

Canon’s New AMLOS Webcam System Aims to Transform Remote Work

Last week, Canon and The Hollywood Reporter hosted a premiere of the animated short film The Forest Haunt whicih was created thanks to a partnership between Canon and actor Joseph Gorgon-Levitt's production company HitRecord. The team leveraged Canon's in-development AMLOS remote working system to collaborate with hundreds of people around the world as if they were all in one place.

Adobe Brings Photoshop to the Web

Adobe launched a slew of updates to its Photoshop lines today, but the news was not limited to desktop and mobile software. The company also announced that Photoshop is being extended to the Web.

This Wet Plate Photo Took the Collaboration of 90 People to Produce

For the past five years, I have organized an annual photographic Tableaux Vivant based on classic paintings. I have included anywhere from 15, or in the instance of my 2021 construction, No Vaccine for Death, 90 collaborators.