
Minimalist Photography Using Long Exposures

Sometimes there is too much going on, in which case simplifying a scene can make it easier on the eye. We can choose to highlight particular shapes or colors and leave out or remove others.

A Complete Guide to Capturing Gorgeous Photos of the Night Sky

Peter Baumgarten is an award-winning nature photographer, educator, and OM SYSTEM Ambassador based on Canada’s Manitoulin Island. The island’s dark sky location provides Baumgarten with stunning nature and minimal light pollution, which allows the photographer to capture bright stars, the Milky Way, and northern lights from right outside his front door.


The Spectre Long Exposure App for iPhone is Now Free

The popular iPhone camera app Halide has announced that its artificial intelligence-powered Long Exposure Camera App Spectre will now be free to all users in version 1.5, but it also adds a Pro version for a one-time purchase of $4.99.

How to Simulate Long Exposure with an iPhone Without ND Filters

Right off the bat, I’m going to add the disclaimer that this tutorial will probably not be for every type of photographer out there. If you have no interest in exploring the creative opportunities that mobile photography offers, then this video may not be for you.

Why I Use Stacking Instead of an ND Filter for Long Exposure Photos

In this article, I'll share a technique that I learned many years ago and that I still use occasionally. You can use it for removing people from a scene, but in this case, I will be using it to mimic one of a neutral density (ND) filter's main purposes: longer exposure.

7 Critical Mistakes You Must Avoid When Photographing Waterfalls

The fascination and beauty of chasing waterfalls never seem to wane and I know I’m not alone and it is not just photographers chasing them. Some of the best times I’ve had in landscape photography have been hiking to a waterfall and then sitting in awe at its beauty as water cascades over rocks.

How To Snap Spectacular Fourth of July Fireworks This Summer

After a year indoors, this year’s Fourth of July fireworks are sure to be one of the highlights of summer. As most photographers know, the bright flash from fireworks against the dark night sky can make it tricky for both novice and experienced photographers to get a crystal-clear image of the spectacle.

How I Use Stencils to ‘Paint’ Light into Geometric Shapes

As a photographer, when you produce a series of photos that goes viral and you close sales and license deals because of it, it is tempting to simply continue doing the same and hopefully keep receiving the attention you had in the first place.

Radioactive Glass: Can Using Vintage Lenses Ruin Your Photos?

Some lenses produced from the 1940s through the 1970s were treated with radioactive thorium oxide to curb chromatic aberration. But as Andrew Walker explains in this 7.5-minute video, modern digital cameras can actually "see" that radiation as image noise that has the potential ruin your long exposures.

Photographer Captures Pyro Skydivers in a Milky Way Photo

Photographer Dustin Snipes recently did a project that takes light-painting photography to a whole new level. Teaming up with the Red Bull Air Force Team, he shot long-exposure photos of wingsuit skydivers falling to Earth while wearing sparkling pyrotechnics.

A Quick Intro to Minimalist Landscape Photography

Here we’re going to show you how to create minimalist landscape photography and give you plenty of examples, techniques and tips to get you inspired for your own shoot. Firstly, let’s answer; what is minimalist photography?

Striking Long Exposures Document Life on a Holy River Though Clouds of Migratory Birds

For Delhi-based photographer Sankar Sridhar, the Yamuna river represents a contradiction that he wanted to capture. Choked by industrial and household waste, it's devoid of aquatic life; and yet, every winter, millions of migratory birds come to the legendary river, which is revered as the only river with the power to grant immortality to humans.