
You Can Donate Your Old Camera Gear to Help At-Risk Children

Sony is partnering with the Photo Start foundation to encourage people to donate used (and new) working cameras, lenses, and accessories to help at-risk children around the world. The project uses photography to teach and improve self-reliance, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

The Only 3 Reasons to Work for Free

Working for free has a huge stigma attached to it, and for good reason. If you don't know how to work for free properly, you can be taken advantage of and devalue other photographers' work in the process. That's why there are, in my opinion, only 3 reasons to work for free.

Philanthropy Through Photography: How to Do Good with Your Camera

If you were to ask me about a specific time in my life when photography made a significant impact, I would say the fall of 2011. For my birthday, my husband surprised me by taking me out for lunch at a tiny burger dive, and then stopping in at the local art museum. He’s not exactly an “art-lover” per say, so I was a little confused by the move... until he explained what they were showing.

Photographer Pledges $3 for Each FB Share, Will Give $15,000 After Photo Goes Viral

On Monday, Australian wedding photographer Edwina Robertson posted a photo (seen above) on Facebook and made a crazy pledge. For every "share" the photo received over the following 24 hours, Robertson would donate $3 to Tie Up the Black Dog, a charity that helps those fighting depression and mental illness in rural Australian communities.

People took Robertson up on her offer, sharing the photo thousands of times and causing it to go viral. Robertson will now personally donate $14,922, and she has also helped raise many thousands more through crowdfunding.

Emma Stone & Andrew Garfield Creatively Turn the Paparazzi Into a Force for Good

In the photography hierarchy, the paparazzi are considered by many to be the lowest of the low. Even when they get attacked by less-than-loved celebrities, the reaction from many of our readers is rarely sympathetic. But thanks to some creativity and quick thinking, actor couple Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield have managed to turn the pap into a force for charity.