Capture the Magical Golden Hour With Rizon For iOS


A magical moment of soft and warm light, the golden hour is a period slightly before sunset or slightly after sunrise when the sun is low in the sky. Many photographers aim to shoot during these time periods in order to take advantage of the unique natural lighting. Rizon is an elegant new app for iOS that will not only find you the best time but remind you to head outside when the time approaches.


Just launch Rizon to quickly see when the golden hour starts and when it ends for a particular location. Check the schedule for where you are currently located or move ahead to where your upcoming photo shoot may be held. The Rizon app is designed to make capturing the golden hour easy and provides up to date information for photographers to help find the perfect moment.


“The idea behind Rizon was that it’s usually a pain for the casual photographer to find out when the best time of day to shoot photographs outdoors is.” says Rizon’s Designer Sam King “Sure, there are other apps that tell you the same sort of information, but sometimes it can be an information overload. I just wanted a simple way to see when Golden Hour was happening, along with Twilight and the time of day to avoid harsh shadows.”


If you are worried about forgetting the next upcoming golden hour, just tap the alarm to set a quick reminder. Rizon can even remind you of the golden hour daily on weekdays or weekends, so you never miss the chance. Besides, no Internet connection is required to use the application so you won’t have to worry about being caught offline.



If you find yourself always hunting for the golden hour, then Rizon may be worth a look; it can currently be obtained from the iOS App Store for a special launch price of $2.
