
Shooting High-Speed Water Drop Photos From Start to Finish

Over the past couple of years, German photographer Markus Reugels has attracted quite a bit of attention for his high-speed photographs of water drop splashes. His project, titled "Liquid Splashes", consists of split-second photos that make colorful splashes look like tiny glass sculptures hovering in the air above a mirror. In the video above, Reugels introduces himself and his work, and takes us on a behind-the-scenes tour showing how he goes about creating his beautiful photographs.

Yahoo Reportedly Looking for a New Flickr Head via Acqui-Hire

Remember that new Flickr account we reported on yesterday that appeared to be owned by Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer? Turns out it actually wasn't her, and was quickly taken down after becoming a big story in the blogosphere.

TechCrunch reports that Mayer actually does have a Flickr account -- one that's set to private.

New Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Now on Flickr, Reportedly Doubles Team

Update: The account has mysteriously vanished from Flickr. This suggests that it was either fake, or something that wasn't meant to be as big of a news story as it was.

If you're a fan of Flickr, then you'll be happy to know that new Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer has apparently created an account on the photo sharing service. Granted, the page only features a single portrait of Mayer from her days as a Google exec, but it's an important first step. Neither of Mayer's two predecessors (Scott Thompson or Carol Bartz) bothered to join the service.

Internet Asks New Yahoo CEO Very Nicely to “Please Make Flickr Awesome Again”

Of the 5 people to take over the job of Yahoo! CEO over the last 5 years, Marissa Mayer is making the biggest splash. Maybe it's because she's six months pregnant and firing up the "working moms" debate, maybe it's because she's worth an approximate $300 million, or maybe it's because she was Google's 20th employee who's been doing great work over there since 1999. From a photography perspective, however, the Dear Marissa Mayer movement isn't hurting either.

Postrgram Turns Your Instagram and Flickr Images into Photo Mosaics

Postrgram is a new service that turns your Instagram and/or Flickr photo collections into photomosaics, or giant photos composed of tiny photos. The process involves a few simple steps: tell the service your username (make sure you have at least 50 photos in your stream), specify the image you'd like as the main image, and the rest is taken care of.

Flexplore is Like Pandora for Flickr Photos

Getting personalized recommendations for the music you listen to became common practice many years ago with the Music Genome Project and personalized radio stations by the likes of Pandora. Up until now, however, we haven't seen anything that takes that same sort of technology and applies it to photography. That's where Flexplore comes in.

CloudPic: A Universal Adapter That Connects Your Camera to Your Phone

The ability to connect your camera to your smartphone wirelessly is starting to really gather some steam. Unfortunately, up until now, that technology usually required a WiFi connection and an adapter that often cost some serious dinero. But if all you're looking to do is share the photos you take instantly sans WiFi network, you don't have many options. Enter CloudPic Mobile.

Google+ Team Intent on Stealing Flickr’s Photo Sharing Crown

Over the last couple of days Google has been hosting the "Hangout In Real Life" Google+ Photographers Conference in San Francisco, and if anything has come out of the conference at all, it's that Google is intent on making Google+ the photo sharing service of the future.

Yahoo! and the Decline and Fall of Flickr

For those of us who remember it, Flickr was once an amazing place. More than just a website or a bucket of features, it was a vibrant community made up by professional photographers and amateur photo junkies alike. Before Facebook would even allow you to upload anything more than a profile picture, Flickr was the place you went to share your life in pictures. And then, at least according to an article on Gizmodo, Yahoo! happened.

Photos of Footprints Made From Different Sized Stones

Scottish photographer Iain Blake's fun and, let's face it, cute Stone Footprints series caught our attention earlier this week. Like many of the series we feature, it wasn't necessarily innovative photography technique, but rather the creative execution of a unique idea that drew us in.

Flickr Ups Max Displayed Resolution to 2048px and Adds Size Controls

The folks at Flickr don't seem to be slowing down for anything. In the fight to stay relevant as more and more competition springs up, we've seen the Yahoo! photo sharing site go through an overhaul ranging from looks to a new uploader. And now Flickr is adding two new photo sizes and a new image control setting for its Pro members.

Flickr Rolls Out New HTML5 Uploader and Size Limits in War Against Rising 500px

Since late last year the photo sharing site 500px -- which even then was "growing like a weed" -- has continued to expand, grow, add features, and otherwise challenge Flickr for online photography dominance. But Flickr hasn't taken it lying down. In the past this involved a redesign to make the site more visually appealing and the addition of the Aviary photo editor. Now the improvements are beginning to improve functionality.