
On the left, a close-up shot of a camera lens with a blurred background. On the right, a June 1985 National Geographic magazine cover featuring a young woman with striking eyes, wrapped in a red shawl. The background of the cover is yellow.

Shopping For, and Shooting With, the Lens Behind the World’s Most Famous Photo

In 1984, during the height of the Soviet-Afghan war, American photojournalist Steve McCurry took what is considered by many to be the most famous photo in the world. The photo, entitled Afghan Girl, depicts a then-12-year-old girl, identified in 2002 as Sharbat Gula, while she and her family were living in Nasir Bagh, an Afghan refugee camp in the Pakistani city of Peshawar.

Young Chinese Couple Found Dead Near Iconic Iceland Photo Spot

A young Chinese couple in their early 20s was found dead last week near the famous DC-3 plane crash site in Iceland: an iconic photo spot frequented by photographers and tourists alike. Authorities say there was no sign of foul play, and believe inclement weather is to blame.

One of the Most Iconic Kissing Photos Was Staged

What's up, photography fans? It's Martin here from All About Street Photography, and today I want to talk about the story behind the famous photo Le baiser de l'hôtel de ville (Kiss by the Town Hall) by French photographer Robert Doisneau.

This Famous Pepper Photo by Edward Weston Was a 4hr+ Exposure at f/240

Edward Weston is considered to be one of the most influential American photographers of the 20th century. One of his most famous works, titled Pepper No. 30, is a B&W photo of a single green pepper with beautiful, soft lighting. Here's a fascinating, little-known fact about the piece: it was shot at an aperture of f/240 with an exposure time of 4-6 hours.

13 Celebrities Who Are Serious About Photography

Everyone is a photographer, and that includes celebrities. But some celebrities take their photography more seriously than others, investing both significant time and money into developing their craft. Here’s a small sampling.

How Many Photos Can You Recognize By Their Nickname?

How many famous modern and historical photos are you able to recognize simply by hearing the nickname? Go ahead, read each nickname then try to picture the image in your head.

See Stanley Kubrick’s Iconic NASA f/0.7 Lens & the FrankenCamera It Used

As iconic lenses go, perhaps no lens is quite as iconic as the famed NASA Zeiss f/0.7 glass Stanley Kubrick used to film a candle-lit scene using only natural light. In this video we get to see the lens, find out about the camera Kubrick modified to use it, and discover some of the tricks he employed to shoot that scene.

This Photographer Points His Camera the ‘Wrong Way’ at Famous Places

Do a search for the world's most famous landmarks, and you'll find an endless stream of photos captured by tourists from all kinds of angles. But the photos you'll find probably don't look like photographer Oliver Curtis' images. For his project Volte-face, Curtis visited iconic landmarks and pointed his camera in the opposite direction.

4 Lost Masterpieces Recreated Using Only Stock Photos

In a bid to show off the potential behind their stock photography collection, Adobe asked four digital artists to do something pretty incredible. They were asked to recreate four lost or stolen art masterpieces... using only Adobe Stock imagery. Ready? GO!

Walker Evans’ Reflections on His Great Depression Photos

The great American photographer Walker Evans is best known for his stark photos that document the years of the Great Depression in the US. In the 4.5-minute video above, produced many years afterwards, Evans looks back on his photography and offers a glimpse into his mindset at the time he shot it.

Shooting One of the Most Beautiful Abandoned Buildings in the World

Once this was the most glorious building of Romania but since 1990 it’s been abandoned and slowly but surely falling apart. The building is now listed as a historic monument by the Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs of Romania.

What Famous People Look Like When 50 Portraits of Them Are Averaged

What do you get when you combine 50 portraits of the same famous face and averaged the result? Reddit user Dwainosaur dared to not only ask the question but to pursue it. He gathered up a large collection of photos and wrote a script for averaging the results. Subjects include Brad Pitt, Jack Black, Billy Murray, and Barack Obama. Infamous faces include Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stalin.