
The Difficulties One Woman Faced to Become a Photojournalist in Somalia

Breaking through the barriers of cultural and gender norms in Somalia, Fardosa Hussein shares what it took for her to be able to practice what she is passionate about -- photography, videography, and journalism -- in a place where such a career is viewed with hostility and is, at times, dangerous for women.

South African Photographer Captures Political Crisis at Home

A local South African commercial photographer has found himself in the epicenter of the country's most recent political unrest that has disrupted communities and left people starving, and has shifted his focus to photojournalism to make sure it does not go unseen.

The Black Leopard: One Man’s Quest to Capture the Ultimate Wildlife Photo

Behind every once-in-a-lifetime photograph is a story. Sometimes these are stories of luck—of being in the right place, at the right time, with the right lens attached to your camera—but more often than not triumph is preceded by years of trial and error. An outlandish "bucket shot" achieved by the sheer force of the photographer’s will and persistence. The Black Leopard by wildlife photographer Will Burrard-Lucas falls into the second category.

The Art of Safari: Tips for Shooting African Wildlife

Safari, conjures up beautiful imagery, The wilds of Africa. Endless grasslands which are teeming with wildlife, antelope, zebras, giraffe, buffalo, rhino and herds of elephant all share this beautiful world. But they are being watched and observed by fierce African predators, lions, cheetah, leopards, wild dogs and hyenas lie in wait to ambush these creatures, this game of life and death plays out every day and every night.

Shooting Street Photos in Ethiopia

My first time in a Sub-Saharan African country was in Ethiopia, and to be honest I wasn’t sure what to expect. Well, yes I know, I was expecting to get ‘in the zone’ at all times and take hundreds of great pictures like I expect from all my photography trips. Not too much to ask, is it?

Shooting the Last Photos of the Rare ‘Queen of the Elephants’

F_MU1 was an incredible elephant. For more than 60 years, she lived a peaceful life in a quiet corner of Tsavo in Kenya. When I first saw her I was awestruck, for she had the most amazing tusks I had ever seen. If I hadn’t looked upon her with my own eyes, I might not have believed that such an elephant could exist in our world. If there were a Queen of Elephants, it would surely have been her.

Portraits of a Couple Who Spent Their Wedding Money Loving Africa

"If you have someone that you think is the one," the comedian Bill Murray once said, "don’t just sort of think in your ordinary mind, 'Okay, let's make a date. Let's plan this and make a party and get married.' Take that person and travel around the world."

You Can Donate Your Old Camera Gear to Help At-Risk Children

Sony is partnering with the Photo Start foundation to encourage people to donate used (and new) working cameras, lenses, and accessories to help at-risk children around the world. The project uses photography to teach and improve self-reliance, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

This Photographer Climbed 300-Foot Radio Masts to Capture Africa

Kenyan photographer Mutua Matheka wants to capture a better side of Africa, showing another perspective of the continent that's rarely seen online. To do this, he's climbing to heights that he says no other photographer has done in Africa. Here's a 3-minute feature of Matheka and his work by Great Big Story.

Photographing the ‘Great Migration’ in Tanzania

Tanzania is one of the best places in the world to see nature and wildlife as it has been for thousands of years. The 947,303 square kilometer country holds some of the most famous national parks and nature reserves in the world with diverse landscapes and dense population of wildlife like the Serengeti and Ngorongoro crater.

How to Shoot Portraits Outside Your Culture and Comfort Zone

Photographer Sean Tucker's latest project is about a lot more than portrait photography. It's about respecting, honoring, and yes, capturing a culture far outside his own experience and comfort zone. Fortunately for us, he brought us along on this journey.

Photographing African Wildlife Under the Stars at Night

The low-light capabilities of modern cameras allow us to photograph wildlife in ways that would previously have been impossible. Over the last year or so, I have pushed my cameras to the limits in order to take striking images of nocturnal African animals.

Shocking AP Photo Leads to Internal Investigation of Kenyan Police

AP photographer Ben Curtis recently captured a photograph seen round the world. A brutal and shocking image that has sparked outrage and forced Kenya's police chief to launch an internal investigation. (Warning: Some of the content in the video above is graphic. Proceed at your own risk.)

Photographer Documents a Melting Glacier in Africa with Lines of Fire

For his project "When I Am Laid in Earth," photographer Simon Norfolk traveled to Mount Kenya to photograph the melting away of the Lewis Glacier, the largest glacier on Africa's second tallest mountain. To capture what once was compared to what exists today, Norfolk used gasoline to create lines of fire that mark where the glacier lines once stood.

The photograph above shows where the Lewis Glacier ended in 1934.

Masai Warriors, Elephants and Giraffes All Made an Appearance at This Stunning Wedding in Kenya

Wedding photographer Jonas Peterson has captured dozens of beautiful weddings all over the world. But even with his impressive resume and archive of incredible images, he says a wedding he recently shot in Masai Mara, Kenya might just top them all.

“I’ve traveled the world and shot weddings pretty much everywhere, but no place blew my mind in the same way Masai Mara did,” Peterson tells us in an email. “I secretly almost dreaded shooting the wedding there, knowing how difficult it is to shoot images that represent a place, especially during the constraints of a wedding day.”

Beautiful Aerial Photographs of Africa Captured Through the Window of a Cessna

Photographer Joel Krahn has spent the last two years of his life putting his time and talents towards helping non-profits. And after two years of doing this work in his hometown of Vancouver, he was given the opportunity to take his endeavors overseas and shoot with On-Field Media, a media division of Nairobi-based organization Africa Inland Mission.

Over the course of the three months he was there, Krahn captured a gorgeous collection of aerial landscapes of the African environment -- from the Nile River weaving its way through South Sudan to rural villages in Kenya.

A Passion for Africa: Interview with Award-Winning Wildlife Photog Morkel Erasmus

Morkel Erasmus is an award-winning wildlife photographer based out of South Africa. He has an abiding passion for his country and its animals, which comes out in his beautiful photography that is perhaps best described as 'intimate.' You can find more of his work on his website, blog and 500px, or by following him on Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

We recently sat down with Erasmus (digitally of course) to talk about his work and see if he had any words of wisdom to share with the wildlife photography fans who read PetaPixel.

African Migrants Looking for Cell Signal by Moonlight Wins World Press Photo 2013

Last year's World Press Photo of the Year award went to a controversial image of a funeral procession in Gaza, City. This year's winning photo doesn't strike the same tragic nerve as last year's, and yet it makes such a powerful statement about technology and our global community that we immediately understood why it took home the top prize.

GoPro Teams Up with Zoologist to Show You What It’s Like to Cuddle with Lions

This'll video will wake you up... or at least make you feel like your Friday isn't NEARLY as exciting as it could be. As part of their Hero3+ Adventure Series, GoPro teamed up with zoologist Kevin Richardson (better known as the Lion Whisperer) to show the special bond he shares with the big cats and shed light on the dilemma of habitat loss.