
How to photograph Manhattanhenge

Manhattanhenge: When and How to Photograph It in 2024

Twice each year, the setting Sun aligns perfectly with Manhattan's street grid, illuminating the north and south sides of every cross street on the island. The event, called "Manhattanhenge," delivers beautiful vibrant colors and, unsurprisingly, is a major draw to locals and tourists alike in New York City.

‘Bad’ Weather Rewards Photographer with Stunning Graduation Photos

Canadian freelance photographer Christy Turner recently ran into a bit of good luck in the form of some "bad" weather. In the aftermath of a violent thunderstorm on the day of a graduation shoot, nature rewarded her with a spectacular backdrop of mammatus clouds ... and a rainbow to boot.

How to Use Google Earth for Extremely Detailed Location Scouting

There are a lot of great location scouting tools out there. But while PhotoPills and The Photographer's Ephemeris do an amazing job and are packed full of useful features, photographer Tony Northrup explains why he prefers to use something else that's completely free: Google Earth.

How to Shoot and Edit a ‘Holy Grail’ Timelapse at Sunset or Sunrise

A holy grail timelapse sequence is a timelapse shot during sunset or sunrise. As the ambient light changes, so should your exposure settings. In this 11.5-minute tutorial, I’ll walk you through how to set up your camera (any type of camera with a Manual mode will do), how to shoot it properly and how to edit your sequence from beginning to end using Adobe Lightroom and LRTimelapse.

Forget ‘Golden Hour’: The Arctic Circle Has ‘Golden Days’

In photography, the "golden hour" is the time right after sunrise or right before sunset in which sunlight is warmer and softer -- a look that's valued by landscape and portrait photographers. If an hour isn't enough time for you to get your fill of the special lighting, you might want to visit the Arctic Circle, where you can enjoy "golden days".

How to Turn the Sky Into Pyramids by Rotating Your Camera

My latest photo series, Pyramids In The Sky, was inspired when my wife and I visited the Mayan Ruins of Chacchoben while on a cruise in 2015. I have always been intrigued by ancient civilizations and how they were able to build these massive structures, seeing the pyramids in person was an inspiring experience.

How I Planned and Shot a Photo of a Lake in the Swiss Alps

Sometimes, when you show an image to somebody, you hear, "Oh man!… How lucky you were to catch that light there!." And yes, there is always a bit of "luck," but there are also a lot of small details that help you to be better prepared for a photo.

How a Crappy Situation Led to this Gorgeous Sunset Photo

Great photos can come out of annoying or unfortunate situations. Case in point: this surreal sunset photo from 35,000 feet wouldn't have happened if the photographer hadn't been stuck in the airport, delayed due to bad weather.

Photograph Earth’s Shadow in the Sky at Sunrise and Sunset

I never get tired of seeing our closest star set below the horizon, and seeing how the landscape changes as the warm light gets fainter by the minute. Every sunset has its personality depending each location, weather and season. One beautiful thing about a sunset is what happens right after the Sun has set. If turn around, you can slowly see the Earth shadow rising from the horizon.

SunsetWx Can Forecast Picture-Perfect Sunsets

There are a number of websites and apps out there that help you track sunset and sunrise times so that you can plan your shoots around specific golden hour lighting. SunsetWx is a new website that takes things to the next level: it can forecast the quality of the upcoming sunset in your area (in the United States).

Sunset Self Portraits with Cardboard Silhouettes

"Sunset Selfies" is a project by photographer John Marshall of Frye Island, Maine, who photographers silhouettes of himself posing with creative cardboard cutouts.

"Today, I was enjoying a sunset banana down by the lake when the most amazing thing happened," Marshall writes of the photo above. "All of a sudden, this warm breeze started blowing across my neck and it smelled just like bananas too."

A Photo of a Sunset Over the Mountains of Pluto

NASA has released a spectacular new photo of Pluto that was captured by its New Horizons spacecraft during the flyby on July 14th, 2015. This latest one shows a near-sunset view of the icy mountains on Pluto surface, poking up on a curved horizon.

Capture the Magical Golden Hour With Rizon For iOS

A magical moment of soft and warm light, the golden hour is a period slightly before sunset or slightly after sunrise when the sun is low in the sky. Many photographers aim to shoot during these time periods in order to take advantage of the unique natural lighting. Rizon is an elegant new app for iOS that will not only find you the best time but remind you to head outside when the time approaches.

Chasing the Hawaiian Sunset with an 800mm Lens

Growing up in a surfing family in Hawaii, The Endless Summer was a rite of passage. As a young boy, not only did that surf film give me a love of the ocean and adventure, the image of the cover was burned into my memory (Even Vanity Fair applauds the world renowned portrait).

Silhouettes of Swordsmen Framed by the Setting Sun

Using super-telephoto lenses to frame people against the rising moon has become quite popular as of late. Just last year we shared examples featuring people at a lookout, a high-line walker, and a mountain biker.

Photographer Göran Strand recently decided to take the idea a bit further by framing his subjects against the sun.

Photographer Captures 24 Sunsets in 8 Hours, Chases the Sun Around the Globe for Citizen

Photographer Simon Roberts and ex-NATO pilot Jonathan Nicol were recently given an incredible task to perform: they were asked to steal a night back from Mother Earth herself.

Over the course of 8 hours they literally chased the sun around the globe, staying in 'the same moment in time' and letting the Earth spin under them while Roberts captured all 24 sunsets along the way... or rather captured the sun trying to set on them while they fought back with technology and sheer force of will.

Time-Lapse Captured with Solar Telescope Shows a Sunset in Magnificent Detail

Swedish astrophotographer Göran Strand uploaded a time-lapse to YouTube today that is anything but your run-of-the-mill sunset lapse. For one, he's waited almost a full year to shoot this footage. For another, it was shot using a solar telescope, and so magnificently captures the sun in striking detail as it dips below the silhouette of the foreground landscape.

Broken Mirror/Evening Sky: Unique Sunset Photos Shot Through Shattered Mirrors

Sunsets are beautiful. They've inspired songs and paintings, they've been the backdrops to weddings and celebrations, and overall they're natures way of ending almost every day on a beautiful note.

However, as photographers, we often see them as something of a cliché. To change that up a bit, photographer Bing Wright decided to create a series of images titled "Broken Mirror/Evening Sky" that add a new element to the equation. As you can see from the image above as well as those below, it looks like he photographed some beautiful sunsets through broken windows. But that wasn't exactly how the images came to be.