of the big names was J.J. Abrams, the director of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which opens this week.

The new Star Wars was shot on Kodak film, and thanks to a number of other major productions using Kodak as well, Kodak says it may be profitable starting next year.

The New Newburgh

When nine photographers from as far away as India, Hong Kong and Croatia descend upon Newburgh along the Hudson River, 60 miles north of New York City, the question asked most by Newburghers and our friends and family was, "why Newburgh?" The short answer is we are documenting a historic town on the cusp of a revival.