
How to Bring Something New to Film Photography

A very common piece of advice for photographers looking to take their work to the “next level” is that they must invest time in themselves in the process of developing a “style.” A photographic style can mean many things; a theme within the subject matter, a specific color palette, a certain compositional approach, and anything else that leaves the artist's work with a distinct "fingerprint."

I Shot Nothing But B&W Photos for a Year, and I’m Better For It

I’m not sure on what day I realized that my street photography work had become overly homogeneous, and sometimes asinine. “Oh look, a red car and a red shirt. click.” I’d been in love with the look of Fujifilm’s Classic Chrome (based off of Kodak Kodachrome) and had begun to shoot a lot of color for color’s sake.

3 Tips for Choosing Between B&W and Color

Something I’ve always found difficult was knowing when an image should be converted to black and white and when it should be left in color. It’s one of the more contested discussions in photography and there really isn’t a “black and white” or cut and dry answer to it. After much trial and error, I’ve come up with three questions that I consistently ask myself when trying to determine if a color image is a good candidate for B&W.

Fujifilm Considering Bringing Back Its B&W Film: Report

Fujifilm killed off the last of its black-and-white film and photo paper back in April 2018. For many film photographers that news was like a dagger to the heart, but there is hope yet: Fujifilm is reportedly considering bringing its B&W film back.

Photos of Divers with Massive Schools of Fish

Mexican photographer and social anthropologist Anuar Patjane uses his photos to drive attention to the beauty of Earth's oceans. In his impressive portfolio is a mesmerizing series of black-and-white photos showing divers being eclipsed by massive schools of swirling fish.

These Wildlife Photos Aren’t What They Seem

My photo project Wildlife is a series of black-and-white film photos showing some of the most amazing and beautiful animals in the world. But these photos aren’t what they appear to be.

Photos of Loneliness in New York City

Photographer Luc Kordas first moved from Europe to New York City in 2014 after living in six different countries in six different years. Since then, he has made his living as a photographer while doing street photography for himself. And one of the recurring subjects he has captured is the idea of loneliness in a big city.

How to Make a B&W Photo Print in the Darkroom: A 7-Minute Crash Course

Ilford recently released a popular 8-minute video on how to process black-and-white film yourself, and now the film company is back again with another helpful crash course on how to make a black-and-white print in a darkroom. If you've never worked in a darkroom before, this intro is a great way to see what it's all about.

Breathe: An Epic 8K Storm Time-Lapse Film in Black-and-White

Mike Olbinski is one of the best in the business at combining time-lapse photography with storm-chasing, and his latest work is yet another jaw-dropping fusion of those two things. Titled Breathe, the 4-minute short-film captures the beauty and fury of thunderstorms in black-and-white 8K.

An Eye-Popping Starling Murmuration Captured in Black and White

In the relatively warm winter between 2014 and 2015, common starlings were found staying in the Netherlands instead of migrating to the south. Photographer and filmmaker Jan van IJken took his camera out and shot this beautiful short film titled "The Art of Flying." It shows thousands upon thousands of birds flying in eye-popping swarms (known as murmurations).

Adobe Scribbler Can Auto Colorize B&W Photos

Adobe is teasing an impressive new technology called Scribbler. It's an "interactive deep learning-based image generation system" that you can use to automatically colorize black-and-white photos. Above is a 6.5-minute demo of Scribbler.

Mea Shearim: B&W Photos of One of Jerusalem’s Oldest Jewish Settlements

Mea Shearim was established in 1874 as the fifth settlement outside the walls of the Old City of Jerusalem. Its name is derived from a verse in the weekly Torah portion that was read the week the settlement was founded: "Isaac sowed in that land, and in that year he reaped a hundredfold (מאה שערים, Mea Shearim); God had blessed him" (Genesis 26:12).

An Ultimate Guide to Every B&W ISO 400 35mm Film on the Market

I'm photographer Andrew of Denae & Andrew, and this is my 400 speed, 35mm black-and-white film guide. In this guide, I will be comparing every 400 ISO black and white film which is actively being produced and readily available to the U.S. market, that I know about.

Photos of a Diver Under an Oil Rig

Here's an incredible series of underwater photos showing a diver being dwarfed by the gigantic structure of an oil rig. They were shot by award-winning Mexican photographer Anuar Patjane Floriuk.

101-Megapixel B&W Photos of Pre-War Era Racing

Photographer Rick Wenner was recently sent to Wildwood, New Jersey, to shoot a peculiar event called "The Race of Gentlemen." It's a gathering of drag racers who speed across a beach on pre-war era hot rods and motorcycles -- the "perfect event for black-and-white photography," Wenner says.

How to Colorize a B&W Photo Using Only Lightroom

Photo colorization is usually done in programs like Photoshop, but did you know that you can achieve good results in Lightroom as well? In this 21-minute video by tutvid, learn how to colorize a black and white photo using only Lightroom.

Photographer Captures San Francisco Sights as Shapes

Photographer Burton Rast has just completed a new project titled, The Shapes of San Francisco. He spent 100 days exploring SF and shooting one photo per day of the city's most popular and photographed sights, but "in a unique way." Each photo focuses on shapes.

Why B&W is Still the Favorite of Street Photographers

Black-and-white still remains the photographer’s favorite for street photographers, and with very good reason. Where in other genres monochrome has become a niche look, street photography is different. Why does B&W remain the favorite choice of street photographers, and are there logical reasons to go for it?