
Photographer, 36, WLTM New Long-Term Partner….

Although so far the stories of Flickr's death have been greatly exaggerated, there's no denying the photo-hosting leviathan is in a difficult situation. At best, it will be taken over by a company content to keep things ticking over and just claim the subscription fees, but I'm guessing that it will change.

It Looks Like Flickr is Now For Sale

It's looking more and more like Flickr will soon find itself under the control of a new owner. It's no secret that its parent company, Yahoo, has been struggling as of late, and now the latest word is that Yahoo is on the auction block and taking offers for its businesses.

Flickr’d Out: The Rise and Fall of a Photo Sharing Service

In yet another example that maintaining dominance within a space cannot be taken for granted, Flickr announced earlier this month that they are only allowing auto-uploads from the desktop for paying customers. Wired declared “Time to Give up on Flickr, Everybody.”

Flickr To Be Scaled Back As Yahoo Trims 1,700 Jobs

Yahoo announced yesterday that it will be cutting 15% of its workforce, or about 1,700 jobs, in an effort to bring the flagging Internet company back into profitability. The company will also be trimming and shutting down weak and non-essential businesses to focus on core products.

Unfortunately for photographers, Flickr will reportedly be one of the businesses that will see some cutbacks in the very near future.

Here’s How Camera Brands Have Fared on Flickr Over the Past 5 Years

Flickr recently gathered up photo and camera data to review the past year, and now the company is doing some number crunching to reveal major trends in the cameras used by the photographer community.

The graph above shows how the popularity of major camera brands have changed over the past half decade.

The Top Photos and Cameras on Flickr in 2015

Billions of photos were uploaded by photographers to Flickr over the course of 2015. As this year is winding down, Flickr has crunched some numbers and announced the top photos and cameras on the photo sharing service this year.

Yahoo May Sell Flickr and Its Core Internet Business

Flickr could soon find itself with a new owner. Yahoo is reportedly considering a sale of its struggling core Internet business, in which the photo sharing service Flickr -- acquired back in 2005 for around $25 million -- is just a small piece of the pie.

Yahoo’s Image Search Now Pulls Personalized Results from Flickr

Yahoo is rolling out a revamped image search engine today that now includes photo results from its Flickr service. As long as you're signed in, the personalized Flickr results will include your own collection of Flickr photos, photos from people you follow, and other top public photos on the service.

Every Moon Photo Shot by Apollo Astronauts is Now on Flickr

Want to browse the entire collection of photos captured on the moon by Apollo astronauts with their chest-mounted Hasselblad cameras? You can now do so right on Flickr.

The Project Apollo Archive has uploaded over 8,400 high-resolution scans of photos shot by Apollo astronauts during trips to the moon.

Here’s How Flickr’s Image Compression Has Changed Since Early 2014

Back in June, we reported that some Flickr users had taken to the service's forums to complain about increasing compression hurting the image quality of their photos. We did some tests of our own and found that there was indeed significant file size and image quality differences -- at least compared to photos uploaded back in 2012.

Well, Flickr heard the grumbling of photographers and made adjustments to its image compression. Backend engineer Archie Russell has also published an article on the company's code blog that explains the whole story.

Flickr is Working on Virtual Reality Photo Experiences

Virtual reality is one of the trending technologies that tech companies are pouring vast amounts of time and research into, and one company that wants in is Flickr. The photo sharing company is working on a virtual reality photo viewing experience that may be integrated into its service in the future.

These Stock Photos Capture Quintessential New York City Situations

Stock photography has provided business and individuals with a method of acquiring imagery without the need to hire a photographer. However, has any bit of stock photography ever truly captured the complex nature of a New Yorker? Apparently the folks over at New York radio station WNYC didn’t feel that the need was being addressed and, as a result, have crafted 35 “quintessential photos of true New York City.”

The photo above is titled: "Woman Texting at Top of Subway Stairs While Others Try to Exit."

Study: Flickr Photos Can Predict People’s Movements

Before you head out for your next vacation, you may want to consider what your photos on Flickr reveal about your travel plans. A new study published in the Royal Society Open Science journal used machine learning algorithms to model the mobility of individuals.

By analyzing the embedded timestamp and geographic information within photographs, the researchers were able to accurately predict where a person is most likely currently located and where they may be headed in the future.

Practical Pointers for Getting Your Photos Noticed on Flickr and 500px

You have just composed your photographic masterpiece. After hours of planning, precise composition, and utilizing your technical knowledge, you have captured the perfect image. It's now time to share it with the world, but hours after posting your pièce de résistance, you've only received a meager two views.

In this article, we'll be discussing some basic tips for helping you make your work shine and become more noticeable on photo sharing sites.

Some Thoughts After Using Flickr Version 4.0

Having had a few weeks now to spend significant time exploring Flickr 4.0, I thought I’d write up a detailed post about my ongoing thoughts on the recent update by Flickr.

Filtered Photos Are 21% More Likely to Be Viewed

Popularized by the likes of Instagram, photo filters are divisive in the world of photography: some people love using and viewing them, while others hate what they've done to the medium. No matter which side of the aisle you find yourself on, one thing is clear: filters can have a big impact these days on how popular your shared images are.

And that effect has now been quantified: it turns out filtered photos are 21% more likely to be viewed online than their original, unprocessed shots.

Shutterdial Lets You Search Through Flickr Photos by Camera Settings

Flickr rolled out a new search engine last week, but one thing it still lacks is a way to search by EXIF data. A new website has launched to fill that hole. Called shutterdial, it's a Flickr search engine that lets you find photos by camera settings such as focal length, aperture, and shutter speed.

Flickr Loses Its Head: Bernardo Hernandez is Out

Flickr is basking in a fresh wave of press after launching a revamp of its website and mobile apps, but the leader that oversaw Flickr 4.0 won't be around to see whether it pans out. Bernardo Hernandez, chief of the photo sharing service since 2013, has left his position at Yahoo.