
The Best Photos from the 2015 Supermoon Lunar Eclipse

People around the world were treated to a supermoon lunar eclipse last night and early this morning. It's a sight that won't appear again for another 18 years (the next one is in 2033). Photographers around the world brought their cameras out to give the sight their best shot, and the results are spectacular. Here's a rundown of some of the most beautiful photos and videos created.

Over 1,500 Free 4K Stock Video Clips, All Courtesy of a Single Cinematographer

Mitch Martinez is a Philadelphia-based director of photography and cinematographer. Over the past 2.5 years, he has been working on building a free library of 4K stock footage. Since its inception in January 2013, the collection of clips has become an impressive resource: the 1,500+ clips have been downloaded over 300,000 times, and they been used by some of the largest companies in the world.

21 Rolleiflex Prototypes Appear on eBay with a Price Tag of $178,000

The factory that manufactures Rolleiflex cameras is being liquidated in a bankruptcy auction, so there's a chance we may never see new Rolleiflex twin-lens reflex cameras produced ever again. As the fate of the brand is in limbo, 21 original Rolleiflex camera prototypes have appeared in an auction on eBay. For a cool $178,000, collectors can own a unique piece of photographic history.

The 25 Most Popular Smartphone Photos on Flickr in 2014

The most popular cameras on Flickr these days are smartphone cameras. In fact, the top 5 cameras are all different phone models: the iPhone 5S, iPhone 5, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S5, and iPhone 6.

Last month we shared the 25 most popular photos on Flickr through 2014. That list included images captured any all types of cameras. Here's a second look at what the top 25 photos were when only smartphone images are considered.

You Can Now Browse Through the World’s Largest Collection of Robert Frank’s Work

The National Gallery of Art owns the world's largest collection of photos and materials by renowned American photographer Robert Frank. That collection is also the museum's largest holding of any single photographer.

Late last year, to celebrate Frank's 90th birthday, the collection was opened up in a new way through the launch of an online repository. You can now browse through the 8,000 or so items held by the museum -- some of which had never before seen the light of day.

Demo Roundup of the Photo Features and Apps from Today’s Creative Cloud Release

Earlier today, Adobe announced a collection of upgrades, updates and new releases for its Creative Cloud platform. Briefly detailed in our coverage of the announcement, Photoshop CC received a number of improvements, Lightroom Mobile received an iPhone version, and Adobe announced a new iPad app Photoshop Mix.

But that was just an announcement, and so to properly introduce you to a number of these features, we’ve compiled a demo/walkthrough collection that shows each of these new features and apps in action.

Metropolitan Museum of Art Makes Public 400K High-Res Images of Its Collection

NYC’s Metropolitan Museum of Art has officially made available 400,000 high-resolution digital images of the collections it currently has in its possession.

Hoping to keep up with other museums, the Metropolitan has created an initiative, called Open Access for Scholarly Content (OASC), that will “provide access to images of art in its collection that the Museum believes to be in the public domain.”

This Is Just a Part of William Eggleston’s Extensive Camera Collection

Want to see what the camera arsenal of a world famous photographer looks like? A photographer whose work fetches millions of dollars at auction?

Check out the photograph above (larger version here). It was shot by photographer William Eggleston for WSJ Magazine, and shows just a portion of Eggleston's extensive camera collection.

Four Generations of Women Captured in a Single Family Portrait

A trendy project in the photo world these days is collecting portraits of people of different ages. Photographers have photographed people of ages 0 through 100 based on location and gender, and some are doing the same project with short video portraits.

Seattle, Washington-based portrait photographer Chamonix Thurston-Rattue recently decided to start her own age collection project titled "100 Years of Beauty." Her goal is to create a portrait of a woman for each age between 0 and 100.

Browse 20,000+ Photos from 7 San Diego Museums on Balboa Park Commons

About a month ago, we shared the news that the George Eastman House had become the first photo museum to join the Google Art Project -- essentially making their archive of over 400,000 photos and negatives available for your browsing pleasure online.

Along those same lines, another collection of over 20,000 "rare and significant materials" is being brought to the World Wide Web. Launched earlier today, the Balboa Park Commons is an online archive that brings together over 20,000 digitized materials from seven different San Diego museums.

Beijing Silvermine: Rescuing Discarded Negatives from Illegal Recycling Centers

For his most recent project, French photography collector and editor Thomas Sauvin has been spending his time digging though illegal silver recycling centers in Beijing. He's doing this because buried within piles of X-Rays and CD-ROMs are hidden millions of discarded film negatives that Sauvin is intent on preserving.

Massive 1,000+ Piece Camera Collection Being Auctioned on eBay

Want to own a giant collection of vintage cameras, but don't want to spend a lifetime acquiring them one by one? If you have deep pockets and money to burn, here's your shot: collector Brain Cue of Alameda, California (kka20101 on eBay) is selling his massive camera collection that he has spent over 50 years building up.

The World’s Largest Collection of Camera Film

Stamps, coins, comic books, and baseball cards. Those are some of the popular things people around the world collect as a hobby. Not Ying Nga (Cecilia) Chow. She collects unprocessed photographic camera film.

Chow, a photography enthusiast based in Hong Kong, China, started collecting different films back in 2008. Since then, she has amassed an impressive collection of over 1,250 different films, ranging from ordinary films that are still in use today, to obscure old Russian films that you'll be hard pressed to find anywhere on Earth. The collection features films by over 100 different brands from 30 different countries.

Wearable Landscape Photographs as Summer Fashion

It's not uncommon to see photographs printed onto clothing, but Milan-based Marios' new Nowhere summer collection takes it to a whole new level. Many of the pieces in the collection feature landscape photographs printed across the entire garment.

Photographer Collects Photographs of Identical Twins

Diane Arbus might have one iconic photograph of identical twins, but Spanish photographer Maria Zarazua has devoted much of her career to finding and photographing them. Her goal is to show the intimate relationship between them, and their individualities despite being genetic carbon copies.