Search Results for: photoshop

France influencer bill

France Proposes Jail for Influencers Who Don’t Disclose Photoshop

There's no shortage of studies focused on understanding the effects of social media use on people, especially adolescents. Apps like Instagram may perpetuate damaging myths about physical appearance and lead people to suffer debilitating mental health conditions, low self-esteem, and even seek cosmetic surgery at higher than expected rates.

How to Crop in Photoshop

One of the most (seemingly) basic tools in Photoshop is the venerable Crop Tool. Used to cut way portions of an image to only leave the desired area, the Crop Tool might appear to be simply a one-trick pony. However, there is a lot more to here than you might think. In this guide, I’m going to break down the various options for making the best use of the Crop Tool.

How to Resize an Image in Photoshop

Resizing images in Adobe Photoshop sounds like it should be a trivial and simple operation, and for many uses and users, it is. It’s when one starts looking closely at the details in a resized image that it becomes apparent you should be looking into the options of the resize image dialogue box.

best lightroom and photoshop plugins

The Best Plugins for Photoshop and Lightroom in 2024

Photoshop and Lightroom are mainstays in most photographers’ workflows for a reason. While other options abound, no other set of programs matches the popularity and widespread adoption of Adobe’s signature photography software. But while Photoshop’s manipulation capabilities and Lightroom’s processing and editing power are certainly robust, both offer even more power beyond the software itself in the form of plugins.

How to Remove a Background in Photoshop

Using Photoshop to remove the background in an image so that you can replace it is one of the most frequent things for which it was used, and might still be. The actual placing of a new image for a background is relatively easy. The heavy lifting comes from making a good selection of your subject as this will be used to remove the unwanted background for replacement.

Real or Photoshop: How Much Photo Editing is Too Much?

There is a lot of discussion these days about the pros and cons of post-processing. Is it good or bad, why do we do it at all, shouldn’t photography be representative of reality? Authentic? Isn’t the image out of a camera the real thing? Isn’t editing cheating?