
KitSplit to Offer Theft Protection After $3,500+ Camera Gear Thefts

Since launching in 2015, KitSplit has become a popular peer-to-peer rental network for camera gear. But gear owners have been exposed to thefts through the service, and after a recent pair of $3,500+ thefts, KitSplit has just announced a Theft Protection Owner Guarantee, the first coverage of its kind.

Flickr Won’t Delete Creative Commons Photos Over New 1,000 Free Limit

Flickr announced a controversial decision this month to limit free accounts to 1,000 photos and delete extra existing photos of users who are already over the limit. Many people immediately wondered whether countless Creative Commons photos would be trashed. Today, Flickr reassured the photo community by promising that CC photos aren't going anywhere.

Copyright Registration to be Limited to 750 Photos Per Claim: A Big Fee Hike for Some

The US Copyright Office has just announced new rules regarding the group registration of photographs. One of the biggest changes is the fact that only 750 unpublished photos can be registered at a time with each claim, when previously there was no limit. For photographers who regularly register extremely large batches of unpublished photos, copyright registration will soon be much more expensive.

FAA Bans Drones at Statue of Liberty and 9 Other Landmarks

If you'd like to capture close-up drone footage of the Statue of Liberty, you're going to have to do it very soon. The FAA has just announced that drones will be banned from flying close to the famous statue as well as 9 other landmarks. The restriction takes effect October 5th, 2017.

Laguna Beach Edits ‘Non-Commercial’ Photo Permit After Outcry

Earlier this month, we reported that the city of Laguna Beach, California, required photographers to pay $100+ for a photo permit even if they were shooting non-commercial photos on public land. After word of the policy spread and complaints began flooding in, Laguna Beach has now changed its policy, making it clear that personal photography is free to do on public property.

My New Policy of ‘Untipping’ as a Pro Photographer

It occurred to me yesterday that the whole idea of "tips" is a bit lopsided. If someone does a great job, we give them a hefty tip; if they do a terrible job, we give them no tip. In other words, the worst thing we can do to someone who provides a bad level of service is to not give them extra money.

That's... kind of a low bar to set. It's not even carrot-and-stick -- it's carrot-and-smaller-carrot.

Reuters Issues a Worldwide Ban on RAW Photos

Reuters has implemented a new worldwide policy for freelance photographers that bans photos that were processed from RAW files. Photographers must now only send photos that were originally saved to their cameras as JPEGs.

New Dallas Police Photo Rights Policy Way Too Vague, Photographers Say

The Dallas Police Department has officially released a new general order that's meant to inform officers on photographers' rights. The document, titled "Public Recording of Official Acts," warns officers that they cannot interfere with a person photographing or filming their activities as long as the recording is being done in an appropriate way.

High School Forces Student to Remove Online Photos Under Threat of Suspension

Imagine assembling a portfolio of over 4,000 photographs and then being forced to make it disappear or face life-altering consequences; that's the situation sophomore Anthony Mazur is currently facing at Flower Mound High School in his Texas hometown. After discovering the love of sports photography, the Lewisville Independent School District is now claiming that Anthony’s photographs are theirs and that he has no right to use them.

Facebook Eases Stance on Breastfeeding Photos

Facebook doesn’t have it easy when it comes to moderating content; with approximately 1.3 billion active users, it’s inevitable there will be a few mess-ups over time. But one issue Facebook has continually struggled with sorting out is the social network's wishy-washy policy on breastfeeding photographs.