
Photoshop of the Future May Be Able to Auto-Colorize a B&W Photo

Colorizing old black-and-white photos with Photoshop has been a popular subject on the Internet over the past few years, as skilled retouchers use their time and skills to offer a new view of vintage images. In the future, though, software may be able colorize B&W photos with the click of a button.

Graava is a Smart Action Camera That Can Edit Your Footage For You

Have you ever wished for a video camera that could somehow sift through all your footage and tease out only the most memorable portions? If so, then the new Graava camera is designed just for you. Using a variety of sensors, Graava is automatically able to detect what it believes are “the best or most exciting moments." The result: three hours of boring video quickly becomes five minutes of (possibly) fascinating content.

A Primer on Speeding Up Your Photoshop Workflow with Actions

Adobe Photoshop serves as an important process in many photographer’s daily workflows. Whether you are fine-tuning your shots from a wedding or simply touching up a photograph of your cat, Photoshop can help you bring your mind’s visualizations to life. However, you may be utilizing more of your time than needed if you employ repetitive actions without the use of macros.

Antix Automatically Creates Highlight Reels from Your GoPro Footage By Selecting the Exciting Parts

GoPros are wonderful little devices that can capture hour after hour of adventurous endeavors (or mundane experiences...). Those hours add up though, and not all of us have time to meticulously edit together a final result to share with the world.

The Antix app thinks it can solve this problem by using artificial intelligence to automatically compile your GoPro footage and edit it into a complete highlight video... all without you having to do much of anything at all.

The Macropod is a $20,000+ Rig That Makes Macro Photography Stupidly Easy to Do

Macro photography is a wonderful tool for scientists and researchers, but the complex nature of capturing detailed, focus-stacked macro images of everything from insects to the human tongue puts the tool out of reach of many.

The Macropod photographic system solves this by making the entire process both portable and automatic, and producing some of the sharpest, most striking macro photographs we've ever seen.

PSA: Dropbox Can’t Automatically Backup Your Photos in iOS 8 Yet

Update: Dropbox has contacted us to let us know that the issue has been fixed!

Dropbox users waiting anxiously for iOS 8 to drop so they can take advantage of all the cool new features like manual controls and a more robust photo experience take note: your automatic backup will be temporarily shut off once you update to the new OS and download the newest version of the Dropbox app.

DJI DropSafe Automatic Parachute Will Try to Save Your Camera if Your Drone Falls Out of the Sky

Drone photography is the next time-lapse (which, incidentally, was the next HDR), but it presents a challenge that the previous two styles never did: safety. In this particular case we don't mean safety of the people around (or rather below) you, but rather the safety of your gear itself.

As we've seen time and again, drones drop from the sky on occasion, and when they do, they rarely survive the journey south... Until now. A new product called DJI DropSafe aims to change all that.

MIT Researchers Develop a Drone that Can Automatically Light Your Subjects for You

A group of researchers from MIT want your next lighting rig to be autonomous and airborne. Set to be on display this August at the Symposium on Computational Aesthetics in Graphics, Visualization and Imaging, they've actually developed a drone that automatically and dynamically lights a subject (living or otherwise) for a photographer while he or she focuses on getting the shot.

Dude, Who Took My Photograph? Curating Automated Photography

A slew of new technologies are making it possible (even easy) to document everything around you without much effort or input. Wearable, automated cameras represent the most extreme end of this spectrum - devices like Autographer and the Narrative Clip record your daily life with a mind of their own.

Researchers Take Aim at Automatically Detecting Photo Fakes on Twitter

You might remember the photo above from last year. For a while, it circulated the web like mad, claiming to show Hurricane Sandy bearing down menacingly on the Statue of Liberty. But if you've read our previous coverage on the photo, you'll know that it is, in fact, a fake -- a composite of a Statue of Liberty picture and a well-known photo by weather photographer Mike Hollingshead.

Photo fakes like this wind up going viral online all the time, often helped along by Twitter where retweet upon retweet puts it in front of thousands of unsuspecting people. Having had enough, a group of researchers from the University of Maryland, IBM Research Labs and the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology are trying to do something about it.

Dropbox Beta Now Lets Mac Users Import iPhoto Libraries and Share Screenshots

Since the outset of 2013, Dropbox has consistently sought to improve its ability to handle and share photos. Of course, a cloud storage provider isn't going to compete with the likes of Flickr, but the company still wants to make it extremely easy to store all of your photos.

Dropbox's most recent move in that direction is the announcement of a new beta that allows Mac users to import entire iPhoto libraries and all users to automatically backup and share screenshots.

Piccolo is an Automatic Printing Service That Prints the Photos You Share Most

Photo printing services are popping up all the time these days. This makes sense: as the number of photos we take increase exponentially, more and more companies are attempting to save them from falling unnoticed into digital oblivion.

One such company is Piccolo, a small two-employee start-up with an interesting premise: the photos you make an effort to share are the ones worth printing. And it's around this premise that Piccolo has built its fully-automatic service.

How to Hack Together Your Own Remote Instagram Printer

Remember the remote Instagram printer called Instaprint? Although the Kickstarter fundraising campaign for the product raised nearly a quarter of a million bucks from 800+ backers, it failed to reach its goal of $500K, and we haven't heard much about the device since then.

Autographer is a New Wearable Camera that Automatically Documents Your Life

Watch out Google Glass: you've got competition in the life-documenting game. Autographer is an upcoming camera that's designed to document your life in photographs without you having to raise a finger. It's a fancy wearable camera that uses algorithms and five built-in sensors to make decisions on when to snap pictures. It can snap up to 2,000 high-resolution photos of the course of a single day, giving you a visual record of your life experiences.

Facebook ‘Photo Syncing’ Uploads Your Smartphone Photos As They’re Shot

Facebook is testing out a new feature for its Android mobile app called "Photo Syncing". The feature automatically backs up your smartphone's photographs by uploading them to Facebook as they're shot, tucking them away inside a private "Synced from Phone" tab on your photos page that isn't visible to anyone but you. You can then later choose which photos you'd like to make private and which you'd simply like for Facebook to hold on to.