
the most influential women in photography

The Most Influential Women in Photography History

As with many fields, photography has not always given women their due. But in truth, photography would not be what it is today without the pioneering work of countless women.

best sitting poses for portraits

3 Best Poses for Sitting Portraits of Women

Portraits of sitting subjects can make up a big portion of a gallery, particularly for those who shoot indoors. To help avoid shooting unflattering poses, photographer and educator Jessica Whitaker has shared her best tips on how to capture seated women looking their best.

Best Women Photographers 2022

10 Female Photographers You Should Know in 2024

There is no better time than the start of the year to explore talented photographers who all have the power to inspire others. Each one of them with a unique visual voice and creative approach, these are ten female photographers you should know and follow.

The Difficulties One Woman Faced to Become a Photojournalist in Somalia

Breaking through the barriers of cultural and gender norms in Somalia, Fardosa Hussein shares what it took for her to be able to practice what she is passionate about -- photography, videography, and journalism -- in a place where such a career is viewed with hostility and is, at times, dangerous for women.

This Inspiring Portrait Series Captures the Beauty and Wisdom of Women Over 50

Following the 2017 Women's March and the rise of the #metoo movement that saw so many women speaking truth to power, award-winning street, portrait, and fine art photographer Pedro Oliveira was inspired to start a project that would shine a light on some "equally fierce women." That's how Beyond the 60th Sense was born.

This Iranian Music Streaming Site is Photoshopping Women Out of Their Own Album Covers

Iranian music streaming website Melovaz is under fire today after it was discovered that, in accordance with the country's strict censorship policies, the site is forced to Photoshop out women out of album cover art. The policy means that women are being scrubbed—often very poorly—out of their own cover art, resulting in some very strange, almost comical album covers.

Women in Photojournalism

In the last couple of years (has it really been that long?) we've been hearing revelations of the trials of female photojournalists. Nothing, unfortunately, too unexpected. Every time around someone writes another version of the standard essay on this topic covering much the same appalling ground every time. See, for instance, this recent iteration.

Photographer Outs Herself as Mystery Donor of $5.5M to Female Artists

In 1996, a mysterious program called Anonymous Was a Woman began giving $25,000 with no questions asked to 10 underrecognized female artists over the age of 40. Now, 22 years and $5.5 million later, the anonymous benefactor behind the program has finally stepped forward: she's 77-year-old photographer Susan Unterberg.

Nature Photography: Where Are the Women?

It’s an undisputed fact; there are fewer women in the arena of nature photography than there are men. But why? Do men bring something special to the arena? Or is it simply a stereotype that this is a man’s profession? There doesn’t appear to be a clear reason for the disparity between the numbers of men and women in this profession.

Basic Tips for Posing Female Models

My name is Mark Fitzgerald, and I'm a photographer based in Melbourne, Australia. In this post, I'll be discussing basic model poses for female models. Whether you are a model choosing a pose or a photographer posing your model, this is a decision that can shape the look of the image and therefore the success of the campaign.

Women’s Work: Dramatic Portraits of Women Who Do ‘Men’s’ Jobs

Photographer and father of two Chris Crisman wants his children—the 4-year-old boy and the 2-year-old girl—to know that they can do become anything they want... without caveats. His series Women's Work drives home this point with dramatic portraits of women who do what are traditionally considered "men's" jobs.

Where are All the Female Street Photographers?

There has been a lot of talk about diversity in street photography and, in particular, the lack of visibility for female street photographers in a genre that is populated mostly by men.

Why Do We Struggle to Respect Women in the Arts?

We all have heard about cases of sexual harassment or simply disrespectful attitutes towards females in workplaces, which sometimes get buried under the never ending mazes of bureaucracy, some other times they lead to job losses, penalties, warnings, sometimes plain ignorance.

Dear Men: Stop Disrespecting Women Photographers in the Field

Before last week, I hadn’t talked about this outside of my circle of close friends, but I can no longer afford to keep it quiet. As a woman shooting assignments around male photographers on a daily basis, I commonly feel the need to act with bravado in order to prove myself worthy around other -- primarily older, primarily male -- photographers.

On Being a Female Street Photographer

“Being a man [street photographer] is way harder. People will think that you are a creep if you take photos of children and women.” – reader comment on my last article on public privacy

Regular Guys Get Photoshopped Like Famous Photoshop Fails

A couple of months ago, BuzzFeed's "Try Guys" released a video in which they got Photoshopped to look like ideal men's body types as seen in movie posters and magazine covers. But today, they kick it up a notch: they're being Photoshopped not like men... but like women.